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Powder of Senna with Flowers (Mesue)

Powder of Senna with Flowers Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name SennaBorage flowerBugloss flowerViolet flowerRose flowerGinger Latin Cassia angustifolia Borago officinalis Lycopsis arvensis Viola odorata Rosa gallica Zingiber officinalis Amount 1 oz. 2 drams ea.1 scruple Preparation: Powder Function: Purges Heat, Bile and Melancholy Use: 1. used as a mild laxative for…

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Decoction of Senna

Decoction of Senna Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name SennaPolypodyGingerRaisins, stonedSebestensPrunes Borage flowersViolets flowersRose flowersRosemary flowers Latin Cassia angustifoliaPolypodium vulgareZingiber officinalisVitis vinifera Cordia sppPrunus domesticaBorago officinalisViola odorataRosa gallicaRosmarinus officinalis Amount 2 oz. 1⁄2 oz.1 dram 2 oz. 12 each 2 drams ea. Preparation: Boil in 4 lbs. of Water until half is gone, adding…

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Potion for Virulent and Corrosive Ulcers

Potion for Virulent and Corrosive Ulcers Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wecker Herb Name Borage flowerViolet flowerChicory rootRaisinsPolypodyLicoricePrunesSebestenRhubarbAgaric SennaSpikenardRock SaltGinger Latin Borago officinalisViola odorataChicorium intybusVitis viniferaPolypodium vulgareGlycyrrhiza glabraPrunus domesticaCordia spp Rheum palmatumFomitopsis officinalisCassia angustifoliaNardostachys jatamansiSal Gem Zingiber officinalis Amount 1 pugil ea. 1⁄2 oz. ea. 2 drams ea. 51⁄2 oz.3 drams1 1⁄2 drams10 drams1 dram1⁄2…

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