Burning Urine

Urinary Tract Infections
Burning Urine is generally associated with Urinary Tract Infections. Heat and Irritation cause a burning sensation when Urinating. It can be also be caused by certain STD’s.

Treatment aims to clear Heat, resolve Damp if present, and promote urine with cooling, soothing medicines.

Western Tradition

Simple Remedies
1. Rhubarb with Decoction of Violet
2. Mallow seed and Licorice decocted
3. Mucilage of Quince see


Barley Water
Diluted White Wine
Almond Milk
Depurating Decoction
Decoction of Melon seed (simple)
Decoction Against Strangury and Burning Urine
Emulsion Against Sharpness of Urine
Syrup of Violet Compound
Syrup of Hops
Compound Syrup of Marshmallow (Fernel)
Halys Powder
Powder for Burning Urine (Renodeus)
Troches for Burning Urine.
Troches of Winter Cherry (Trochisci Alkekengi) (Mesue)
Troches of Winter Cherry (Unani)
Troches of Gordon
Troches of Barberries (Mesue)
Electuary of Seeds
Electuary for Heat of the Urine (1)
Electuary for Heat of the Urine (2)
Oil of St. Johns Wort (externally)
Oil of Sweet Almonds (externally)

Barberry 8 Powder (Tibetan Medicine)

Strong Heat
Tablets of Fixed Niter
Halys Powder
Powder for Burning Urine (Renodeus)
Troches of Camphor (Nicholas)
Expert Troches of Mahomet (Unani)

Yin Deficiency
Troches of Gordon
Troches of Winter Cherry (Trochisci Alkekengi) (Mesue)
Troches of Winter Cherry (Unani)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Expert Troches of Mahomet (Unani)
TCM Classification

Damp Heat
burning, urgent urine, fever, high colored and strong smelling urine, fast pulse, red tongue with yellow coat
Er Miao San
Ba Zheng San
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Strong Heat
burning, urgent urination, high fever, pain over pubis, strong smelling urine, irritability, insomnia, fast pulse
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang

Yin Deficiency
Mild burning urine, frequency, nocturnal urination, night sweats, lower back pain, dry mouth, deep weak pulse
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Zuo Gui Yin

Yin Deficient Heat
burning urine which is chronic or recurring, nocturnal urination, night sweats, dry mouth, heat in the palms and soles, cracked tongue
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

Yin & Yang Deficiency
chronic frequent urine, with or without burning, lower back pain, nocturnal urination, feels the cold, night sweats, weakness, deep weak pulse
Er Xian Tang

Special Formulas

    Watermelon seed                30 drams
    Cucumber seed
    Pumpkin seed
    Poppy seed                           10 drams
    Henbane seed                        2 drams
    Sugar                                  equal to the rest
Powder. Dose: 2–3 drams with Violet Syrup. (The Medical Formulary of al Samarqandi)