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An Shen Ding Zhi Wan

An Shen Ding Zhi Wan 安神定志丸Calm the Spirit Settle the Emotions Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Restoration of Health from the Myriad Diseases (1587) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Fu Shen (Poria with root)Yuan Zhi (Polygala)Long Gu (Fossil bones)Shi Chang Pu (Calamus) Latin Panax ginsengPoria cocosPoria cocosPolygala tenuifoliaFossila OsAcorus tatarinowii Amount 9 grams…

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Mai Wei Di Huang Wan

Mai Wei Di Huang Wan  麦味地黄丸Ophiopogon, Schisandra and Rehmannia Pills Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Achieving Longevity by Guarding the Source (1615) Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Ling (Poria) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra)Main Men Dong (Ophiopogon)…

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Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum, Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction)

Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang 柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤Bupleurum, Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Source: Discussion of Cold-induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun) Herb Name Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Ban Xia (Pinellia)Huang Qin (Scutellaria)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger)Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig)Fu Ling (Poria)Long Gu (Fossil Bone)Mu Li (Oyster shell)Da Huang (Rhubarb)Da…

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Bei Mu Gua Lou San

Bei Mu Gua Lou San 貝母瓜蔞散Fritillaria and Trichsanthes Fruit Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Medical Revelations (Yi Xue Xin Wu) Herb Name Chuan Bei Mu (Fritillaria)Gua Lou (Trichosanthes fruit)Tian Hua Fen (Trichosanthes root)Fu Ling (Poria)Ju Hong (Orange peel)Jie Geng (Platycodon) Latin Fritillaria cirrhosaTrichosanthis KirilowiiTrichosanthis KirilowiiPoria cocosCitrus aurantiumPlatycodi Grandiflori Amount 4 ½ grams3 grams 2 ½ grams…

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Gou Teng San

Gou Teng San  鉤藤散Uncaria Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Gou Teng (Gambir)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Fu Shen (Poria with root)Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon)Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Zhi Ban Xia (Pinellia root)Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia)Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum)Shi Gao (Gypsum)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger)Gan Cao (Licorice) Latin Uncaria rhynchophyllaPanax ginsengPoria cocosPoria cocosOphiopogon japonicusCitrus reticulataPinellia ternataSaposhnikovia divaricataChrysanthemum morifoliumCalcium…

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Dan Zhi Xiao Yan San (Jia Wei Xiao Yao San) (TCM)

Dan Zhi Xiao Yan San 丹子逍遥散or Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 加味逍遥散Free and Easy Powder with Moutan and Gardenia Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Formulary of the Pharmacy Service for Benefitting the People in the Taiping Era: 1107 Herb Name Chai Hu (Thoroughwax root)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Shao (White Peony)Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Fu Ling…

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Er Long Zuo Ci Wan

Er Long Zuo Ci Wan  耳聋左慈丸Pill for Deafness that is Kind to the Left (Kidney) Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Discussion of Widespread Warm Epidemics (1642) Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Ling (Poria) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Ci Shi (Magnetite)Shi…

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Ren Shen Bai Du San

Ren Shen Bai Du San  人参败毒散Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogens Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Craft of Medicinal Treatment for Childhood Disease Patterm (Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue) Herb Name Qiang HuoDu Huo (Angelica)Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum)Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Jie Geng (Platycodon)Zhi Ke (Bitter Orange)Qian Hu (Peucedanum)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Fu Ling (Poria)Bo He (Peppermint)Gan Cao (Licorice) Latin…

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Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 知柏地黄丸 Rehmannia Six with Anemorrhena and Phellodendron Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Investigation of Medical Formulas, 1584 Herb Name Sheng Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Ling (Poria) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root)Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Huang Bai (Amur cork-tree bark)Zhi Mu (Anemarrhena) Latin…

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Xiao Yao San (TCM)

Xiao Yao San 逍遥散Happy Wanderer, Or Free and Easy PowderOr Rambling Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Formulary of the Pharmacy Service for Benefitting the People in the Taiping Era: 1107 Herb Name Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Shao (White Peony)Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Fu Ling (Poria) Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice)Pao Jiang (fried…

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Liu An Jian

Liu An Jian 六案件Six Serenity Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Collected Treatises of Jing-Yue (Jing Yue Quan Shu) Herb Name Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Ban Xia (Pinellia)Fu Ling (Poria)Gan Cao (Licorice)Xing Ren (Apricot kerne)Bal Jie Zi (Mustard seed) Latin Citri ReticulataePinelliae TernataePoria cocosGlycyrrhizae UralensisPrunus armenicaSinapis alba Amount 4 ½ grams6–9 grams6 grams 3 grams ea.1 ½–2…

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Dang Gui Shao Yao San

Dang Gui Shao Yao San 当归芍药散Dang Gui and Peony Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Essential of the Golden Cabinet, c. 220 Herb Name Dang Gui (Chinese angelica) Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Bai Shao (White Peony) Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Fu Ling (Poria) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Latin Angelica sinensisLigusticum chuanxiongPaeonia lactifloraAtractylodes macrocephalaPoria cocosAlisma…

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