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Ming Mu Di Huang Wan

Ming Mu Di Huang Wan  明目地黄丸Rehmannia Improve the Vision Pills Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Scrutiny of the Precious Jade Case (1644) Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Shen (Poria with root) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Chai Hu…

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An Shen Ding Zhi Wan

An Shen Ding Zhi Wan 安神定志丸Calm the Spirit Settle the Emotions Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Restoration of Health from the Myriad Diseases (1587) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Fu Shen (Poria with root)Yuan Zhi (Polygala)Long Gu (Fossil bones)Shi Chang Pu (Calamus) Latin Panax ginsengPoria cocosPoria cocosPolygala tenuifoliaFossila OsAcorus tatarinowii Amount 9 grams…

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Gou Teng San

Gou Teng San  鉤藤散Uncaria Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Gou Teng (Gambir)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Fu Shen (Poria with root)Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon)Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Zhi Ban Xia (Pinellia root)Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia)Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum)Shi Gao (Gypsum)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger)Gan Cao (Licorice) Latin Uncaria rhynchophyllaPanax ginsengPoria cocosPoria cocosOphiopogon japonicusCitrus reticulataPinellia ternataSaposhnikovia divaricataChrysanthemum morifoliumCalcium…

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