Breast Milk
Medicines which promote Breast Milk have long been used to nourish and improve Breast Milk in nursing Mothers. Some increase activity of the Breasts to produce more Milk, others improve nutrition to improve Milk quality.
Equally important are medicines which stop Breast Milk when breasts are engorged, or when weaning an infant.
Ayurveda recognises 2 groups of drugs that affect Breast Milk; one to promote Milk and one to improve Milk quality:
Stanyajanana – promote Milk
Andropogon muricatum, Shashtika Rice, Cali Rice, Sugar, Tinospora cordifolia, Cymbopogon schoenanthus
Stanyacodhana – improve quality of Milk
Cissampelos hernandi leaf, Ginger, Pinus deodara, Cyperus rotundus, Sansevicra zeylanica, Tinospora cordifolia, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Swertia, Picrorhiza, Asclepias pseudosarsa
Unani Herbs to Promote Milk
Coconut Pitachio Walnut Sweet Almond Linseed Orchis (Salep) |
Aniseed Fennel seeds Cumin Caraway Carum copticum seeds Nigella seeds |
Fenugreek seeds Cotton seeds Syrian Rue seeds Vitex nigundu seeds Lepidium iberis seeds Four Cold Seeds |
Withania Curculigo Chlorophytum Pustinaca secacul Asparagus recemosus Cyperus rotundus |
Foods to increase and nourish Milk
–Milk, butter, ghee
–Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachio, Linseed, Sesame seed
–Spinach, Carrot, Parsnip
Western Tradition Promote Breast Milk
1. Barley Water 2. Almond milk 3. Chickpea broth 4. Chicken broth 5. Cows Milk 6. Confected Seeds of Fennel, Anise; especially Caraway or Cumin 7. Dill or Fennel seed decoction taken in 4 oz. doses morning and night. 8. Dill seed decocted with Lentils. 9. Oil of Aniseeds mixed with Fennel seed powder. 10. Barley water decocted with Fennel and/or Dill seed 11. Linseed decocted in Meat or Chicken broth 12. Carrot, Celery and Cabbage soup 13. Picrorhiza, Shilajit, Asparagus root (Ayurveda) 14. Earthworm powder in 1 dram (3 gram) doses. 15. “The hoofs of the forefeet of a Cow dried and taken any way, increase Milk in Nurses” (Culpeper) Confected Aniseed Confected Fennel seed Diapalma w. powdered Sage added (topically) Stanyajanana Rasayanum is the primary Ayurvedic medicine as a Postpartum tonic and to promote good Milk supply. Restrain Breast Milk
2. Coriander Vinegar decoction 3. Celery Vinegar Poultice 4. Verjuice applied 5. Decoction of Cabbage leaves used to wash the breasts. 6. Annoint with Plantain juice, or apply a Cataplasm of Plantain. |
TCM Classification Promote Breast Milk
Restrain Breast Milk