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Staphysacre, Stavesacre
Staphysacre, Stavesacre Staphisagria, Delphinium, Larkspur, Louse-seed; Consolida Regalis, PedicularisMuvizaj (Unani) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 StavesacreKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Consolida RegalisKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Hamilton, E., Flora homoeopathica, vol. 2 (1853) STAVESACRE SEED1. Numerous fruit. 2, 3, Fruit with several seeds. 4. Seeds without the pericarp. 5. Single seed. 6. StemSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield,…