Black Pepper | Calamint seed | Celery seed | Lovage seed | Parsley seed | Pennyroyal seed | Siler Montane seed | Thyme
Electuary of Calamint (Galen)
Electuarium de Calamintha Electuary of Calamint Tradition: Western Source / Author: Galen Herb Name Calamint seedPennyroyal seedParsley seedSiler montane seedCelery seedThyme Lovage seedBlack Pepper Latin Calamintha officinalisMentha pulegiumPetroselinum crispumSiler montanumApium graveolensThymus vulgarisLevisticum officinalePiper nigrum Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea. 1 oz.3 oz. Preparation: Form a powder, then with a sufficient amount of Sugar,…