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Sudorific Vinegar

Sudorific Vinegar Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mynsicht Herb Name SarsaparillaChina rootSassafrasElder flowerCassia Wood Latin Smilax sarsaparilla Smilax glabra Laurus sassafras Sambucus nigra Cinnamonum cassia Amount 1 oz. ea. 6 drams 4 drams 2 drams Preparation: Bruise the herbs and cover with Wine Vinegar enough to cover by 4 finger breadths. Function: Promotes Sweat, Clears…

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Wine for Catarrh

Wine for Catarrh Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Avens rootCalamus rootMarjoramElder flowersRed Wine Latin Geum herbanumAcorus calamusOreganum marjoranaSambucus nigraVinum rubrum Amount 1 oz.3 oz.1 handful 1⁄2 handful 16 lbs. Preparation: Infuse the bruised herbs in the wine, then strain Function: Clears Phlegm, opens Obstructions Use: Catarrh Dose: Take a small wineglassful several times…

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Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)

Decoction for Cancer Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710 Herb Name Figwort rootMullein rootFilipendulaHerb RobertCeterachAgrimonyTormentilScabiousToad FlaxElder flowerRosemary flowerNettle seed Latin Scrophularia nodosa Verbascum thapsus Filipendula ulmaria Geranium robertum Asplenium ceterach Agrimonia eupatoria Potentilla tormentilla Scabiosa arvensis Linaria vulgaris Sambucus nigra Rosmarinus officinalis Urtica dioica Amount 2 oz. ea. 1 handful…

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Decoction for Arthritis

Decoction for Arthritis Tradition: Western Source / Author: Guide to Medicinal Plants, Schauenberg and Paris, 1977 Herb Name Willow barkElder flowersRosemaryGolden RodColtsfoot leaf Latin Salix albaSambucus nigraRosmarinus officinalisSolidago virgaureaTussilago farfara Amount 3 parts 2 parts ea. 1 part Preparation: Add 2 tablespoonfuls of the beaten or cut herbs to 1 1⁄2 liters of boiling water,…

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