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Halerpestes, Chu rug sbal lag PRO

Halerpestes, Chu rug sbal lag ཆུ་རུག་སྦལ་ལག་ Chu rug sbal lag (TibetJian Mao Gen Shu 碱毛茛属 (TCM) Halerpestes cymbalariaOeder, G.C., Flora Danica (1761-1861) Halerpestes cymbalaria(Photo from USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database) Halerpestes sarmentosa(Photo by Юлия, edited) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Halerpestes spp. H. cymbalaria (syn. Ranunculus cymbalaria) H. tricuspis (syn. Ranunculus tricuspis) H. sarmentosa H. salsuginosa Other related species…

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