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Crystallus, Crystal

Crystallus, Crystal Sphatika (Ayurveda)Sang e Murda (Unani) Quartz Crystal(Photo by Robert M. Lavinsky) (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Silicon dioxide Parts used: Prepared CrystalSalmon said there were 4 main types of Crystal: Rock Crystal Iris: “from a differing though colorless glory” Citrine Pseudo Adamas–False Diamond; “so hard and sparkle so excellently, that they can scarcely be distinguished…

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Powder to Increase Milk Supply

Powder to Increase Milk Supply Tradition: Western Source / Author: Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Universale, 1764 Herb Name Turnip seedParsnip seedRadish seedAniseedFennel seedCelery seedDill seedRue seedWhite Chickpea flourCinnamon White Mustard seedCrystalRock SaltWhite Sugar Latin Brassica rapaPastinaca sativaRaphanus sativaPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareApium graveolensAnethum graveolensRuta graveolensCicer arietinumCinnamonum zeylanicumSinapis alba CrystallumSal GemSaccharum Amount 2 drams ea. 1 dram ea.1⁄2 oz.3 drams1…

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Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger

Medicamen ex inventione nostra defendens basin ab omni periculoMedicine to Defend the Base from all Danger Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Red CoralMaceBone of a Stag’s HeartAmbergrisPearlCrystalGold leafSilver leafIvoryRubySapphireHyacinth (Zircon)BalsamMuskRosemaryTabasheerSandalwoodCloveGalangalCalamus *CubebIndian SpikenardStaceorum barkCuttlefish bone BasilCardamonWhite PepperLong PepperBay berryPellitoryStoraxCalamusMagnetMyrrhThebane OpiumPeony seed *CamomileWild Sage (Lilifagus)MarjoramBalsamita **AmmiRound BirthwortDianthosSaffronAloeswoodWhite…

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