Burnt Deer Horn
Burnt Harts HornSha ru (Tibetan)
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
A vendor selling whole and sliced Deer horn of various grades. (Chengdu, 2009)
Zoological name:
Cervus spp.
A number of Deer species have been used, the main sources in TCM are:
1. C. nippon (Sika Deer)
2. C. elaphus (Red Deer)
Parts used:
Burnt Mature Deer horn
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Sweet, Salty
L. Stop Bleeding. R. Astringents
1. Strengthen the Bones (Ayurveda, West, Unani):
-children’s diseases, molites, rickets etc (West, Dioscorides)
-Ayurveda uses the Bhasma for bone diseases including Rickets
-Sciatica, Lumbago and various Rheumatic pains.
-tooth Caries, slow or difficult Teething
2. Benefits Yang, Strengthens the Kidneys:
-Lower Back Pain, Seminal Debility etc. (Ayurveda, West)
-best for Kidney weakness with Lower Back Pain and weakness of the Bones as seen in the elderly and menopausal.
-Edema (Avicenna)
-An Electuary of Burnt Deer horn was used in Diabetes (Brevel, Praxis Medicinae, 1639).
3. Regulates the Blood, Stops Bleeding: (TCM, West, Ayurveda)
-Diarrhea or Dysentery with blood
-excess Menstrual bleeding, Uterine Bleeding.
-Hemoptysis: “Washed and burnt Stag horn is useful in hemoptysis” (Avicenna)
–Bhasma is a Heart tonic and vasodilator; used for Chest pain, Angina and Tachycardia (Ayurveda)
-Burnt Deer horn was used for Heart disorders such as Palpitation after being triturated with Rose water.
-Bruising and Trauma
-“Sedative in cases of severe pain” (Avicenna)
4. Clears Heat and Toxin:
-in Antidotes, against Fever, Infection and various Toxins, for which it was known as Bezoar Animale
-High, Low, and Chronic Fevers (West); Bhasma is used for Chronic Fever and Influenza in Ayurveda.
-Gout, especially if there is Heat or Fever.
-relieves Liver toxins.
-“The burnt and washed stag horn is useful for treating Dysentery.” (Avicenna)
-“it is useful in Jaundice” (Avicenna)
–Bhasma has been used for toxic abscesses of the Kidneys. (Ayurveda)
5. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Stops Cough:
–Bhasma is used as an Expectorant and decongestant; used for Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Consumption,
-Influenza and Whooping Cough.
–Bhasma is said to be a specific for Pleurisy and Pneumonia when 4-8 grains was taken with Honey
6. Antacid:
-diarrhea, hyperacidity etc.; also to promote Appetite.
7. Kills Worms:
-regarded as useful for Worms (West)
8. Externally:
-cleanses and strengthen the Teeth and Gums, used in Tooth powders (Avicenna)
-in vinegar as a gargle or mouth wash for Toothache.
-also used for Ulcers, especially of the Eye.
-suppurative diseases of the Eyes (Avicenna)
-used as a collyrium in eye diseases including vascular keratitis, specks and cataracts. (Unani)
-A paste is applied (with stimulants) to Sprains, Contusions, Fissures and cracks of the Skin, and to relieve the itching of chronic Skin diseases
-applied to Orchitis and Swollen Glands.
Powder: 250–1000mg (5–20 grains)
Oil (Unani)
Deer horn burnt in a sealed container, as was preferred in the West, is similar to the Bhasma of Deer horn prepared in Ayurveda. Both retain more volatile compounds which will be lost with open calcination. The Bhasma has the addition of organic matter (Aloe juice) which possibly changes its nature and strength, but probably just facilitates thorough burning of the horn.
Semi-mature or fully mature is used to prepare burnt Horn. Deer Horn (or any other horn) may be calcined several ways: they may be Calcined by Fire, Vaporation, or Corrosion.
1. Fire:
a) Burn pieces of Horn in an open vessel until they become perfectly white; then powder them, and put them in a vessel with enough water to cover them well and stir. Pour off the water while turbid into another vessel, let the powder settle. Carefully pour off excess water, let the powder dry and keep for use. This powder, with the gelatin having been burnt out, leaves an almost pure Phosphate of Lime.
b) Another way was to use the Caput Mort. of the Horn left after Distillation of the Spirit and Oil; this is put into an open fire, and left for 1–2 hours until it becomes most pure; it is then ready. This was often Triturated with Rose Water to give it a better scent, and make it more applicable as a Tonic.
c) Another form of burning the Horn may be done by burning in a sealed or ‘luted’ vessel. This keeps hold of volatile matter that is lost when open-burned. This is how the Bhasma of Deer horn is made in Ayurveda. It is a far superior way to burn both Deer horn and Ivory (in the making of Spodium), and is to be preferred when Burnt Deer Horn is called for.
2. Vaporous Calcination:
‘Put the horns in the upper part or head of the Still, which is almost filled with water; then set fire underneath, that the Vapour elevated by the heat, may pierce the Horns by degrees, and make them brittle and white. Note: this is three days work, and is called Philosophical Calcination’. (Schroder)
3. Corrosive Calcination:
Made by pouring on acid liquors such as Distilled Vinegar, Spirit of Vitriol or Nitre etc. The acid is poured onto the powdered or rasped horn, which will dissolve it (if all is not dissolved, add more Spirit). If this is then precipitated into a Calx, it will form a Magistery of that Horn.
Bhasma is prepared by calcining Deer horn, then powdering and rubbing very well with the Aloe juice (or latex of Calotropis gigantea). From this small discs are made which are sun-dried, and subjected to Putapaka 3 times (ie. burnt in sealed containers inside a pile of dried cow dung, repeated three times).
Regarded as a Cardiotonic, good for Angina Pectoris, said to be very effective when taken with Honey. It is also highly regarded for Bronchitis, Asthma, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis and Cough due to aggravation of Phlegm. It is also used against Poisons such as in Chronic Fever, Influenza etc. Also for bone weakness including Rickets.
Dose: 250mg with Milk or Ghee
Main Combinations:
1. For Fever, Epidemic Diseases, Spotted Fevers including Measles:
i. Burnt Deer Horn with Amber, Red Coral, Pearl, Crab Eyes and Crab Claws (as in White Powder and The Countess of Kent’s Powder)
ii. Burnt Deer Horn with Dittany, Tormentil, Angelica, Juniper, Zedpary, Nux Vomica, Camphor (as in Electuary of Eggs of Maximilian)
iii. Fever and Spotted Fever, especially in Children, Burnt Deer Horn with Crab Eyes
2. Jaundice, Burnt Deer Horn with Parsley seed, Nettle seed, Nutmeg (equal parts)
3. Excess Menstruation, Uterine Bleeding:
i. Burnt Deer horn with Amber, Egg shell, Dill seed (Nicholas)
ii. Burnt Deer horn with Oyster shell, Pomegranate flower, Amber, Red Coral, Tabasheer, Rose (as in Powder for Menstrual Flux of Isaac)
4. To strengthen the Uterus:
i. Burnt Deer horn with Amber, Cinnamon
ii. Burnt Deer horn with Bay and Myrrh (Culpeper)
5. Apoplexy:
i. Burnt Deer horn with Cinnamon, Amber, Peony, Aloeswood
6. Bruising and Trauma, Burnt Deer horn with Comfrey, Dragon’s Blood, Red Coral, Hematite, Cardamon (as in Powder to Break Blood Above and Below of Nicholas)
7. Bleeding:
i. Burnt Deer Horn with Hematite, Licorice juice, Red Earth, Sealed Earth
i. of the Stomach, Burnt Deer Horn with Amber, Red Coral, Pearl, burnt Oyster shell, Rose, Sumac, Gum Arabic
(as in Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach of Nicolas)
ii. Burnt Deer Horn with Amber, Red Coral, Tragacanth, Pomegraante flower, Gum Arabic, Poppy seed, Frankincense, Saffron (as in Troches of Amber of Mesue)
8. Stomach Heat, Acid reflux:
i. Burnt Deer Horn with Chalk, Red Coral, Mace, Nutmeg, Clove (as in Troches for Stomach Heat)
9. Diarrhea:
i. Burnt Deer Horn with Tormentil, Pomegranate rind, Gum Arabic, Cinnamon
ii. Burnt Deer Horn with Rose, Aromaticum Rosatum, Red Earth, Red Coral, powdered and mixed with Syrup of Quinces
10. Diabetes, Burnt Deer Horn with Dried Hedgehog flesh, Purslane seed, Plantain seed, Rose
11. Angina, Burnt Deer Horn (Bhasma) with Cyperus rotundus and Arjuna (Ayurveda)
12. Rickets, Bay berry with Nutmeg, burnt Deer horn, Licorice
13. Worms
i. Burnt Deer Horn with Wormseed, Lupin, Wormwood
ii. Burnt Deer Horn with Purslane seed powder and Syrup of Sorrel
iii. Burnt Deer Horn with Purslane seed, Lettuce seed, Senna
iv. Burnt Deer Horn with Wormseed, Cannabis seed, Southernwood, Wormwood, Thyme, Nigella, Hops, Cardamon (as in Electuary Against Worms)
14. To whiten and strengthen the Teeth:
i. as a tooth powder Burnt Deer Horn with Mastic
ii. Bad Gums and Teeth, Burnt Deer Horn with Wormwood, Rue, Aloe, Mastic, Sage as a tooth powder
15. Ulcers of the Eyes, Burnt Deer Horn with Plantain water
16. Scurf and Dandruff, Burnt Deer Horn mixed with wine is applied to the head (Pliny)
Major Formulas:
Bezoardic Powder of Deer horn
Astringent Decoction
Electuary Against Worms
Powder Against Apoplexy
Powder of Crabs Claw (Countess of Kents Powder)
Powder of Plantain Compound
Powder for Apoplexy (Wirtenberg)
Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach (Nicolas)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Nicholas)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Isaac)
Powder for Bad Breath from Rotting Teeth
Powder for Vomiting of Blood
Powder to Break Blood Above and Below (Nicholas)
Troches of Amber (Trochisci de Succino) (Mesue)
Troches of Earth of Lemnos (Trochisci de Terra Lemna)
Confection of Hyacinth (Confectio de Hyacintho)
Electuary for Arthritis
Electuary of Eggs (Maximilian)
Cantharide 37 (Tibetan)
Goethite 25 (Mdung rtse nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Great Precious Iron Pill (Rin chen lchags ril cheng mo) (Tibetan)
Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug) (Tibetan)
Rhinoceros Horn 25 (Bse ru nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Bezoardic Powder of Deer horn