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Troches for the Womb

Troches for the Wombor Hysteric Troches Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name AsafetidaGalbanumMyrrhCastoreumAsarabacca rootLong BirthwortSavin FeverfewCatnipDittany Latin Ferula asafetidaFerula galbanifluaCommiphora molmolCastoreum Asarum europeumAristolchia longaJuniperus sabinaTanacetum partheniumNepeta catariaDictamnus albus Amount 2 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams1 1⁄2 drams 1 dram ea. 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Steep the Gums in the Juice or Decoction of Rue, strain, and…

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Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)

Syrupus de Artemisia Syrup of Mugwort Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopeia Augustana Herb Name MugwortPennyroyalCalamintBalmOreganoArssmartDittany of CreteSavin MarjoramGermanderSt. John’s wortGround PineFeverfewRueCentauryBetonyBuglossFennel rootCelery rootParsley rootAsparagus rootButchers Broom rootSaxifrage rootElecampaneCyperusMadderOrris rootPeony rootJuniper berryLovage seedParsley seedCelery seedAniseedNigella seedCubebCostusCassia WoodCardamonCalamusAsarabacca rootPellitory of SpainValerian Latin Artemisia vulgarisMentha pulegiumCalamintha officinalisMelissa officinalisOreganum vulgarePolygonum hydropierOriganum dictamnusJuniperus sabinaOreganum marjoranaTeucrium chamaedrysHypericum perforatumAjuga chamaepitysTanacetum partheniumRuta…

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