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Antidotum Asthmaticus (Nicholas)

Antidotum Asthmaticus Antidote Against Asthma Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name Sugar PenidPine nutRaisinSweet AlmondDate LicoriceGingerStarchTragacanthFrankincenseMastic Bean mealLinseedHoney Latin Penidiarum Nux PineaVitis viniferaPrunus amygdalus dulcis Diospyros lotusGlycyrrhiza glabraZingiber officinalisAmyli Astragalus tragacanthBoswellia sacraPistacia lentiscusFaba Linium usitatissimumMel Amount 50 drams 7 drams ea. 4 drams ea.sufficient Preparation: Powder, and mix with…

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Plaster for Bruised Blood Under the Skin

Plaster for Bruised Blood Under the Skin Tradition: Western Source / Author: The Antidotarie Chyrurgical, John Banister, 1589 Herb Name Fresh ComfreyCamomileMelilotSaffron Bean mealFenugreek mealFresh Butter Latin Symphytum officinaleMatricaria recutitaMelilotus officinalisCrocus sativus FabaTrigonella foenum-graecumButyrum Amount 1⁄2 lb.2 pugils ea. 1⁄2 dram4 oz.5 oz.1 oz. Preparation: Boil gently, then add 1 oz. of Wormwood juice and…

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Powder to Agglutinate the Lips of a Wound (Nicholas)

Powder to Agglutinate the Lips of a Wound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicolas (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name Armenian EarthSealed EarthFrankincenseMasticSarcocollaMyrrh AloesTragacanthDragons BloodBarley mealBean meal Latin Terra ArmeniusTerra SigillataBoswellia sacraPistacia lentiscusAstragalus sarcocollaCommiphora molmolAloe spp. Astragalus tragacanthDaemonorops dracoHordeumFaba Amount 6 drams ea. 2 drams ea. 1⁄2 dram ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Astringent,…

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Electuary of Poppy (Diapapaver) (Mesue)

Diapapaver Electuary of Poppy Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: De morbis internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Poppy seedLicoriceTragacanthSugar PenidsGum ArabicLicorice juiceBean mealFennel seedAniseedLettuce seedStarchPurslane seedMallow seedCucumber seedMelon seedPumpkin seed Latin Papaver somniferumGlycyrrhiza glabraAstragalus tragacanthSaccharum PenidumAcacia arabicaSuccus GlycyrrhizaFaba Foeniculum vulgarePimpinella anisumLactuosa sativaAmylumPortulaceae oleraceaMalva sylvestrisCucumis sativusCitrullus vulgarisCucurbita pepo Amount 30 drams 20 drams ea. 10…

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‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’

‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’ Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gabelhover, 1599 Herb Name Marshmallow rootLily rootLinseedFenugreekBean mealMallow Squill Latin Althea officinalisLilium candidumLinium usitatissimumTrigonella foenum-graecumVicia faba Malva sylvestrisScilla maritima Amount 1 oz. ea. Preparation: Beat them and boil in Goat’s milk until thick. Add Oil of Mastic and Oil of Quince, of each 1…

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