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Theriac of Sealed Earth

Theriaca ex Terra SigillataTheriac of Sealed Earth Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681) Herb Name Sealed EarthBayberry Orris Latin Terra SigillataLaurus nobilisIris germanica Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder, mix with a little Beef fat and stir-fry. Then mix with Honey to form an Electuary. Function: Resists Poison Use: PoisonThe source text says it…

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Myrica, Bayberry PRO

Myrica, Bayberry Myrica, Box Myrtle, Wax-Myrtle, Candleberry, WaxberryTuffah Alajaib, Ood al-Barg Tandol, Kaayaphal (Unani)Katphala (Ayurveda)Marudam (Siddha) The Family Flora and Materia Medica Botanica, Good, 1847 MYRICA ROOT-BARK1, Portion of the bark without the corky layer.  2. Piece of the corkylayer.  3, Cross-section of the bark.  4, A thick piece of the bark. Squibb’s Atlas of…

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Myrica, Bayberry FREE

Myrica, Bayberry Myrica, Box Myrtle, Wax-Myrtle, Candleberry, WaxberryTuffah Alajaib, Ood al-Barg Tandol, Kaayaphal (Unani)Katphala (Ayurveda)Marudam (Siddha) The Family Flora and Materia Medica Botanica, Good, 1847 MYRICA ROOT-BARK1, Portion of the bark without the corky layer.  2. Piece of the corkylayer.  3, Cross-section of the bark.  4, A thick piece of the bark. Squibb’s Atlas of…

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Plaster for Hernias

Plaster for Hernias Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: Rhasis Herb Name AcaciaCypress nutsMarjoramRueBayberryGallsWild Pomegranate rootGum Arabic Latin Acacia app.Cupressus semperviensOreganum marjoranaRuta graveolensLaurus nobilisQuercus infectoriaPunica granatumAcacia arabica Amount equal parts Preparation: Mix with Fish Glue and form a Plaster Function: Astringent, Strengthening Use: 1. Hernia2. Aneurisms Dose: Topically applied Cautions: None noted Modifications: Back…

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Electuary for Gastric Pain

Electuary for Gastric Pain Tradition: Western Source / Author: The Admirable Secrets of Physick and Chyrurgery, Thomas Palmer, 1696 Herb Name Long PepperCumin seedsCalamusBayberry Latin Piper longumCuminum cyminumAcorus calamusLaurus nobilis Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder finely, boil with honey to a Confection Function: Warms, stops Wind, moves Qi, eases Pain Use: 1. Gastric or Abdominal…

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