Decoction to Expel Bile (Andernacus)
Decoction to Expel Bile Tradition: Western Source / Author: Andernacus Herb Name EndiveChicoryAgrimonyBorage flowerBugloss flowerViolet flowerTamarindDamask PruneLicorice Latin Chicorium endivaChicorium intybusAgrimonia eupatoriaBorago officinalisAnchusa officinalisViola odorataTamarindus indicaPrunus domesticaGlycyrrhiza glabra Amount 1⁄2 handful ea. 1⁄2 pugil ea. 1 oz.51 1⁄2 drams Preparation: Decoct Function: clears Heat, clears Bile, benefits the Liver Use: 1. used for Bile disorders;2….