Cannabis Semen, Hemp Seed, Huo Ma Ren 火麻仁
Huo Ma Ren (TCM)Shahdanaj (Unani)
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887
Botanical name:
Cannabis sativa, C. indica
Parts used:
Seed, prepared Seed
See also Cannabis Flower
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral, slightly Moist, Pungent
E. Laxative, Purgatives and Cathartics
1. Moist Laxative:
-chronic constipation, constipation from dryness, weakness, in old age etc.
–Culpeper listed it for ‘troublesome humors of the Bowels’
-‘removes constipation, expels Phlegm and Yellow Bile’. (Avicenna)
-to promote Menstruation
2. Eases Pain, Calms the Nerves:
-eases pain, calms the Mind and Nerves
-anxiety, restlessness, especially in dry or constipated bodies
-Spasmodic Cough; Dry Cough
-‘it makes him pleasant and merry; and if a Soldier drink it, it will make him both fierce and hardy to fight without any fear or doubt of his enemy’. (Border, 1651)
-‘Long-term use of the drug makes one more intelligent, as well as feeling happy and vigorous’ (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
3. Astringes the Kidneys:
-Incontinence of Urine
-Diabetes; Gonorrhea
-prolapse of the Uterus
-‘It makes the Semen viscid’ (Avicenna) and is therefore useful for Premature Ejaculation.
4. Benefits Yin:
-fatty acids and other components nourish Yin and moisten the body while also having good levels of protein.
-‘good for treating 5 overstrains and 7 impairments’ (Li Shi Zhen)
-‘Eating the seed is good for the Healthy … it reduces the bad juices and strengthens the Good’. (Hildegard)
5. Externally:
-Oil is applied to painful and engorged Breasts.
-Oil is applied to Rheumatism (Unani)
-Oil applied to the scalp for Lice and Dandruff (Unani, Avicenna)
-hair loss, dry hair, and to nourish the hair, use the decoction as a wash
-Oil is used in enemas for the cramping of Lead Poisoning.
-Oil is used intravaginally to promote Labor
Powder: 2–6 grams (up to 10 grams)
Decoction: 6–18 grams (up to 30 grams daily)
As all parts of the plant are regarded as narcotic and are controlled in many countries, the prepared seed is generally ordered to be used. Stir-frying prevents the seeds from being able to be germinated.
Stir-fried Cannabis Seed:
The seeds are prepared by dry-frying until slightly yellow. This increases extraction of the beneficial ingredients when decocted while reducing any narcotic components and inhibits their ability to germinate.
“The roasted seeds are … less harmful” (Avicenna)
1. Sesame seed or Linseed
2. Avicenna said Hemp Seed had similar properties to Safflower seed
Main Combinations:
1. Incontinence, Cannabis seed with Agrimony, Shepherd’s Purse, Plantain, Knotgrass (Fuller)
2. Constipation in the old or weak:
i. Cannabis seed powder can be added to Rice congee.
ii. Cannabis seed with Linseed and Prunes
iii. Cannabis seed with Sweet Almond, Licorice and Rhubarb (TCM)
3. Vertigo, Dizziness, Headache, Cannabis seed, Stoechas, Mastic, Amber, Frankincense, Rue (as in Cephalic Powder)
4. Sedative Emulsion: Peach kernels (1 oz.), Cannabis seed, Poppy seed (half oz. each), Meliot Water, Water Lily Water (4 oz. each). Form an emulsion, adding Spirit of Camphor (half oz.). Applied to the forehead in headache. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
5. Gonorrhea:
i. Seeds of Cannabis, Lettuce, Rue (as in Pills for Gonorrhea from Heat)
ii. seeds of Cannabis, Millium Solis, Violet (½ oz.), Cucumber, Melon, Poppy (1 oz.), form an emulsion with Parsley water (qs); then add Amber powder, Crabs Eyes (1 oz. each). Form Penids. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
6. To Promote Birth, powdered Cannabis seed is mixed with Sesame oil and applied into the vagina.
7. ‘To see Ghosts’: Cannabis seed (with capsule), Calamus (Shi Chang Pu), Dysosma Liu Jiao Lian (equal parts). Form pills, take one per day. After 100 days the person will be able to see ghosts. (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
Major Formulas
Decoction of Hemp Seed
Powder for Gonorrhea from Heat (Nicholas)
Cephalic Powder
Ma Zi Ren Wan
Run Chang Wan
San Jia Fu Mai Tang
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
Garuda of Camphor (Spos khyung bco lnga) (Tibetan Medicine)
Hemp seed (Huo Ma Ren) 120 grams
Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 60 grams
Rhubarb (Da Huang) 120 grams
Costus (Mu Xiang) 60 grams
Citrus Chen Pi 120 grams
Paeonia Bai Shao 60 grams
Powder, and to every 100 grams of powder add 140–160 grams of refined Honey and form Honey boluses of 6 grams each. Used for constipation from dryness, fullness in the chest and abdomen from Heat obstructing.
Dose: 1–2 boluses. (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
2. HEMP SEED PILLS (Ma Ren Wan):
Hemp seed (Huo Ma Ren) 200 grams
Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 100 grams
Rhubarb (Da Huang) 200 grams
Citrus Zhi Shi, stir-fried 200 grams
Magnolia Huo Po, ginger-
processed 100 grams
Paeonia Bai Shao, stir-fried 200 grams
Powder, and to every 100 grams of powder add 90–110 grams of refined Honey and form Honey boluses of 9 grams each. Used for constipation from heat and dryness, abdominal fullness and discomfort.
Dose: 1–2 boluses. (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
1. ‘Hemp seeds are harmful to the Stomach’ (Avicenna)
2. The seed ‘abates Seed in men by long use’ … and ‘fills the head with Vapors’ (Schroder)
3. ‘If it is overused, the patient will see ghosts and run around maniacally.’ (Shen Nong Ben Cao)