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Olea, Olive tree

Olea, Olive tree Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Wild and Domestic OliveDioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Flora von Deutschland (16), Kohler, 1884 Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 Botanical name: Olea europea Parts used: Fruit (pickled); Leaf; Expressed Oil Temperature & Taste: LEAF: Cool and dry, BitterOIL: Warm and Moist….

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Punica Fructus, Pomegranate Fruit PRO

Punica Fructus, Pomegranate fruit Shi Liu Zi (TCM)Se bru  སེ་འབྲུ  (Tibetan)Dadima (Ayurveda)Anardana (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Pomegranate Fruit (Adam, 2019) Dried Pomegranate fruit as used inAyurveda and Tibetan Medicine (Adam, 2016) Botanical name: Punica granatum Parts used: Fruit; the dried, ripe fruit-seed are used in Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda.Unani…

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Resources for the study of Traditional Medicine

Resources SubstitutesLinks & TextsWeights & MeasuresHow to Modify a Traditional FormulaSynopsis of the Primary Formulas of the Western Tradition History Glossaries Brief Overview of Traditional MedicineTraditional Medicine SystemsTimeline of Traditional MedicineAuthors and Sources Study and Research Aids Reading Old English Medical BooksLatin Formula NamesPhotosPictures from Old HerbalsThe Elemental Universe Glossaries PageGlossary of Western Medicine namesGlossary…

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Astroites, Star Stone

Astroites, Star Stone Witch StonesAstrion, Asterites, Astroites, Astrochites, Astroitis (Star stone), Lapis Stellae magis (stone of many stars), Stellaris lapis, Stellæ lapis, Lapis Stellatus (starry stone), Astroitis verum (True star stone), Stellaria Astroitidis (Star star)These stones are fossilized limestone skeleton of ancient motherpores or marine polyperos (colonial Corals) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Museum Wormianum, 1655 Metallotheca…

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Ficus, Fig PRO

Ficus, Fig Dried Figs were traditionally called CariceAnjeer (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Dried Fig slices added to flower teas in China (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Ficus caricaRelated species are used similarly in various systems. Parts used: Fruit, most commonly in their dried form Temperature & Taste:…

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Castanea, Chestnut

Castanea, Chestnut Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (10), Kohler, 1882 Botanical name: Castanea sativa Parts used: Nut Temperature & Taste: Warm, moist Uses: 1. Nourishes Blood, Tonifies Yin:-‘They have the vertues of Almonds and Hazelnuts, but more nourishing’; Galen said they are the…

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Coriandrum, Coriander FREE

Coriandrum, Coriander Kishneez, Kishniz (Unani, Seed)Dhanyaka (Ayurveda)‘u Su  འུ་སུ  (Tibetan, Seed) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Darstellung und Beschreibung Pharmacopoea Borussica, Berg, 1858 CORIANDER FRUIT1. Small coriander. 2, Coriander of a normal size, 3, Indian coriander (not official) Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Members CLICK HERE for…

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Nigella, Gith, Black Cumin FREE

Nigella, Gith Black Cumin, MelanthiumKalonji (Unani)Habat al-Baraka (Arabic)Kalajira, Mugrela (Ayurveda)Zi ra nag po  ཟི་ར་ནག་པོ  (Tibetan)Hei Zhong Cao Zi 黑种草子 (TCM) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Nigella spp. N. sativa N. damascena N. glandulifera (syn. Nigella sativa var. hispidula) Parts used:…

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Cassia Fistula FREE

Cassia fistula Indian Laburnum, Purging Cassia, Cassia SolutivaAmaltas (Unani)Amaltas (Hindi)Arag-vadha (Sanskrit)Dong ga དོང་ག (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 CASSIA FISTULA1, 2. Grooves and ridges on one side of the fruit.3, Short stout pedicle. 3 (lower), Shows the cross partitionsand several seeds. 4, Round disk…

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Oreganum, Marjoram, Oregano FREE

Marjorana, Oreganum; Marjoram and Oregano Marjoram: Sweet Marjoram, Marjoram gentleOregano: Wild or Winter Marjoram Oregano (left) and Marjoram (right)Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Oregano and MarjoramKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Left Oregano;    Right MarjoramIcones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1804 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Oreganum spp.O. marjorana (Marjoram), O. vulgare (Oregano)A number of…

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Asphodelus, Asphodel

Asphodelus, Asphodel White Asphodel, Royal Staff, King’s Spear, AffodillusAsras, Hunta (Unani) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Lobel, M. de, Plantarum seu stirpium icones (1581) Left: White Asphodel; Right: Yellow AsphodelKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Sibthrop, J., Smith, J.E., Flora Graeca (1823) Botanical name: Asphodelus ramosusIn Unani, A. fistulosus and A. tenuifolius are used. Parts used: Root Temperature &…

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Chamedrys, Germander PRO

Chamedrys, Germander Trixago minorKamazarius (Unani)Kamadrius (Avicenna) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Botanical name: Teucrium chamaedrys (Chamaedrys officinalis)There were several types of Germander used similarly including: Large-leaved Germander Jagged-leaved Germander Thorny Germander Mountain Germander Rocky Germander. Parkinson listed 14 types of Germander Parts used: Leaf; Flower Temperature…

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