Breathlessness and Difficulty Breathing are conditions where breathing is difficult or strained. It can come after exercise, high altitude or after prolonged lassitude. Lung infections may be associated with Shortness of Breath, usually with Fever. Allergies, Fear and panic attacks can also cause acute Breathlessness.
Chronic Breathlessness can come from chronic Lung or Heart disease. The former can be associated with Asthma, Emphysema or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The latter can be associated with Heart Failure. Other causes may include Lung Cancer.
Medical treatment should be sought if there is serious Breathlessness, or if the condition is worsening. If there is swollen ankles, wheezing with excess phlegm or chest pain, along with Btreathlessness, medical attention should be seeked immediately.
Traditional Medicine Treatment In Traditional Medicine, Chronic Breathlessness can be caused by: 1. Phlegm obstruction–excess Phlegm, sound of Phlegm gurgling in throat, white tongue coat 2. Lung Deficiency–weakness, fatigue, pale face, weak voice, very low pulse 3. Blood Stasis–dull complexion, cyanosis of the tongue and lips, pain while coughing, choppy pulse
Treatment generally revolves around Lung strengthening medicines including Fruits and Nuts (Raisin, Figs, Dates, Almonds, Pine nuts), along with tonic herbs (such as Licorice, Ginseng or Mastic). These may be combined with medicines that resolve Phlegm (Mustard seed, Turbith, Pinellia Ban Xia), open the airways (Maidenhair, Ephedra). In the Westermn Tradition, Blood-moving medicines (such as Saffron and Myrrh) were also often added for Breathlessness.
Syrups and Electuaries are good dosage forms to use, but Tinctures, Decoctions or Pills can all be chosen depending on the formula being used.
Cupping and Bloodletting may be useful in some cases. Rubbing oil (especially Almond oil) on the chest and upper back can be useful for chronic Lung diseases with Breathlessness. See also: Asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Western Tradition
Figs Pine nuts Agaric (Mesue) Opopanax (Mesue) Colocynth (Mesue)
1. Eat the following: Figs, Pine nuts, Bitter Almonds 2. Thyme decocted in water with Honey added 3. Basil decocted in water and taken 4. Calamint decocted in wine 5. Nigella seed decocted in wine 6. Mustard seed powder taken with Honey 7. Blessed Thistle powder with wine 8. Southernwood seed decocted in water 9. Marjoram powder mixed with Honey and taken 10. Galbanum, Sagapen or Gum Ammoniac, taken in a 1 dram dose 11. Coltsfoot smoke inhaled 12. Asarum boiled in wine and drunk 13. Rhubarb powder taken 14. Agaric in 1 dram doses 15. Orris root powder mixed with Honey and taken 16. Rue Vinegar (made like Vinegar of Roses) is excellent for Shortness of Breath.
17. Rue and Dill seed Decoct in wine 18. Hog Fennel and Bitter Almond 19. Elecampane, Hyssop and Colstfoot. Decoct and form a Syrup. (Alexis)
Acute Wind Cold with Internal Heat Acute wheezing, sore throat, cough, fever, headache, maybe yellow or yellow white mucus, or alternating clear and yellow; Ding Chuan Tang Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
SYRUP FOR BREATHLESSNESS ‘When a man cannot well draw his breath’. Syrup of Stoechas 4 oz. Syrup of Calamint Syrup of Hyssop 2 oz. each. (Brunschwig, 1561)
ELECTUARY FOR BREATHLESSNESS Boil a bunch of bruised Hyssop in a pint of Honey. Strain and add: Angelica Elecampane 6 pence in weight each Ginger Pepper 2 pence in weight each Aniseed 18 pence weight Licorice 8 pence weight Mix well into the Honey and heat briefly, add Aquia vitae 3 spoonfuls, This Electuary can be taken by dipping a Licorice stick in it and sucking it often, or else a teaspoonful can be taken several times daily. This was reportedly used by Queen Elizabeth. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655)
DECOCTION FOR BREATHLESSNESS Licorice Ceterach 1.5 oz. of each Jujubes, stoned Sebestens 10 of each Elecampane half ounce Coltsfoot (root) 2 drams Boil in water until half is wasted, strain and add Manna (3 oz.). (Alexis)