Campsis, Ling Xiao Hua 凌霄花Trumpet CreeperLing Xiao Hua, Zi Wei (TCM) |
Witte, H., Flora (1868)
Campsis grandiflora
(Photo by bastus917) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Campsis grandiflora (syn. C. chinensis), C. radicans
Parts used:
Flower is listed in the Chinese Pharmacopeia; Flower or whole plant (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
Root and leaf are also used the same.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Sweet, Pungent, slightly Sour and Bitter
K. Moves the Blood
1. Clears Heat from the Blood:
-Acne, Eczema
-Brandy Nose
-Rosacea, Erysipelas (Da Ming)
2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-Amenorrhea with abdominal masses (Chinese Pharmacopeia); Dysmenorrhea
-Abnormal Menstruation, Flooding and Spotting
-Uterine Masses and Tumors
-‘good for treating metrorrhagia, metrostaxis and leukorrhea’ (Da Ming)
-useful for Postpartum diseases, Postpartum Bleeding, Postpartum Breast swelling
-Hard masses from Blood Stagnation (Shen Nong Ben Cao)
-also for Trauma and Bruising
3. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison:
-Itching (Chinese Pharmacopeia); itchy skin rashes
-Fever and Chills (Shen Nong Ben Cao)
-Snake Bites
-sore and inflamed Throat (Leaf, Li Shi Zhen)
-Epilepsy from Wind and Heat (Zhen Quan)
4. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-difficult Urination
-Rheumatoid pains (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
5. Externally:
-topically for Sores, Acne etc.
-decoction as a hair wash ‘will turn black in no time’ (Shen Nong Ben Cao)
-leaf paste is applied to forehead for Headache (Bangladesh)
-leaf juice is dropped into the ear for Earache (Bangladesh)
-used as a dye
Decoction of the Flowers (added towards the end): 3–9 grams
Decoction of the Whole Plant: 9–15 grams
Lithospermum Zi Cao is similar in function
Main Combinations:
1. Amenorrhea from Blood stasis, Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Dang Gui, Paeonia rubra Chi Shao Yao, Safflower (Hong Hua)
2. Dysmenorrhea from Blood stasis, Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Dang Gui, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Peach kernel (Tao Ren)
3. Uterine Bleeding, Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Burnet (Di Yu), Sophora flower Huai Hua
4. Abdominal masses from Blood stagnation:
i. Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Safflower (Hong Hua)
ii. Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Zedoary (E Zhu), Rhubarb (Da Huang)
5. Itchy skin rashes, Acne:
i. Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang, Tribulus Ci Ji Li
ii. Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Paeonia rubra Chi Shao Yao, Cicada Slough (Chan Tui)
6. Brandy Nose, Campsis Ling Xiao Hua with Gardenia Zhi Zi
Major Formulas:
1. Not used during Pregnancy. (Caution during Pregnancy in Chinese Pharmacopoeia). Shen Nong Ben Cao said that it ‘Nourishes the Fetus’
2. Avoid use in severe weakness.