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Salix, Willow PRO

Salix, Willow Bed Mushk, Gurba Bed (Unani)Skye yag  སྐྱེ་ཡག་ (Tibet) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Salix albaThomé, Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885 Salix fragilisMedical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Botanical name: Salix albaOther species used include S. penandria and S. fragilis, the last of which was claimed…

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Ludwigia, Shui Ding Xiang PRO

Ludwigia, Shui Ding Xiang 水丁香 Climbing Seed BoxShui Ding Xiang (TCM) Ludwigia prostrataGrandidier, A., Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, Atlas (1886-1903) Ludwigia prostrata(Photo by Dalgial) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Ludwigia prostrataLudwigia octovalvis (Mao Cao Long) has similar effects. Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Sweet Classification: C. Clear Damp, Promotes Urine Uses:…

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Hordeum, Barley PRO

Hordeum, Barley Jau, Jao (Unani)Tsampa (Tibetan Highland Barley)Dai Mai 大麦 (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Botanical name: Hordeum vulgare Parts used: Seed (grain), whole or husked (Pearl Barley)“Its peeled variety is termed as sult or Pearl Barley but both are similar in actions”. (Avicenna)…

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Zinziberis Siccum, Dry Ginger, Gan Jiang FREE

Zinziberis Siccum, Dry Ginger, Gan Jiang 干姜 Gan Jiang (TCM)Shunthi (Ayurveda)Chuku (Siddha)Zanjabil, Zanjabeel Khushk (Unani)Sman Sga  སྨན་སྒ  (Tibetan) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, 1832 Chinese Ginger Culcutta Ginger Jamaica Ginger African Ginger Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Zingiber officinalis Parts used:…

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Dioscorea bulbifera, Huang Yao Zi PRO

Dioscorea bulbifera, Huang Yao Zi 黄药子 Air Potato, Potato YamVarahi, Varahikanda (Ayurveda)Barahikand (Unani)Kodi-kilangu, Pannu-kilangu (Siddha)Huang Yao Zi (TCM) Ben Cao Tu Pu, 1644 (Welcome) Dioscorea bulbifera(Seikei Zusetsu, 1804, Leiden University Library) Dioscorea bulbifera(Photo by Forest and Kim Starr) (Wikimiedia) Dioscorea bulbifera fresh tuber (Photo by Rémi Tournebize) (Wikimiedia) Botanical name: Dioscorea bulbifera (syn. D. sativa,…

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Rhubarb, Da Huang FREE

Rhabarbari, Rhubarb, Da Huang 大黄 Rha Barbarum, Raved Sceni, Turkey RhubarbDa Huang: ‘Big Yellow’ (TCM)Amla-Vetasa or Amla Parni (Ayurveda)Chutsu (Tibet) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Two forms of RhubarbBotanische wandplaten, (1904–1914) Wild-crafted Rhubarb: whole (left) and sliced (right)(Chengdu, 2016, photo by Adam) Large slices of Wild Rhubarb (Adam, 2016) Members CLICK HERE for the…

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Sulphur, Liu Huang 硫磺

Sulphur, Liu Huang 硫磺 Gandhaka (Ayurveda)Gandhak (Unani)Liu Huang (TCM)Mu Zi   མུ་ཟི  (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Sulphur, from Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Sulphur crystalsPhoto by Oscar Lumps of Raw Tibetan Sulphur (Adam, 2009) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Mineralogical Name: Sulphur, Sulfur Parts Used:Native (raw) Sulphur may be used externally; Purified Sulphur is better…

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Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood FREE

Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood Raktachandana, Raktasaara (Ayurvedic)Sandal Surkh, Sandal-e-Ahmar (Unani)Tsan dan dmar po  ཙན་དན་དམར་པོ  (Tibetan)Shivappu-Chandanam (Siddha) Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Red Sandalwood(Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Pterocarpus santalinus (syn. Santalum rubrum) Parts used: Wood Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet. Classifications: 2F. PURIFYING.   2P. HEMOSTATICS3B. FEBRIFUGE…

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Ambergris PRO

Ambergris Ambra greceAmber Ash-hab (Unani) AmbergrisOrtus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1491 Sperm WhaleMedical Zoology and Mineralogy, Stephendon, 1832 Ambergris, Skagway MuseumPhoto by Wmpearl, edited) (Wikimedia) Zoological name: waxy secretion from the Sperm Whale, Physeter spp. Parts used: Waxy secretion of the Sperm Whale“Grey coloured variety is considered best. Next in order of qulity are the…

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Geum, Avens

Geum, Avens G. urbanum: Herb Bennet, Benedict’s Herb, Colewort, Blessed Herb, Yellow Avens, Wood Avens, Avance, Anancia, Enancia, CaryophyllataG. rivale: Water Avens, Cure-All, Chocolate root Geum urbanumHand-Atlas Medicinisch-Pharmaceutischer, 1884 Geum urbanumDeutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, Sturm, 1796 Geum rootNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Botanical name: Geum spp.Several varieties are used, all with very similar…

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Camomila, Camomile

Chamomila, Camomile Bubunaj (Unani) Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Matricaria                                                                                                                    AnthemisIcones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 MatricariaBotanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Matricaria recutitaKoehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Anthemis nobilisAn Encyclopaedia of useful and ornamental Plants, Burnett, 1852 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Anthemis nobilis–Garden or Roman CamomileMatricaria recutita (syn. M. camomilla)–German Camomile (most used) Parts used:…

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Hackelia, Nad ma snun ma PRO

Hackelia, Nad ma snun ma ནད་མ་སྣུན་མ་ Hooked StinkseedNad ma snun ma (Tibet) Hackelia uncinata(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Hackelia uncinata closeup(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hackelia uncinata (syn. H. glochidiata, Cynoglossum uncinatum, C. laxum, Eritrichium uncinatum)Three types of Nad ma are differentiated in Tibetan Medicine: Nad ma ‘byar ma: Cynoglossum wallichii, C. lanceolatum Nad…

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