Deer / Bull Pizzle / Testes
Dried Deer Pizzle(Adam, Chengdu Medicine Market, 2017)
Dried Deer Pizzle ornately packaged
(Adam, 2017)
Zoological name:
Deer: Cervus spp.
Bull: Taurus
Other sources used include Pig, Fox, Horse, and in TCM, Dog (traditionally) and Seal
Parts used:
Dried Penis and/or Testicles
Often the entire Pizzle and Testes are dried and used, this being common in TCM.
In some cases, just the dried and powdered Testicles were used.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Sweet, Pungent
N. Yang Tonic
1. Warms the Kidneys, Tonifies the Yang: (TCM, West)
-Aphrodisiac; for Impotence
-Infertility associated with Cold and Weak Kidneys
-in the West, it was also regarded as nourishing Semen
-Prostatitis (Cell Therapists)
-to promote Urine and for Incontinence, both related to Kidney weakness
-Chronic Lower Back Pain etc. (associated with Kidney weakness) (TCM, West)
-“admirably strengthens a weak Back”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
-“The Pizzle reduced into Ashes, or Powder being taken in Drink, cures the Barrenness of the Womb”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
2. Strengthens the Retentive Faculty:
-Incontinence, Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-Postpartum Bleeding or Incontinence from deficiency
-Excess Menstruation
-“The Pizzle made into à Jelly, and given in Milk, cures the Fluor Albus [Leukorrhea] in Women, and the Gonorrhea [Spermatorrhea] in Men”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
-powdered Bull Penis was used for Dysentery (Salmon) (as in Powder of Plantain Compound)
3. Clears Poison, Resolves Masses:
-Pizzle of a Bull was given for Dysentery
-dried Testicles (of a Horse) in powder taken with White Wine reduces Scrofula and heals it (The Secrets of Alexis, 1595)
Decoction: 3–9 grams,
Powder: 1–3 grams
One dried Pizzle can be steeped in a bottle (750ml) of alcohol (Rice spirit, Vodka etc.) with a small glass (20–30mls) taken daily.
The ashes were also used in the West for weak Kidneys, Impotence and Infertility. Dose: 500mg–3 grams.
A common Aphrodisiac tonic in Asia today is to boil a whole dried Pizzle in wine and take as a dose.
Pizzle of various animals have been long used in East and West. In China, the Deer is preferred, while in the West, the Bull was the source of choice. Numerous other animal sources were used similarly.
1. Prepared Pizzle (West):
In the West, flesh and organs was regularly sprinkled with or dipped in brandy (alcohol) and hung to dry. This was repeated which causes the flesh to dry much quicker and lessens the odor. It also makes it more warming and better to enter the Blood, and preserves it better. A suitable tincture, such as Myrrh tincture, can be used instead of alcohol.
2. Prepared Pizzle (TCM):
In TCM it is often steamed with alcohol, then dried.
3. Salted Pizzle:
They can also be salted to dry.
4. Ashed Pizzle:
Sometimes in the West, ashed Pizzle was used. This is prepared by burning the dried Pizzle in a crucible until reduced to ash.
Main Combinations:
1. Aphrodisiac, to Warm and Strengthen the Kidneys:
i. Bull Pizzle with Chickpea, Sea Holly root (West)
ii. Bull Pizzle with Ginger, Almond, Pistachio, Cinnamon (West)
iii. Deer Pizzle with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Cuscuta Tu Si Zi, Epimedium Yin Yang Huo (TCM)
iv. Deer Pizzle with Red Korean Ginseng, Dioscorea Shan Yao, Cynomorium Suo Yang, Epimedium Yin Yang Huo (TCM)
v. Deer Pizzle with Deer Horn (Lu Rong), Cordyceps, Ginseng, Cinnamon
2. Spermatorrhea:
i. Bull Pizzle with Hazel nut, Almond, Hemp seed, Melon seed, Purslane seed (Pharmacopoeia Bateana)
3. Weakness of the Back, Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea, and for Consumption, Bull Pizzle with Sheep feet, Calf feet, Orchis, rasping of Deer horn, Ladies Mantle (prepared as a gelatin, taking powder of Deer Pizzle with it. (as in The Strengthening Jelly)
4. To strengthen Retention in chronic leakage such as Diarrhea, Dysentery, excess Menstruation, Incontinence, and Postpartum Bleeding or Incontinence, Bull Pizzle with Licorice, Red Earth, Plantain root and seed, Bistort, Tormentil, Burnt Deer horn, Pomegranate peel, Hematite, Orange peel, Nutmeg, Chicken Gizzard skin (as in Powder of Plantain Compound)
Major Formulas:
Powder to Stimulate Venery (Wecker)
Confection to Increase Seed of Augusta
Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung)
Powder of Plantain Compound
Excess use can disturb hormonal balance, especially in younger men.