
Cachexia is defined as weakness and wasting associated with severe chronic disease. It is a morbid state of the body due to the body being overburdened with the chronic fight against an ongoing illness. It is primarily a disease of weakness but often with the remnants of unresolved illness. It therefore requires a mix of cleansing and tonifying. It is seen after chronic Fever or Inflammation, as well as in chronic diseases including Tuberculosis and Cancer.

In the Western Tradition, often judicial purging would be used along with preparers and medicines to strengthen. Using formulas such as Troches of Agrimony, Troches of Rhubarb or Troches of Gum Lacca or any of the related formulas in conjunction with taking a mild purgative once per week was standard treatment.

Western Tradition

TCM Classification

Hepatic Decoction (Hoffman)
Opening Hepatic Decoction
Conserve of Bugloss
Syrup of Agrimony

Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue)
Syrup Against Cachexia (D’Aquin)
Tincture of Cinnamon
Wormwood Wine
Theriac of 4 Ingredients (Diatessaron)

Troches of Barberries (Trochisci de Berberis) (Mesue)
Troches of Agrimony
Troches of Rose (Trochisci Diarrhodon) (Mesue)
Troches of Rose (Nicholas)

Troches of Gum Lacca (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Major)

Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Rhasis)
Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue)
Abbots Confect of Roses (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nich)

Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcuma) (Mesue)
Electuary of Costus (Diacostus) (Mesue)

Deficiency of Qi

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Deficient Qi and Blood

Ba Zhen Tang
Gui Pi Tang

Yin Deficiency

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Da Zao Wan

Yin Deficient Heat

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan