Camphor has been used in all medical systems for many centuries. It has particularly been used in many formulas against Infection, Epidemics, Fever and Toxin.
Its widespread dissemination throughout the ancient world is seen in the similarity of its names: karpura in Sanskrit, ga bur in Tibetan, kafur in Arabic, camphora in Latin, which has been rendered into Camphor in English.
Camphor is sourced from Cinnamonum camphora of the Lauraceae. Crude Camphor collected is refined to give almost pure clear Camphor crystals. It is also distiled from the wood and bark of the tree. Today it is commonly prepared from Turpentine oil.
Borneo Camphor is obtained from Dryobalanops aromatica. It is superior to regular Camphor which was noted by Salmon. In TCM only Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian) is considered suitable for internal use, whereas regular Camphor is only used externally.
Classically regarded as Cold, it is now regarded as Hot in TCM. Likewise, Salmon noted that Camphor was classically regarded as Cold in the West, but was regarded as Hot in his time (17th C).
It is mildly toxic, Pungent, very Aromatic and slightly Bitter.
The nature of Camphor is manifested by its smell. It is potent, highly aromatic, penetrating, uplifting, cleansing and cooling in its effect. Its potent aromatic nature shows a dispersing and opening effect; its cool and cleansing effect works in Fever, Heat and Poison; the penetrating nature shows its effect against Obstruction.
Its effects can be summarised as:
1) Moves Qi and Blood, Opens Obstructions, Eases Pain
2) Aromatically Revives the Brain and senses, Resists Poison
3) Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough
4) Aphrodisiac (opposite effect in large dose or long-term use)
By far the most common group of classical formulas in which Camphor appears in are the formulas against Fever, Epidemic diseases, and Poisons.
In Tibetan Medicine, Camphor is the ‘King’ of Fever medicines which is paired with the ‘Minister’, White Sandalwood. Together, they are usually combined with Tabasheer, suspiciously like the Arab formulas of Mesue and others.
It was used in a number of the Cooling formulas of Western Pharmacy such as Diatragacanth Frigidum, Diamargariton Frigidum, Diarrhodon Abbatis etc.
Borneol Camphor (Bing Pian) is best used internally, and is the form used internally in TCM.
Borneol Camphor is 10–200mg.
Camphor: 10–200mg
Safety, Toxicity & Contraindications
Camphor is Toxic and must be used very cautiously internally. In general. However, it is used in a number of traditional formulas in all the Great Medicine Traditions.
1. Do not use during Pregnancy
2. Do not use in children under 5 years of age. Even external use should be avoided in young infants.
Camphor is lethal to infants in doses of 1 gram, and for adults, 7–15 grams.
Toxic reactions in babies have been reported even with external use and inhalations containing camphor.
Doses of 500mg–1 gram in an adult can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, agitation and restlessness.
Despite its toxicity, it will be noted that most formulas containing Camphor contain it as a small percentage of a large formula. Also note that its use in alcohol as a tincture with other herbs, such as with Swedish Bitters, is a good method of use because of the small amount added. All these formulas tend to contain far less than the maximum recommended dosage of 200mg.
Camphor and Saffron
Camphor moves Qi, opens obstructions and eases pain. Saffron moves the Blood and promotes circulation. Together, they are very effective in openeing obstructions of the Qi and Blood to relieve pain. Also to preserve from infection during epidemics.
Examples: Troches of Camphor, Elixir of Camphor
Camphor and Tabasheer
Tabasheer is cool, dry, settles Wind and stops spasms, clears Heat, settles Fever and relieves Phlegm to stop Cough. This combination is good for Fever with Cough, and to relieve High Fever. It also regulates Qi.
Examples: Pills of Camphor and Troches of Camphor
Camphor and Sandalwood
Sandalwood is regarded as Cooling, and relaxes the flow of Qi. With Camphor, they resolve Qi blockage with Heat and help resolve stagnation.
Examples: Pills of Camphor, Troches of Camphor, King and Minister 3 of Tibetan Medicine
(Spirit of Wine Camphorated) (Hartman)
Spirit of Wine 1 lb.
Camphor 1 oz.
Saffron 1 scruple
Break the Camphor and dissolve without fire; then hang up the Saffron tied up in a rag. Steep until the S.V. is the color of Gold; keep for use. This is to be kept in a large glass, with a fifth or sixth part of it empty.
It is Cephalic, Cardiac, Anti-arthritic, Alexipharmic, having a great Diaphoretic force. An antidote against the Plague and Pestilential venom, Resisting Putrefaction and Poison, and is a specific in Epidemic and Spotted Fevers including Small Pox, Measles, etc. It also strongly abates Lust, and prevails against Hysteria.
It was much commended in the Plague which hit Germany in 1623, which is when this prescription was first made. (Pharmacopoea Bateana)
(Tibetan Medicine)
This combination is used for Fever, for which it is considered specific. Other medicines are added depending on the type of Fever; this may include Saffron, Bezoar, Picrorhiza and Swertia.
This combination appears in a number of Tibetan and Unani formulas for Fever.
Red Roses 4 drams
Tabasheer 2 drams
Red Sandalwood 1 ½ drams, 7 grains
White Sandalwood 1 dram, 12 grains
Saffron 2 ½ scruples
Camphor 12 grains
Form Troches with White Wine.
Clears Heat from the Stomach, Heart and Liver. They are cooling and were used for Fever.
White Sandalwood
Pumpkin seed kernel
Tragacanth, of each 5 grams
Camphor 3 grams
Form pills with mucilage of Quince.
Used as an antipyretic against Fever including Typhoid and Hectic Fevers.
Dose: 3–5 grams.
Tabasheer 50 grams
Rose 25 grams
White Sandalwood
Purslane seed
Chicory seed
Lettuce seed
Pumpkin kernel of each 5 grams ea.
Form troches with mucilage of Ispanghol.
Used for Acute and Hectic Fevers.
Dose: 5–10 grams
Cucumber seeds, cleansed
Purslane seed
Licorice 1 oz.
Red Roses
Gum Arabic
Tabasheer ½ oz.
White Starch 3 drams
Saffron 2 drams
Camphor ½ dram
Clears Heat in Fever, Burning Fevers and to Cool Blood and Bile. Used for Epidemic Fevers, Measles, Small Pox etc. Also for Heat of the Stomach or Liver.
Other Examples of the Use of Camphor
powdered Clove
powdered Nutmeg ¼ oz. ea.
Garlic heads 2 (in number)
Place in a container and cover with 1 quart of Cider Vinegar. Keep warm for 5 days, strain and add 2 drams of Camphor.
Used to prevent from infection during Epidemics including the Plague.
Sponges were dipped in the vinegar and worn around the neck or in little bags.
It can also be taken internally diluted with water.