Cantharides seu Mylabris, Ban Mao 斑蝥

Blister Beetle, Spanish Fly
Ban Mao (TCM)
Zarawih, Telni-Makkhi, Telni-Pokh (Unani)
Byang Pa བྱང་པ་ (Mylabris spp., Tibet)
Picture Picture
Picture Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485

Picture Cantharides & Buprestes
(Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563)

Picture A. Cantharis vesicatoria; B. Mylabris cichorii; C. Cantharis vitatta
(Scientific and Applied Pharmacognosy, Kraemer, 1915)

Picture Mylabris phalerata at the Chengdu Market (Adam, 2012)

Picture Mylbaris phalerata, one of the official Chinese species.
(Photo by Len Worthington) (Wikimedia)

A Selection of Mylabris species:
Picture 1. Mylabris schreibersi
Picture 3. Mylabris variabilis
Picture 5. Mylabris maculosopunctata
Picture 2. Mylabris hemprichi
Picture 4. Mylabris quatuordecimpunctata
Picture 6. Mylabris cincta
Picture 7. Mylabris pustulata
(Photos by Udo Schmidt) (Wikimedia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Other Species used similarly

Picture Blister Fly, Lytta vesicatoria
(Photo by Franco christophe) (Wikimedia)

Picture Epicauta vittata
(Photo by Robert Webster) (Wikimedia)

Entomological name:

Several species are used, the two primary species are:
  1. Mylabris spp. is the Cantharide: M phalerata, M. cichorrii
  2. Cantharis spp., C. vesicatoria, C. vitatta
Other species used similarly or synonymously include:
  1. Blister Fly (Lytta vesicatoria)
  2. Blister Beetle (Epicauta sp.)
  3. Oil Beetle (Meloe spp.) are all used similarly, and can be substituted.
In Tibetan Medicine, 3 varieties are recognised:
  1. Black-striped; superior quality
  2. Black and Red striped; medium quality
  3. Golden-striped; inferior quality
Some said the Black is too strong for use, and regarded the Black and Red striped (Mylabris) as best for medicine. In their strength, 3 Black-striped insects were said to be equal to 7 Black and Red-striped, and 11 Golden-striped insects. (Tibetan text)
There are over 7500 species of Blister Bettle worldwide.

Parts used:

Dried Beetle with head, legs, tail and wings removed, and roasted.
The most effective spanish flies are those which are multi-coloured having longitudinal yellow lines on their wings and also having some resemblance with cockroach in size. The varieties with one uniform colour are considered weak in action”. (Avicenna)

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry (Cold in TCM). Pungent. Toxic
‘Hot in taste, Cold and Toxic in nature”.
According to some physicians the spanish flies are excessively Hot but some other physicians opine them to be Hot and Dry in the Second degree. The latter statement appears to be correct … The flies are intensely pungent, putrefactive and burning“. (Avicenna)


C. Clear Damp, Promote Urine
T. External Medicines


1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones (TCM, West):
-difficulty urinating, urinary Retention, urinary Stones
-Gout, Arthritis, Rheumatism.

2. Moves the Blood, Resolves Phlegm, Clears Masses:
-Scrofula, swollen Lymph nodes and immobile masses.
-Amenorrhea from obstruction of the circulation; forcefully promotes Menstruation
-Uterine growths.
-Cancer (TCM, West)
-internally for “obstinate Ulcers”.
-Promotes Labor, also as an Abortifacient (Salmon); TCM uses it for retention of a Dead Fetus.
-used in Tibetan Medicine to clear and “scrape” the Channels
-“They are also included in Diuretic, Emmenagogue and Ecbolic medicines without causing any harm”. (Avicenna)

3. Clears Wind-Phlegm, Stops Spasms:
-some forms of Paralysis, Epilepsy etc. (Ayurveda)

4. Warms the Kidneys (TCM, West):
-Aphrodisiac for both sexes; its action is via irritation

5. Resists Poison:
-various insect Venoms and other Poisons
-“used in a number of Antidotes”. (Galen)
-Traditionally used for possession. (TCM)

6. Externally:
-applied to sores, ulcers, scrofula, swollen lymph glands, and necrotic tissue leukoderma, vitiligo, psoriasis and neuro-dermatitis
-“It removes Pityriasis and Leukoderma if used as a paint with vinegar”. (Avicenna)
If it is painted on the cancerous swellings it dissolves them”. (Avicenna)
-applied to Alopecia; it is used in hair oils to stimulate hair growth.
-applied to joint pains including Gout, Sciatica and Rheumatism. Often it may be used over the spinal nerves as a counter-irritant with good effect.
-similarly applied to various type of Neuralgia.
-used to draw blisters in acute inflammations
-used in external preparations to be rubbed onto the penis to stimulate erection, and as a stimulant aphrodisiac
-applied as a plaster to the nape of the neck for Fever (old TCM)
-“They are used as a paint to remove Warts”. (Avicenna)


1. If used internally, always begin with lesser dose, increasing as required.
2. Different species vary greatly in strength. Individual tolerances can also vary widely.
Prepared Beetle in Powder (head, legs, tail and wings removed): 30–60mg (daily maximum 150mg); traditionally dose was one-quarter to 1 grain.
Tincture (2 drams in a pint of spirit): 5–20 drops, well dilute
Cantharidin (isolated active compound): 0.25–0.5 mg three times a day for Cancers, especially Liver Cancer.


1. Mung bean; Mung bean tea (TCM)
2. Licorice and Mung Bean tea correct its function.
3. Ghee, Almond oil, animal fats
4. Gum Arabic, Tragacanth
5. Talc acts an adjuvant to its cleansing action, stopping the painful urine that can easily accompany its use. (TCM)


1. As stated above Blister Fly (Lytta spp.), Blister Beetle (Epicauta sp.), Oil Beetle (Meloe spp.) are all used similarly, and can be substituted.
2. Winged Ants were used similarly.
3. The potato-bug (Doryphora decemlineata) contains cantharidin; a strong tincture was proposed as a substitute for topical use.
4. Copper sulphate can be used externally. (Unani)


Vinegar prepared Cantharides:
  “It is better to store the flies in an earthen pot, the mouth of which is tied with a piece of neat and clean linen cloth. Afterwards the mouth of the pot should be made upside down and then the vapours of a mixture of refined and boiled “wine-vinegar” should be made to pass through it till the flies die. The dead flies should now be collected in a piece of linen and kept”. (Avicenna)
  Preparing with Vinegar will moderate their harshness, and is stronger to move the Blood.

Main Combinations:

1. Strongly promote Urine in Edema:
i. Cantharide powder (5 grains), Extract of Squill (1 scruple), Licorice juice sufficient to form 30 pills. Dose: 1 pill, up to 3 times daily. (Sobernheim, 1840)
ii. calcined Egg shells (½ dram), Camphor (1 scruple), Cantharide prepared (½ scruple), Venice Turpentine sufficient to make 9 pills. (Fuller)
iii. Cantharide with Celery seed, Saltpeter, Madder, Juniper berry, Asarabacca, Bitter Almond, Melon seed (as in Pills for Retention of Urine)
2. For Stones, Cantharide with Pill Millipedes, Bees
3. Aphrodisiac:
i. Cantharide with Borax, Ash tree keys, Skink, Long Pepper, Cinnamon
ii. Cantharide with Saffron, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove
iii. Cantharide with Cinnamon, Mace, Clove, Long Pepper, Rocket seed, Parsnip seed, Deer/Bull Pizzle (as in Powder to Stimulate Venery)
4. Impotence, Debility, Cantharide with Camphor
5. To strongly promote Menstruation, Hippocrates recommended a pessary of Cantharide, Myrrh and Frankincense, applied topically (this would, of course, not be repeated today). The same combination may be of use internally to treat Uterine tumors, for example.
6. Acute Asthma, Tincture of Cantharide (1 dram), Spirit of Angelica, Compound Camphorated Spirit (2 oz. each)
7. Fibroid tumors and Cancer, Cantharide with Millipedes, Bee and Toad
8. To promote hair growth:
i. “When painted, after being powdered with mustard, it helps in hair growth. Similar action is produced if the flies are cooked with olive oil till it becomes thick”. (Avicenna)
ii. Cantharides (1 oz.), Bay Rum (half oz.), Musk (2 drams), Rosemary (2 drams), Water (4 oz.). Shake the bottle and apply to the hair roots once daily. (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
iii. Vaseline (2 oz.), Cantharide powder (1 dram), Oil of Rosemary, Oil of Lavender (15 drops each). Mix well. Apply once daily to promote hair growth. It was applied to the eyebrows to help them grow thick and full.

Major Formulas:

Pills for Retention of Urine (Wirtzung)
Powder for Urinary Retention
Powder to Stimulate Venery (Wecker)
Confection of Ashes
Cantharide 37 (Tibetan Meidicine)


1. Highly toxic and irritant. Avoid overdose.
“If taken in a dose of three tasasij (80 mg) orally, it causes ulceration in the bladder”. (Avicenna)
2. Not used in Pregnancy, the very weak, the very young or the very old.
3. Not used in women with heavy menstrual bleeding.
4. When used to promote blisters, care must be taken over sensitive skin, and to avoid secondary infection after bursting of the blister.


1. Overdose can cause burning urine, excruciating pain, blood in the urine, bloody diarrhea.
2. Toxic effects may be caused with doses of 125–500mg but usually occurs with doses over 600mg. Fatality has been reported with doses of 1300mg.

Do not induce vomiting.
1. Take 5–10 Egg Whites immediately.
2. Sheep milk with oil of Almonds. (De venenis, Petrus, 1487)
3. Take 10 Winter Cherries. (De venenis, Petrus, 1487)
4. Goat Milk or fresh Butter taken
5. “Almond milk is also highly recommended“. (De venenis, Ramesey, 1663)
6. Rice cooked with Milk
7. Emulsion of Pine nuts, White Poppy seed, Winter Cherries made with Water of Violets. (De venenis, Ramesey, 1663)
8. Pennyroyal repels the force of Cantharides “with special force”. (De venenis, Ramesey, 1663)
9. Hematuria from an excess dose, take Acorn powder with wine (Brunschwig, 1561)
10. Easrth of Lemons (2 drams)
11. Troches of Earth of Lemons with Troches of Winter Cherries taken with Milk.

From TCM:
10. Halloysite (Red Earth, Chi Shi Zhi) 30 grams
11. Decoction of 60 grams of Green Tea
12. Licorice (30 grams), Isatis folium Da Qing Ye (15 grams) as a decoction
13. Decoction of Mung Bean (30 grams), Licorice (10 grams), Coptis Huang Lian (3 grams)
14. To settle strong irritation of topical application, Coptis Huang Lian or Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian) can be applied. Honey can be applied for mild irritation.

Main Preparations used:

Tincture of Cantharides, Volatile Salt of Cantharides, Blister Plaster

1. Tincture of Cantharides:
i. Cantharide powder (2 drams), Proof Spirit (1 pint). Form a tincture and strain.
Dose: 5–20 drops, well diluted.

2. Tincture of Capsicum and Cantharides:
i. Cantharides (10 drams), Capsicum (1 dram), Proof Spirit (1 pound). Digest 10 days, filter.
This tincture is highly irritant. It was used in Gangrene. Dose: 10 drops in gum water or Decoction of Marshmallow. (Niemann)

3. Blister Plaster:
i. White Pitch (8 oz.), Venice Turpentine, Cantharides finely powdered (2 ½ oz. each), mix. (Fuller)

Medical uses of mylabris in ancient China and recent studies
Norcantharidin: research advances in pharmaceutical activities and derivatives in recent years

Vesiculation therapy of Cantharides extract for perennial allergic rhinitis and its effect on serum total IgE

Potent natural aphrodisiacs for the management of erectile dysfunction and male sexual debilities

Application of digital holographic tomography in antitumor effect of cantharides complex on 4T1 breast cancer cells
Inhibitory effect of Cantharidin on proliferation of A549 cells