
As to preventing its (cancer) progress, it can be achieved by …
improving the diet and reinforcing the involved organ by the
known effective medications
” (Avicenna)

The name ‘Cancer’ (Latin for Crab, from the Greek Karkinos, Crab) was given to the disease by the Ancient Greeks. It was named after the crab because a cancer of the flesh (such as in the Breast) would often present with a central mass with a number of dark veins coming away from it, somewhat like a crab. Cancer was long recognised as being a disease of Melancholy.

Cancer is defined as an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the body. Broadly speaking, it can be divided into 2 categories:
  1. Cancer with Solid Tumors
  2. Cancer without Tumors: Blood Cancers

Solid Cancers with Tumors may be ‘manifest’ or ‘occult’, the former meaning observable by look or touch, the latter meaning unseen or not obvious without a scan or biopsy. ‘Occult’ or hidden Cancers will not have been diagnosed in Traditional Medicine, only modern scanning technologies and biopsies being able to confirm diagnosis. In such cases, Cancers will have been treated for another symptom. For example, Hemoptysis and “Lung Ulcers” may have been associated with Lung Cancer, while hardness of an abdominal organ may also have been cancerous. In the former case, a medicine like Comfrey is commonly used, and Comfrey is not only highly efficacious for Hemoptysis and chronic Lung diseases, but has demonstrated anti-cancer effects with reported though unconfirmed cures of Lung Cancer. In the latter case, various formulas used for hardness, fibroids and cirrhosis are often composed of herbs well demonstrated to also treat Cancer.

Cancers without Tumors are typically blood cancers such as Leukemia, where an excessive growth of abnormal white blood cells occurs.

Blood Cancers like Leukemia were most likely poorly treated in the past due to the vague symptoms and lack of understanding of cellular pathology. However, treating the presenting syndrome according to symptoms can still give good results. In addition, certain toxic type Blood diseases have been long treated by medicines such as Arsenic (Realgar and Orpiment) and these have demonstrated good effect in certain types of Leukemia. The same may be seen with certain Mercurial preparations.

Ideas on the eitiology of Cancer
In the Humoral system of the ancient Greeks, Cancer was recognised as a Melancholy disease. Melancholy in this case refers to Burnt Humors, and the Burnt Humors involved are generally Bile or a mix of Bile and Phlegm. The burnt Humors obstruct and inflame local tissue, chronically causing cells to change.

Treatment involves medicines to prepare, then purge Melancholy and Burnt Humors. Typically a period of preparatives, followed by a Purgative perhaps every 3rd day. Following purging, or in between purging, Strengthening medicines can be used.

In TCM, a number of different eitiologies are given for Cancer including Qi and Blood Stagnation, Yin or Qi Deficiency, Jing (Essence) Deficiency etc. In relatity, all these pathologies share aspects of the Melancholy Humor of the Greeks.

Modern TCM has demonstrated that use of Tonics formulas, often in large doses, supports the body to help overcome the disease in the long-term, while simultaneously working synergistically with Western Treatment, When Western Treament is not used, TCM has a number of potent and toxic medicines that can directly attack the Cancer. However, large trials have demonstrated that, in general, Modern and Traditional Medicine usecd togetehr generally has the best outcome.

Medicines used for Cancer
Many of the medicines long used for Cancer have demonstrated useful anti-cancer activity with modern research, such as Black Nightshade, Agaric, Violet, Herb Robert and Black Hellebore. Western Treatment focused on preparing the Melancholy Humor with regular purging of Melancholy (once every 1, 2 or 3 weeks). Strengthening medicines are used long term, and a nutritious, easy-to-digest diet was always regarded as mandatory.

Examples of Medicines used against Cancer:
  • Preparative of Melancholy: Borage, Fumitory, Violet
  • Purges of Melancholy: Agaric, Polypody, Dodder
  • Stronger Purgatives: Colocynth, Black Hellebore
  • Qi Tonics: Astragalus, Ginseng, Atractylodes
  • Clear Damp: Poria
  • Clears Heat and Poison: Black Nighshade, Herb Robert, Sarsaparilla
  • Move Qi: Citrus peels (various), Costus, Clove
  • Move Blood: Bdellium, Frankincense, Zedoary
  • Yin Tonic: Comfrey, Asparagus root, Rehmannia
  • Toxic Medicines against Toxin: Realgar, Mercury compounds
  • Animal Medicines: Pill Millipede, Wingless Cockroach, Toad

General Treatment Principle
According to TCM, Cancer treatment can be divided into 3 stages:
1. Early Stage
The disease is new and the Qi of the body is still strong. At this stage, the disease can be attacked with medicines that attack Toxic Evil. This includes potent and toxic medicines which attack Toxic Evil with Toxin.
2. Middle Stage
The disease has progressed and the body Qi is declining. At this stage, medicines which attack the Cancer are used in conjunction with tonic medicines to increase Qi and improve Immunity.
3. Late Stage
At this stage, the disease is advanced and the Qi is exhausted; Yin, Yang, Essence and Blood may also be depleted. The, primary focus is on supporting the body and increasing Qi and Yin or other deficiency. Such treatment may prolong life, but at this stage the patient is not able to withstand potent and toxic medicine. Palliative medicines are indicated. It is also good at this stage to give medicines to cheer the Heart and calm the Spirit.

Avoid hard-to-digest foods, old meat (such as beef),
Figs, Walnuts, Almonds
Carrot, Beet root, Asparagus, Parsley, Spinach, Dandelion Green, Green leafy vegetables in general
Mushrooms: including Shitake, White Fungus, Ling Zhi (Reishi)
Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Turmeric
Chicken Soup, Lamb broth, Bone broth can be taken to support the body
Seaweeds: Kelp and various other Seaweed should be added to the diet in soups etc.

Food Remedies
These are sample recipes used to support the body during Cncer treatment. Some give strength while other treatments are being used, while others have shown direct benefit in the treatment of Cancer.
  • Kitchari is a useful tonic recipe that cleanses while giving good nutrition.
  • Wort, the decoction of Malted Barley has a good reputation when 2 or 3 pints daily are taken on an extended basis. It is rich in enzymes and has good nutrition.
  • Soup of Pearl Barley, Mung Bean, Adzuki Bean, Figs
  • Soup of Radish, Carrot and Kelp or Laminaria
  • Soup of Chicken bone, Pearl Barley, Mung Bean, Kidney Bean, Celery, Carrot, Kombu (seaweed), Radish, Ginger, Red Date, Astragalus
  • Congee made with Pine nut, Walnut, Almond, Figs, Dates
  • Prepare a decoction of Astragalus by boiling 1 oz. of the root in 2 liters of water down to 1 liter. Use this water to make a congee or porridge for breakfast each morning.
  • Juice of Carrot, Beet root, Celery, Garlic, Ginger taken once daily, preferable mid-to-late afternoon
  • Carrot juice, taken in doses of up to 1 liter per day (claimed to have cured Leukemia in children)
  • Beet root juice, gently boiled until beginning to thicken removing the scum, then add an equal amount of honey and boil to the thickness of honey, removing the scum. Take a spoonful every morning.
  • Decoction of Asparagus, Spinach or Endive is very useful. Wirtzung said ‘Endive water is his best drink’.
  • Cooked and pulped Asparagus, taken in doses of a heaped tablespoonful, three times daily.
  • Add a pinch of Saffron to a cup and pour on hot water to make a tea each morning. The same Saffron may be used each day for 5 or 7 days.
  • Despite bottled juice being generally best avoided, one exception is Pomegranate juice. One glass daily is useful in Cancer, especially Prostate Cancer. Freshly pressed is optimal.

A typical schedule for treating Cancer may include:
  • Strict Diet regulation–avoid hard-to-digest food, have light, nutritious easy-to-digest food; focus on foods that clear Toxin, increase energy and support immunity. Spinach, Purslane, Endive, Pumpkins, Asparagus, Beet root
  • Cleansing–oleation, enemas, bloodletting (if strong)
  • Preparing the Humor/Alterative Medicines
  • Purging Melancholy or Black Bile (2–4 times monthly) (if strong enough)
  • Use strengthening medicines after purging, in the interim of other medicine, when in remission, or while undergoing Chemo- or Radio-therapy.
  • Medicines to support the Mind and Spirit
  • Topical Medicines if the Tumor is palpable
  • Exercise daily, preferably walking an hour each morning
  • Spiritual and Emotional Support: Cancer Support Group, Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation etc.
  • Surround the patient with things that please the senses and enliven the Spirit such as uplifting scents, pleasant images, relaxing sounds; Flowers, Essential oils, funny movies and soothing music.

See also:
Anti-Cancer Materia Medica
Some Anti-Cancer Formulas
Medicinal Fungi in Cancer Therapy
Preparers and Purgers of Melancholy
See also Monographs on Specific Cancers:

Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Gastric Cancer
Gynecological Cancers
Lung & Esophageal Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lymphatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Chemo- and Radio-therapy Side Effects

1. Half an ounce of Dodder herb infused and taken every third day lessens the Melancholy humor gradually and slows the growth, prolonging life.
2. Of Red Clover: ‘The New York Tribune of September, 1884, related a case of indisputable cancer of the breast of six years’ standing, with an open fetid sore, which had penetrated the chest-wall between the ribs, and which was radically healed by a prolonged internal use of the extract of red clover. Four years afterwards, in September, 1888, “the breast was found to be restored to its normal condition, all but a small place the size of half a dollar, which will in every probability become absorbed like the rest, so that the patient is considered by her physicians to be absolutely cured.” (Herbal Simples, Fernie, 1897)
3. Of Cleavers: ‘This herb has a special curative reputation with reference to cancerous growths and allied tumours. For open cancers an ointment is made from the leaves and stems wherewith to dress the ulcerated parts, and at the same time the expressed juice of the plant is given internally. Dr. Tuthill Massy avers that it often produces a cure in from six to twelve months, and advises that the decoction shall be drank regularly afterwards in the Springtime’…
  “In cancer,” says Dr. Boyce, “five fluid ounces of the fresh juice of the plant are to be taken twice a day, whilst constantly applying the bruised leaves, or their ointment, to the sore.”
(Herbal Simples, Fernie, 1897)
4. Black Nightshade is one of the most important anti-cancer medicines. See our special Article on the use of Solanum nigrum in Cancer therapy.
5. Opium: Dr. Herbert Snow, resident physician at the Brompton Cancer Hospital, says (1895) he has found: “after a long experience, Opium exhibits a strong inhibitive influence on the cancer elements, retarding and checking the cell growth, which is a main feature of the disease. Even when no surgical operation has been performed, Opium is the only drug which markedly checks cancer growth: and the early employment of this medicine will usually add years of comfortable life to the otherwise shortened space of the sufferer’s existence.”

Examples of Traditional Western Formula:
1. Borage, Violet, Dodder and Senna infused in Whey and taken
2. Decoction of China root, Sarsaparilla, Guaiacum, Sassafras and Licorice, used over a prolonged time.
3. For the Pain of cancer: Storax calamita 9 grains, Camphor 3 grains, form pills. (Theatrum Praxeos Medicae, Zuingerus, 1710)
4. Extract of Black Hellebore 1 scruple, Calomel half scruple, Essence of Myrrh sufficient to form 12 pills. (Theatrum Praxeos Medicae, Zuingerus, 1710)
5. Freshwater Crayfish (10), Birthwort root (½ oz.), Comfrey root (1 oz.), Agrimony, Ladies Mantle, Betony, Bugle, Sanicle (1 handful each). Decoct in Water and Wine, sweeten with Syrup of Maidenhair and take 6 oz., twice daily. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
6. Extract of Calendula, Extract of Cicuta (Water Hemlock), Subcarbonate of Iron (2 drams each), Powdered Calendula (1.5 drams). Form pills of 2 grains each. Take 5 or 6 three times daily in Fibroid Tumors and Cancer. (Universal Formulary, 1850)
7. Red Iron Oxide, Calendula Extract, Calendula Powder (1 dram each), Mucilage of Gum Arabic (sufficient). Make 90 pills. These were highly regarded in Cancer, 5–8 being taken three times daily. (Universal Formulary, 1850)
8. Mithridate was said to be effective in Cancer, and was mentioned by Rhazes.
9. Galen mentioned in his book “Purgative Drugs” that it is possible to treat Cancer only using Purgative drugs.

1. Cleavers Juice mixed with Linseed meal is applied to Breast Cancer while taking Cleavers juice internally.
2. Fresh Parsley leaf: ‘The bruised leaves have successfully resolved tumours of hard (scirrhous) cancer when cicuta, and mercury had failed’. (Herbal Simples, Fernie,  1897)
3. Carrot juice, clarified (by gentle boiling), then evaporated in a water bath to the thickness of Honey. Applied to Ulcerated Cancers. (Swediaur)
4. Black Nightshade juice (clarified) applied topically in liniments or ointments. Also as injections into the Womb for Uterine and Cervical Cancer.
5. Ointments applied topically include: Hemlock, Datura, Black Nighshade, Red Clover, Calendula, Sheep Sorrel. Hops Ointment has been applied to relieve the pain.
6. Ointment of Rose (Mesue) was said to ‘mitigate Cancers’. (Wirtzung)
7. Oil of Frogs (Oil in which frogs are boiled) was highly regarded when applied to Cancer, both to help relieve the Cancer, as well as to reduce pain.
8. Plaster of Diacalcitheos dissolve with Black Nightshade juice and oil of Roses applied to un-ulcerated Cancers can be useful.
9. The fresh leaves of the Crowfoot (Ranunculus acris) formed a part of the famous cancer cure of Mr. Plunkett in 1794. This cure comprised:
    Fresh Crowfoot leaf
    Dog’s-foot fennel leaf 1 oz. ea.
    White Arsenic               1 dram
    sublimed sulphur         5 scruples
Beat together into a paste, and dried by the sun in balls, which were then powdered, and, being mixed with yolk of egg, were applied on pieces of pig’s bladder’. (
Herbal Simples, Fernie,  1897)
10. Topically to Cancers:
    Hemlock extract         1 oz.
    Henbane extract.        ½ oz.
    Belladonna powder   ½ oz.
Mix with vinegar and apply.
11. For a Foul or Septic Cancer:
    Rock Salt                      equal parts.
Dissolve in Vinegar, seal in an earthen pot and boil until it becomes ashes. Wash the Cancer with warm Vinegar, then apply the powder. Then lay on a plaster made of clarified Honey, Goat fat and Copper filings. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
12. Cancerous Ulcers,
    Lead carbonate
    Red earth                      1 oz. ea.
    Litharge                         2 drams
    Honey of Roses           ½ oz.
    Lard                               sufficient
Mix together to be applied to Cancerous Ulcers.
    Lead, burned and washed
    Zinc oxide
    Frankincense                 2 oz. ea.
    Wormwood                    ½ oz.
    Oil of Roses                    3 oz.
    Wax                                 6 oz.
Mix with enough Black Nightshade juice to form an Ointment. (Secrets of Alexis)
    Black Nighshade fruit  2 oz.
    Red Lead washed
    Lead, burned and washed
    Zinc oxide                       1 oz. ea.
    Frankincense                 2 drams
Make a Plaster with Oil of Roses and White Wax, of each 2 ounces. (Secrets of Alexis)
    Bull’s Suet
    Calf or Deer Marrow
    Castor Oil
    Goose Fat
    Zinc oxide                       1 part ea.
    Lanolin                            3 parts
Mix to form an Ointment. Said to be very effective for Cancerous Ulcers with “Foul matter” in them, and also for the pain of those with no corrupt matter in them. (Secrets of Alexis)
16. ‘Take white Copperas, and Alum, as much more Alum as Copperas, burn them together in a Fire shovel untill they leave boiling, then take it, and pour off the out-side, and make it into a powder, if the Canker be old, let it be washed with Canker-water, then lay some of this powder upon it, but do not rub it, nor swallow it, you may lay it on with a Salt Slik, twice or thrice dressing will cure it.’ (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655)

Primary Traditional Anti-Cancer herbs from the West
Black Nightshade
Herb Robert

Bitter Almond


Nux Vomica
Black Hellebore
Pill Millipede
Primary Traditional Anti-Cancer herbs from TCM
The following are Chinese medicines with strong direct anti-cancer medicines.
Scutellaria Ban Zhi Lian
Oldenlandia diffusa
Scrophularia Xuan Shen
Zedoary (E Zhu)
Dioscorea Huang Yao Zi Actinidia arguta
Sarcandra glabra
Rabdosia Dong Ling Cao

Black Nightshade
Nux Vomica
Agrimonia Xian He Cao
Rhubarb (Da Huang)
Cantharide (Ban Mao)
Wasp Nest (Feng Fang)

Most used Chinese Herbs in Cancer treatment
By analysing the National Insurance Database of over 51,000 Cancer patients it was found that the following 10 herbs were the most prescribed in Cancer treatment:
Astragalus Huang Qi
Codonopsis Dang Shen
Ginseng Ren Shen

Smilax Tu Fu Ling
Sophora Ku Shen
Scutellaria Ban Zhi Lian
Ligusticum Nu Zhen Zi
Acanthopanax Ci Wu Jia
Brucea Ya Dan Zi
Cantharides Ban Mao
Primary Traditional Anti-Cancer herbs from Tibetan Medicine
Aconitum Bong nga
Oxytropis Stag sha
Emblica Skyu ru ra
Chebula A ru ra
Safflower Gur gum
Picrorrhiza Hong len
Swertia Tig ta

Anemone Srub ka
Mirabilis Ba spru
Stellera Re lcag pa

Rhodiola Sro lo
Meconopsis Tsher sngon
Tinospora Sle tres
The above lists some of the main Anti-Cancer herbs. In Traditional Medicine, these will be combined with other types of herbs such as Qi Tonics (eg. Astragalus, Atractylodes, Withania) to increase energy and immunity; Yin Tonics if there is Yin deficiency (Asparagus root, Comfrey); with medicines that clear Damp and Melancholy (eg. Agaric, Poria Fu Ling, Polypodium), medicines that resolve Phlegm Masses (eg. Pinellia Ban Xia, Arum root), as well as medicines to clear Toxicity (eg. Burdock, Rhubarb, Coptis Huang Lian). Other herbs are added depending on the individual condition.

Medicines useful to clear Melancholy Humor
Borage, Thyme, Rosemary, Balm, Endive, Licorice, Currants, Almonds, Dodder, Polypody, Fumitory, Hops
Purgative compounds to purge Melancholy and Black Bile which can be taken 2–4 times per month (strength permitting): Diasenna, Hiera Ruffi, Hiera Logadii, Confectio Hamech, Pills of Lapis Lazuli etc.

Noted Formulas from Traditional Medicine used in Cancer Therapy

Kaisor Guggulu – Tumors and Cancer with Heat and Toxin
Kanchanara Guggulu – used for Tumors and Cancers associated with Phlegm and Qi Stagnation.
Tibetan Medicine:
Great Precious Hot Compound (Rin chen tsha sbyor chen mo)
Great Yellow Compound (Sman ser chen mo) (Tibetan)
Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug)
Selinum 6 (Tang kug drug thang)
Vajra’s Nectar (Gsang bdag dar ya kan) 
Rinchen Tsotru Dashel
Rinchen Mangjor Chenmo

Most Used TCM Anti-Cancer Formulas A review of the most used TCM formulas in Cancer treatment from Taiwanese databases showed the following to be most used (see here):
Cancer chemoprevention and therapy using chinese herbal medicine
Concurrent administration of anticancer chemotherapy drug and herbal medicine on the perspective of pharmacokinetics

Western Tradition

Cancrum purgant, curant, & abscindunt
Cancer, to purge, cure, and separate

Potion for Unulcerated Cancer
Decoction of Dodder (Mesue)
Decoction of Dodder (Rhasis)

Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Decoction for Cancer (Model Botanic Guide)
Syrup of Fumitory Compound (Augustana)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)

Potion for Cancer
Water for Cancer
Black Powder (Pulvis Ethiopicus)
Cancer Powder (Montagnana)
Powder for Cancer
Powder for Cancer (Wiseman)
Powder for Cancer (Galen)
Powder for Cancerous Ulcers (Gabelhover)

Powder for Uterine Cancer
Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confect Hamech)
Indian Pills (Mesue)

Pills of Azurite (Mesue)
Pills of Lapis Lazuli (1) Mesue
Pills of Lapis Lazuli (3) Mesue

Kanchanara Guggulu
Great Yellow Compound (Sman ser chen mo) (Tibetan)
Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug) (Tibetan)
Wish-fulfilling Jewel (Bsam phel nor bu) (Tibetan)

Animal-based Remedies
The Black Powder

Powder of Burnt River Crabs
Tincture of Pill Millipedes
Powder for Cancer

To ‘Ripen’ a Cancer
Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Indian Pills (Mesue)

To Purge in Cancer
Hiera Logadi
Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confect. Hamech)
Indian Pills (Mesue)
Pills of Azurite (Mesue)
Pills of Lapis Lazuli (1) Mesue
Purge to be Taken in Cancer
Potion for Unulcerated Cancer

Weakness due to Cancer
Restorative of Nicholas (Pleres Arconticon) (Nicholas)
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue)
Syrup of Balm (Fernelius)
Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue)

Topical Remedies for Cancer
Powder for Cancer (Galen)
Powder for Ulcerated Cancer
Oil of Ash
Oil of Datura
Oil of Juniper
Oil of Toads
Oil of Violets

Ointment of Alphesericon
Plaster for Breast Cancer
Plaster for Cancer (Culpeper)
Plaster for Cancer (Gabelhover)
Plaster for Cancer (Myddvai)
Plaster for Cancer (Wirtzung)
Plaster of Red Clover
Plaster of Sheep Sorrel
Salve for Skin Cancer
Cerate Gratia Dei
Oil of Sulphur

Cancer Pastes:
Cancer Pastes or Cancer Salves based on caustic medicines have remained popular until today, various healers using them to treats cancers of the skin and flesh, particularly Breast cancer. It has become popular again recently under the name “Black Salve” and has been marketed as Cansema. However, due to self treatment, a number of severe side effects have been reported.

1. “Black Salve”: Zinc chloride, powdered Bloodroot, Wheat flour, equal parts by weight. Mix enough water to form a paste. Spread on a cloth just enough to cover the Cancer and apply, protecting the healthy skin with olive oil before applying. Leave on as long as the patients can bare, remove. A mild healing poultice can be applied. In 6–8 days the Cancer will come out. If it leaves a smooth healthy surface, it is complete. If not, repeat the application.
   Various ‘Cancer doctors’ claimed to have cured scores of patients using this paste. There are a number of variations and additions based on this theme.

2. Arsenic, Sulphur, Zinc sulphate, Rochelle Salts, equal parts; add Egg yolk enough to form a stiff paste. Bake until dry, powder. To use, mix again with Egg yolk and apply as a paste on cloth.

3. White Arsenic (1 dram), Gum Kino, Cinnabar (1 oz. each), Golden Seal (2 drams). Make a paste with Olive oil and Wax.

TCM Classification

Important TCM Ant-Cancer Herbs
Hedyotis Bai Hua She She Cao
Scutellaria Ban Zhi Lian
Solanum nigraum Long Kui

Qi and Blood Stasis
Newly formed Cancer, small, especially occurring after stress or an emotional period.
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang

Blood Stasis

Fixed Lumps or Masses, fixed, sharp pain, purplish tongue or nail beds, choppy pulse
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Toxic Heat with Phlegm and Blood Stasis
This is usually seen in acute stages with heat and inflammation.

Dian She Wan

In Chronic Cases, or cases undergoing Chemo- or Radiotherapy, supportive medicines are used. Tonic medicines are found to increase Immunity, support the Blood and increase general well-being:

Qi or Qi and Blood Deficiency
Si Jun Zi Tang
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Bu Zhong YI Qi Tang
Ba Zhen Tang

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang

Yin Deficiency or Yin-Deficient Heat
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

General Formula for Use During Chemo- and Radiotherapy
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Si Jun Zi Tang
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang

Special TCM Anti-Cancer Formula

Ping Xiao Capsules (TCM Patent)

Extra Cancer Formulas

    Thyme                          2 drams
    Senna                           1 dram each
    Seeds of Gourd,
      Pumpkin, beaten,
      Violet (seed)              1.5 drams each
    Yellow Rapseed         1 scruple each
Boil in Hop water (8 oz.) to half, strain, add Whey (3 oz.), and drink warm, fasting 6 hours after. (Hops can be infused in the strained decoction instead of Hop water, and Whey powder could be added instead of Whey).
  This is a gentle purge of Melancholy and was recommended to be taken 3–4 times monthly in the treatment of Breast Cancer, but can be applied to other Cancers too. Take warm and fast 6 hours after. (Wirtzung)

    Jujubes                       5 piece
    Borage                        7 gm
    Fumitory                     7 gm
    Nepata hindostana   7 gm
    Fennel                         1 gm
    Licorice                       5 gm
Soak in hot water overnight, strain and add Rose Conserve (20 gm) or Alhagi pseudalhagi (20 gm) (Unani)

    Fennel seed
    Nepata hindostana
    Alhagi pseudalhagi     equal parts
Form Pills. (Unani)

    Stavesacre                   9 grams
    Fennel seed                 5 gm
    Licorice                         1 gm
    Maidenhair                   7 grams
    Figs                                2
Decoct and mix with Rose Conserve (20 gm). (Unani)

    Jujube                            5 piece
    Violet Flowers              7 gm
    Water Lily                      7 gm
    Fumitory                        7 gm
    Chicory seed                7 gm
    Chicory root                  7 gm
    Rose                               7 gm
The drugs are soaked in hot water overnight and after sieving it Sharbat-e-Neelofar (20ml) or Sakbeenajh (20 gm) is added to it

    Turpeth                          3.5 gm ea.
    Indigo plant
    Aniseed                         1.75 gm ea.
    Scammony prepared
    Cochlospermum         600 mg ea.
    Colocynth seed
    Agaricus alba
    Orchis (Sa’lab misri)    300 mg. ea.
Powder and form Tablets with Rose Water.

Form Pills. (Unani)

    Comfrey root
    Osmund Royal root
    China root
    Sarsaparilla                 1 oz. each
    Guaiacum                   2 oz.
    Rhubarb                      6 drams
    Senna                         10 drams
    Agaric                          6 drams
    Cinnamon                   2 drams
    Cloves                          1 dram
Infuse in 5 or 6 pints of Barley water, then boil to 2 quarts, then strain and sweeten with 4 oz. of Syrup of Comfrey (Fernel).
  ‘It purges gently, forwards the cure, and preserves from further danger’.
Dose: 4–5 oz. (Salmon, Synopsis Medicinae, 1681)
    Myrrh                       20 drams
    Realgar                     6 drams
    Costus                       2 drams each
    Acacia                       4 drams
    Unslaked Lime        6 drams
    Gall                            3 drams
    Amomum                 1 dram
Beat, mix with Vinegar and form into tablets. To use, powder and mix with vinegar and apply. ‘It is a well tried remedy’. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)

    Plantain juice
    Endive juice
    Houseleek juice
    Nightshade juice
    Rose Vinegar
    Oil of Myrtles           1 oz. each
    Venice Turpentine  2 drams
Stir in a mortar (Lead) adding powders of Pomegranate peel and Citron peel, Sugar of Lead (1 dram each), Armenian Earth, Burnt Lead, Camphor (half dram each).

From TCM:

    Sophora Ku Shen
    Smilax Tu Fu Ling
This has a broad-spectrum Anti-Cancer combination and is used in the treatment of numerous (over 17) different Cancers in China.

    Toad Venom
    Bezoar (artificial)
    Lonicera Jin Yin Hua
    Centipede (Wu Gong)
    Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying)
    Scutellaria barbata Ban Zhi Lian
    Black Nightshade (Long Kui)
    Rhubarb (Da Huang)
    Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
    Safflower (Hong Hua)
    Pinellia ginger-processed Ban Xia
    Codonopsis Dang Shen
    Astragalus Huang Qi
    Amomum Sha Ren
(as in Jin Pu Jiao Nang of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)

Colorectal and Gastrointestinal Cancer:
    Actinidia Teng Li Geng 30 g
    Solanum nigrum Long Kui 15 g
    Duchesnea indica She Mei 15 g,
    Atractylodes Bai Zhu 9 g,
    Poria Fu Ling 15 g,
    Coix seed (Yi Yi Ren) 30 g
    Mistletoe (Hu Ji Sheng) 15 g,
    Scutellaria barbata Ban Zhi Lian 30 g.

    Notoginseng San Qi
This is a modern Korean formula widely used in Cancer treatment. It has been studied and found clinically useful.
From Tibetan Medicine:

    Chebulic Myrobalan
    Aconitum ferox
    Oxytropis microphylla
    Bdellium (Commiphora mukul)
    Acacia catechu
    Delphinium brunonianum
This has been shown to promote apoptosis and has anti-cancer effects as well as antiangiogenic effects.

    Emblic Myrobalan
    Adhatoda leaf
    Long pepper
    Dracocephyllum tanguticum
    Coriander seed
    Meconopsis horridula
    Corydalis hendersoni root
    Embelia ribes seed
    Delphinium brunonianum
    Chebulic Myroabaln
    Aconitum ferox prepared root
    Detoxified Mercury (Tsothel)
Induces apoptosis in Ovarian Cancer cell lines and has a
Potent Anti-metastatic effect.

From Ayurveda

Pinzar Rasayana
    Hirak (Diamond) Bhasma, 40 mg
    Suvarna (Gold) Bhasma, 4 mg
    Tamra (Copper) bhasma, 5 mg
    Roupya (Silver) Bhasma, 5 mg
    Abhrak (Mica) bhasma, 40 mg
    Jasad (Zinc) bhasma, 5 mg
    Mouktik (Pearl) Bhasma, 120 mg
    Hartal (Orpiment) Bhasma, 30 mg
    Chapal (Bismuth) Bhasma, 10 mg
    Rasasindoor (Vermillion), 30 mg
    Suvarnmakshik (Chalcopyrite) Bhasma, 60 mg
This is an Ayurvedic Rasayana compound used in Cancer therapy.
  It was an intergral part of a case of complete remission of Lymphoma using only Ayurvedic medicines (see here).

  • Extra Info
  • Research
  • Specific Cancers
Click the above Tabs for more information
General Research:
Effective Medicinal Plant in Cancer Treatment
Concurrent administration of anticancer chemotherapy drug and herbal medicine on the perspective of pharmacokinetics
Lead Phytochemicals for Anticancer Drug Development
Screening of promising chemotherapeutic candidates from plants extracts
Emerging Cytotoxic Alkaloids in the Battle against Cancer: Overview of Molecular Mechanisms
Anticancer Activity of Natural Compounds from Plant and Marine Environment
In Search of Panacea—Review of Recent Studies Concerning Nature-Derived Anticancer Agents
Effect of Food Taste in Cancer Forming and Progression; Viewpoint From Persian Medicine
Traditional Tibetan Medicine in Cancer Therapy by Targeting Apoptosis Pathways
Anticancer activities and mechanisms of heat-clearing and detoxicating traditional Chinese herbal medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care: An Overview of 5834 Randomized Controlled Trials Published in Chinese
Cancer and its Treatment in Main Ancient Books of Islamic Iranian Traditional Medicine (7th to 14th Century AD)
Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of 112 traditional Chinese medicinal plants associated with anticancer
Medicinal Plants and Mushrooms with Immunomodulatory and Anticancer Properties—A Review on Hong Kong’s Experience
Unani approach to cancer (Sartan) and its management

Herbs with Well-Researched Broad-Spectrum Anti-Cancer Effects:
Black Nightshade
-see Solanum nigrum in the Treatment of Cancer
Solanum nigrum monograph
Costus, Mu Xiang
Saussurea lappa extract suppresses TPA-induced cell invasion via inhibition of NF-κB-dependent MMP-9 expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
Anticancer effect of Saussurea lappa extract via dual control of apoptosis and autophagy in prostate cancer cells
Potential Anti-Cancer Activities and Mechanisms of Costunolide and Dehydrocostuslactone
Development of Anticancer Agents from Plant-derived Sesquiterpene Lactones
Anti-Cancer Natural Products and Their Bioactive Compounds Inducing ER Stress-Mediated Apoptosis: A Review
Sesquiterpene Lactones Downregulate G2/M Cell Cycle Regulator Proteins and Affect the Invasive Potential of Human Soft Tissue Sarcoma Cells
Costunolide—A Bioactive Sesquiterpene Lactone with Diverse Therapeutic Potential
Crocus, Saffron
A comprehensive review on anticancer mechanisms of the main carotenoid of saffron, crocin.
Crocin, safranal and picrocrocin from saffron (Crocus sativus L.) inhibit the growth of human cancer cells in vitro.
Crocus sativus a natural food coloring and flavoring has potent anti-tumor properties.
Saffron and natural carotenoids: Biochemical activities and anti-tumor effects.
Proposed cytotoxic mechanisms of the saffron carotenoids crocin and crocetin on cancer cell lines.
Mechanism behind the anti-tumour potential of saffron (Crocus sativus L.): The molecular perspective.
Hedyotis diffusa
Hedyotis diffusa water extract diminished the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy drugs against human breast cancer MCF7 cells.
Rhubarb, Da Huang
[Research progress in anti-tumor effect of emodin].
Anti-cancer properties of anthraquinones from rhubarb.
Potential antineoplastic effects of Aloe-emodin: a comprehensive review.
Antioxidant and Anti-Cancer Potentials of Rheum emodi Rhizome Extracts.
Rubia, Madder
Mollugin Has an Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Effect by Inhibiting TNF-α-Induced NF-κB Activation.
Mollugin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis by suppressing fatty acid synthase in HER2-overexpressing cancer cells.
Mollugin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis by suppressing fatty acid synthase in HER2-overexpressing cancer cells.
Anti-inflammatory and anticancer compounds isolated from Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn., Rubia cordifolia Linn. and Lantana camara Linn.
Mollugin induces apoptosis in human Jurkat T cells through endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated activation of JNK and caspase-12 and subsequent activation of mitochondria-dependent caspase cascade regulated by Bcl-xL.
Anticancer constituents from the roots of Rubia cordifolia L
Effect of RC-18, a new anticancer principle isolated from Rubia cordifolia, Linn. on cell cycle of P388 tumour system.
In vivo anti-cancer activity of RC-18: a plant isolate from Rubia cordifolia, Linn. against a spectrum of experimental tumour models.
Anti-cancer activity of the extracts of Rubia cordifolia Linn.
Scutellaria barbata
Scutellaria barbata polysaccharides inhibit tumor growth and affect the serum proteomic profiling of hepatoma H22‑bearing mice.
Scutellarein selectively targets multiple myeloma cells by increasing mitochondrial superoxide production and activating intrinsic apoptosis pathway.
Neoclerodane diterpenoids from Scutellaria barbata with cytotoxic activities.
Cytotoxic Neo-Clerodane Diterpenoids from Scutellaria barbata D.Don.
Inhibition effects of total flavonoids from Sculellaria barbata D. Don on human breast carcinoma bone metastasis via downregulating PTHrP pathway.
Scutellarein from Scutellaria barbata induces apoptosis of human colon cancer HCT116 cells through the ROS-mediated mitochondria-dependent pathway.
The anti-cancer effects and mechanisms of Scutellaria barbata D. Don on CL1-5 lung cancer cells.
Scutellaria barbata D. Don inhibits colorectal cancer growth via suppression of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.
Anti-tumor effect of Scutellaria barbata D. Don extracts on ovarian cancer and its phytochemicals characterisation.
Effects of Scutellaria barbata polysaccharide on the proliferation, apoptosis and EMT of human colon cancer HT29 Cells.
Antitumor and anti-angiogenic activities of Scutellaria barbata extracts in vitro are partially mediated by inhibition of Akt/protein kinase B.
A phase 1B dose escalation trial of Scutellaria barbata (BZL101) for patients with metastatic breast cancer.

Anti-Metastatic Herbs:
Black Nightshade:
Degalactotigonin, a Natural Compound from Solanum nigrum L., Inhibits Growth and Metastasis of Osteosarcoma through GSK3β Inactivation-Mediated Repression of the Hedgehog/Gli1 Pathway
Solanum nigrum Linn. water extract inhibits metastasis in mouse melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
Panax Notoginseng (San Qi)
Inhibition of human colorectal cancer metastasis by notoginsenoside R1, an important compound from Panax notoginseng.
Effects of Panax notoginseng on the Metastasis of Human Colorectal Cancer Cells.
Panax notoginseng saponins (PNS) inhibits breast cancer metastasis.
Scutellaria barbata
Inhibition effects of total flavonoids from Sculellaria barbata D. Don on human breast carcinoma bone metastasis via downregulating PTHrP pathway.

Scutellaria barbata
Anti-angiogenic effect of the total flavonoids in Scutellaria barbata D. Don.
Scutellaria barbata inhibits angiogenesis through downregulation of HIF-1 α in lung tumor.

Synergistic with Chemotherapy:
Astragaloside IV enhances taxol chemosensitivity of breast cancer via caveolin-1-targeting oxidant damage.
Astragaloside IV sensitizes non-small cell lung cancer cells to gefitinib potentially via regulation of SIRT6.
Astragaloside IV Enhances Cisplatin Chemosensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells Through Inhibition of B7-H3.
Formononetin sensitizes glioma cells to doxorubicin through preventing EMT via inhibition of histone deacetylase 5.
Black Nightshade
–Sensitizing effect to Adriamycin–Anti-Cancer Activity of Solanum nigrum (AESN) through Suppression of Mitochondrial Function and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Breast Cancer Cells
–Enhances cytoxicity of 4 Chemotherapy drugs–Aqueous Extract of Solanum nigrum Leaves Induces Autophagy and Enhances Cytotoxicity of Cisplatin, Doxorubicin, Docetaxel, and 5-Fluorouracil in Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells
–Enhancement of Cisplatin and Doxorubicin–Integrated Treatment of Aqueous Extract of Solanum nigrum-Potentiated Cisplatin- and Doxorubicin-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
–Enhances Docetaxel–Aqueous Extract of Solanum nigrum Leaf Activates Autophagic Cell Death and Enhances Docetaxel-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Endometrial Carcinoma Cells
–Reverses Multi-drug resistance–Solanine reverses multidrug resistance in human myelogenous leukemia K562/ADM cells by downregulating MRP1 expression
–Enhances various chemotherapeutic drugs to Ovarian Cancer–Cisplatin-, Doxorubicin-, and Docetaxel-Induced Cell Death Promoted by the Aqueous Extract of Solanum nigrum in Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cells.
Dehydrocostus Lactone Enhances Chemotherapeutic Potential of Doxorubicin in Lung Cancer by Inducing Cell Death and Limiting Metastasis

Cancer Treatment in Different Traditions
Cancer and its management in Indian alternative system of medicine: A review
Cancer and its management in unani medicine-An appraisal
Herbal Remedies for Cancer based on Persian Medicine
Cancer and its treatment in main ancient books of Islamic Iranian traditional medicine (7th to 14th Century AD)
Suggested Treatment of Specific Types of Cancer

See Individual Cancer Monographs (above) for Common Cancers

Black Nightshade
Solamargine derived from Solanum nigrum induces apoptosis of human cholangiocarcinoma QBC939 cells

Head & Neck Cancers
Suggested Herbs:
Black Nightshade, Calamus, Cleavers, Comfrey, Dodder, Figwort (Scrophularia), Fumitory, Rhubarb, Self Heal, Violet, Withania

Herbs with Proven Effects:
Withaferin A induces apoptosis through the generation of thiol oxidation in human head and neck cancer cells.

Kidney Cancer
Suggested Herbs:
Agrimony, Asparagus root, Bitter Almond, Comfrey, Rhubarb, Tribulus seed, Winter Cherry

Herbs with Proven Effects:
Tribulus, Ci Ji Li
Experimental study of saponins from Tribulus terrestris on renal carcinoma cell line.

Multiple Myeloma
Withanolide D Exhibits Similar Cytostatic Effect in Drug-Resistant and Drug-Sensitive Multiple Myeloma Cells.

Suggested Herbs:
Black Nightshade, Comfrey, Withania

Herbs with Proven Effects:
Withaferin-A induces apoptosis in osteosarcoma U2OS cell line via generation of ROS and disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential.
Antiproliferation potential of withaferin A on human osteosarcoma cells via the inhibition of G2/M checkpoint proteins.

Oral Cancer
Suggested Herbs:
Black Nightshade, Cleavers, Self Heal, Violet

Herbs with Proven Effects:
Cytotoxic Components Against Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Isolated from Andrographis paniculata.
Black Nightshade
Inhibition of aqueous extracts of Solanum nigrum (AESN) on oral cancer through regulation of mitochondrial fission
Evaluation of the Cytotoxic Activity of Crocin and Safranal, Constituents of Saffron, in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (KB Cell Line).

Skin Cancer–Internal
Suggested Herbs:
Dodder, Fumitory, Madder, Rhubarb

Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Pills of Fumitory (Avicenna)
Pills for Melancholy (Unani)
Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confect Hamech)
Indian Pills (Mesue)

Skin Cancer–Topical
Suggested Herbs:
Violet, Cleavers, Self Heal, Rosemary, Red Clover

Powder for Cancer (Galen)

Cancerous Ulcers

Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Powder for Cancerous Ulcers (Gabelhover)
Indian Pills (Mesue)