Troches for the Womb
Troches for the Wombor Hysteric Troches Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name AsafetidaGalbanumMyrrhCastoreumAsarabacca rootLong BirthwortSavin FeverfewCatnipDittany Latin Ferula asafetidaFerula galbanifluaCommiphora molmolCastoreum Asarum europeumAristolchia longaJuniperus sabinaTanacetum partheniumNepeta catariaDictamnus albus Amount 2 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams1 1⁄2 drams 1 dram ea. 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Steep the Gums in the Juice or Decoction of Rue, strain, and…