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Chamedrys, Germander PRO

Chamedrys, Germander Trixago minorKamazarius (Unani)Kamadrius (Avicenna) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Botanical name: Teucrium chamaedrys (Chamaedrys officinalis)There were several types of Germander used similarly including: Large-leaved Germander Jagged-leaved Germander Thorny Germander Mountain Germander Rocky Germander. Parkinson listed 14 types of Germander Parts used: Leaf; Flower Temperature…

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Coral, Shan Hu FREE

Coral, Shan Hu 珊瑚 Praval (Ayurveda)Marjun (Unani)Shan Hu (TCM)Byu ru  བྱུ་རུ, Jumar (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Gesner, De Rerum fossilium, 1565 Two main varieties of Red Coral used in medicine including Pipe Coral (top)A History of Plants, Hill, 1751 Various Coral species, including Corallina, dealt with elsewhere (bottom right)Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Red Pipe CoralThis…

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Alcea, Hollyhock

Alcea, Hollyhock Hollihock, Tree MallowHubbazza (Unani)Gul Khera (Ayurveda, flower)Ha Lo  ཧ་ལོ  (Tibetan) Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Alcea rosea (syn. Althea rosea)Salmon listed 2 varieties: Common Hollyhock Tree Hollyhock Common Hollyhock has single-flowered and double-flowered varieties. There are several types of the ‘Tree Hollyhock’. Parts used: Primarily Flowers; other parts as…

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Nasturtium, Watercress

Nasturtium, Watercress Nasturtium Aquaticum; Classically called Sysimbrium Nasturtium aquaticumOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Hortus Eystettensis, 1613 Flora von Deutschland (14), Kohler, 1883 Botanical name: Nasturtium officinale (syn. N. aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium) Parts used: Herb (preferably fresh); sometimes the Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classifications: 3O. MASTICATORIES & STERNUTATORIES4f. SPLENETIC    4k. ARTHRITIC Uses: 1. Clears…

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Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren PRO

Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren 桃仁 Tao Ren (Peach kernel, TCM)Klung kham  ཀླུང་ཁམ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1806 Botanical name: Prunus persica Parts used: Kernels; Flowers; Leaf; FruitThe twigs were occasionally used the same as the Leaves in the West. Temperature & Taste: Kernel: Neutral…

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Chicorium, Chicory PRO

Chicorium, Chicory Also called Succory, IntybusKasni (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Botanical name: Chicorium intybus Parts used: Root, Seed (of the Garden variety); Herb (of the Wild variety) Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. BitterOpening, attenuates, cleanses Classification: 2A APERIENT.   2F. PURIFYING.  …

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Cockle shell, Wa Leng Zi

Arca, Cockle Shell, Wa Leng Zi 瓦楞子 Ark shell, Cockle shell, Concha StriataWa Leng Zi (TCM) One of the many species of Cockle-shellGeneral Conchology, Wood, 1815 Botanical name: Arca species: A. subcrenata A. granosa A. inflata Other species are also used. Parts used: Shell Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Salty Classifications: K. Move the BloodT. External…

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Vigna trilobata, Mudgaparni

Vigna trilobata, Mudgaparni Mudgaparni (Ayurveda)Kattuppayaru (Siddha) Vigna angularis(Artist Kawahara Keiga , supplied by Naturalis Biodiversity Center) (Wikimedia) Vigna angularis var. nipponensis(Photo by Qwert1234) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Vigna trilobata (syn. Dolichos trilobatus, Phaseolus trilobatus, P. trilobus)A number of Vigna species supply Mudgaparni (Khare):  1. V. trilobata  2. V. pilosa  3. V. angularis  4. V. umbellata  5….

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Pennisetum, Rtsa ram pa PRO

Pennisetum, Rtsa ram pa རྩ་རམ་པ་ Rtsa ram pa (Tibet)Bai Cao 白草 (TCM) Pennisetum flaccidumPhoto by Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Pennisetum flaccidum Parts used: Root (fine rootlets removed) Temperature & Taste: Cool. Sweet Classification: Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:-general for Poison and Toxicity-Scorpion poisoning; Sulphur poisoning-Lung heat Cough-also Thirst from excess Heat 2….

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Periploca, Xiang Jia Pi PRO

Periploca, Xiang Jia Pi 香加皮 Chinese SilkvineXiang Jia Pi, Bei Wu Jia Pi (TCM) Periploca sepium; top, vine and leaves; bottom: flowersPhotos by Sten Botanical name: Periploca sepium Other species are used similarly including P. calophylla (Greensnake Vine, Qing She Teng) Parts used: Root bark Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Toxic Classification: D….

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Taraxacum, Dandelion, Pu Gong Ying FREE

Taraxacum, Dandelion, Pu Gong Ying 蒲公英 Pu Gong Ying  (TCM)Khur mong  ཁུར་མོང༌ (Tibetan) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 DANDELION ROOTSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Taraxacum spp.  1. T. officinale (Official Dandelion, used in Europe)  2. T. sinicum, T. mongolicum are…

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Usnea, Tree Moss PRO

Usnea, Tree Moss Hairy Tree Moss, Muscus arboreus, Old Man’s BeardOak Moss, Muscus Quercnus (collected from Oak tree)Usna, Ushnah (Unani)Song Luo (TCM) UsenaHerbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 UsneaOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Tree Moss, growing on OakNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Tree Moss, growing on OakDodoens, Stirpium historiae pemptades (1583) Botanical name: Usnea barbataThere are many species of…

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