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Hiera Pachi, or Hiera Archigenis

Hiera Pachi, or Hiera Archigenis, or Hiera DiacolochyntidosThe Hiera of Pachiusor, Hiera of Archigenis Tradition: Western Source / Author: Scribonius Herb Name ColocynthAgaricGermanderWhite HorehoundStoechasSagapenumParsley seedRound BirthwortWhite PepperSpikenardCinnamonMyrrhSaffron Latin Citrullus colocynthusFomitopsis officinalisTeucrium chamaedrysMarrubium vulgareLavendula stoeachsFerula persicaPetroselinum cripsumAristolchia spp.Piper albumNardostachys jatamansiCinnamonum zeylanicumCommiphora molmolCrocus sativus Amount   10 oz. ea. 5 oz. ea. 4 oz. ea. Preparation: The…

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Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)

Syrupus de Artemisia Syrup of Mugwort Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopeia Augustana Herb Name MugwortPennyroyalCalamintBalmOreganoArssmartDittany of CreteSavin MarjoramGermanderSt. John’s wortGround PineFeverfewRueCentauryBetonyBuglossFennel rootCelery rootParsley rootAsparagus rootButchers Broom rootSaxifrage rootElecampaneCyperusMadderOrris rootPeony rootJuniper berryLovage seedParsley seedCelery seedAniseedNigella seedCubebCostusCassia WoodCardamonCalamusAsarabacca rootPellitory of SpainValerian Latin Artemisia vulgarisMentha pulegiumCalamintha officinalisMelissa officinalisOreganum vulgarePolygonum hydropierOriganum dictamnusJuniperus sabinaOreganum marjoranaTeucrium chamaedrysHypericum perforatumAjuga chamaepitysTanacetum partheniumRuta…

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StoneBreaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)

Lithontripticon,or Species LithontribonStone-Breaking Powder Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Myrepsus Herb Name Goat Blood preparedIndian SpikenardGingerClove CinnamonBlack PepperCardamonMaceCostusLicoriceCyperusTragacanthGermanderBishop’s weed seed Parsley seedAsparagus seedBasil seedNettle seedCitron seedSaxifrage seedBurnet seedCaraway seedCarrot seedFennel seedButchers Broom seedMacedonian Parsley seedBurdock seedHartwortAsarabaccaSponge StoneLynx Stone (Belemite)Crab EyesJew’s Stone Latin Capra sanguinus preparata Nardostachys jatamansiZingiber officinalisEugenia caryophyllusCinnamonum zeylanicumPiper nigrum Elettaria cardamomumMyristica…

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Pills for Arthritis (Wirtzung)

Pills for Arthritis Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Armenian EarthMyrrhBetonyGround PinePimpinellaGermanderAloe Saffron Latin Terra ArmeniusCommiphora molmolBetonica officinalisAjuga chamaepitysPimpinella saxifragaTeucrium chamaedrysAloe spp. Crocus sativus Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea.1⁄2 scruple Preparation: Form pills with Honey of Roses Function: Clears Heat and Damp, relieves Pain and Inflammation Use: Arthritis Dose: 1⁄2–1 dram…

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Antidote of Seven Things (Paulus Aegineta)

DiasptumOr, Electuarium CentauriumAntidote of Seven ThingsOr, Electuary of Centaury Tradition: Western Source / Author: Seven Books of Paulus Aegineta Herb Name St. John’s wortLong BirthwortCentauryGround PineAgaricGermanderGentianHoney Latin Hypericum perforatumAristolchia longaCentaurium erythraeaAjuga chamaepitysFomitopsis officinalisTeucrium chamaedrysGentiana lutea Mel Amount 1 oz. ea. 3 oz. ea. 4 oz.5 oz.5 drams Preparation: Powder the herbs and mix with three…

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Powder Against Joint Pain

Powder Against Joint Pain Tradition: Western Source / Author: Enchiridion Medicum, Petrus Pomarius, 1612 Herb Name Ground PineGermanderGentianRue Latin Ajuga chamaepitysTeucrium chamaedrysGentiana luteaRuta graveolens Amount 3 drams each1⁄2 oz. Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Wind and Damp, eases Pain Use: Arthritic pain Dose: A small spoonful taken with white wine during Winter, and water in Summer….

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