Cassia seed & Psoralea seed

Cassia seed is Cool, slightly Moist, Bitter, Sweet and Salty. It clears Heat and Toxin from the Blood, settles Wind and stops Itching. It also clears Heat from the Liver and is good for Heat and Redness of the Eyes.

Psoralea seed is Warm, dry, Bitter and Sweet. It is a very important medicine for obstinate and chronic skin diseases, despite its warm nature. It is also regarded as strengthening to the Kidneys being used for Impotence, chronic Urinary diseases and lower back pain.

This combination is very useful for various chronic and obstinate Skin diseases including Eczema, Psoriasis and Itchiness.

They are also used in formulas for chronic Joint diseases, and boith seeds have been regarded as Aphrodisiacs..

Key Indications
  • Chronic skin diseases
  • Chronic Joint disease
  • both seeds are regarded as Aphrodisiac.

Catechu 23 (Seng ldeng 23) (Tibetan)
Catechu 25 (Seng ldeng 25) (Tibetan)
Clove 35 (Li shi so lnga) (Tibetan)
Codonopsis 18 (Klu bdud bco brgyad) (Tibetan)
Great Precious Hot Compound (Rin chen tsha sbyor chen mo) (Tibetan)
Mercury Precious 18 Pill (Dngul chu rin chen bcho brgyad) (Tibetan)
Nimbadi Churna (Ayurveda)
Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Rin chen ratna bsam ‘phel) (Tibetan)
Rhinoceros Horn 25 (Bse ru nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Wish-fulfilling Garuda (Bsam khyung) (Tibetan)
Wish-fulfilling Jewel (Bsam phel nor bu) (Tibetan)

1. Chronic skin diseases:
Barberry, Neem, Madder, Swertia, Picrorrhiza
–add Madder, Plumbago and Shilajit