Bruscus, Butcher’s Broom
Ruscus, Knee HolyOrtus sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 |
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |
Botanical name:
Ruscus aculeatus
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, bitter
cuts, attenuates, opens
1. One of the Opening Roots:
-obstruction of the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Bladder or Uterus
-promotes Urine; stranguria, Stones
-obstructed Menstruation
2. Clears Phlegm from the Lungs
-phlegm-type Cough and Wheezing
3. Moves the Blood, clears Stasis:
-Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea
-Hemorrhoids; Venous Congestion; Varicose Veins
4. Externally:
-poultice helps Fractures and Dislocations (internally and externally)
Powder: 1–3 grams (half–1 dram)
Decoction: 3–6 grams (1–2 drams)
1. Asparagus root;
2. Culpeper said to ‘use them like Grass (Couch) roots’.
Main Combinations:
Butcher’s Broom root is commonly used with the other Opening Roots. Decocted in white wine, they are given for Strangury, difficult Urination, as well as Jaundice and to promote Menstruation.
1. To cleanse the Blood, for Fever, and to promote Urine: Butcher’s Broom root with Couch grass, Fennel root, Parsley root, Cleavers, Dandelion, Currants, a a decoction (as in Depurating Decoction)
2. Promote Menstruation,:
i. Butcher’s Broom root with Madder, Cyperus, Asparagus root, Valerian, Pennyroyal, Licorice (as in Emmenagogue Syrup)
ii. Butcher’s Broom root with Madder, Couch grass, Carrot seed, Nigella seed, Mugwort, Marjoram (as in Syrup of Mugwort Lesser)
3. Varicose veins:
i. Butcher’s Broom root with Horse Chestnut, Oak bark, Yarrow, Cinnamon
ii. Butcher’s Broom root with Horse Chestnut, Oak bark, Frankincense (externally)
Major Formulas
Opening Roots – Five & Two
Decoction to Purify
Syrup of Five Opening Roots
Syrup of Mugwort Lesser
Emmenagogue Syrup
Wine for Scrophula (Renodeus)
Tincture for Paralysis
1. Some people may experience stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Drug Interactions
1. Should not be used with Anti-hypertensives.
2. May interact and increase stimulant medicines including Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine.