Boerhaavia, Punarnava
Indian Hogweed, Spreading Hogweed, Horse PurslanePunarnava, Vrishchira (Ayurveda)
Mukaratee, Mookirattai (Siddha)
Gadhapurana (Hindi)
Itsit, Ispat, Bishkhaparva (Unani)
Huang Xi Xin (TCM)

Blanco, M., Flora de Filipinas., (1875)

(Photo by Neha.Vindhya) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Boerhaavia spp. (syn. Boerhavia)
Two main types are used:
1. B. diffusa (Red variety)
2. B. verticillata, B. repens, B. erecta (White flowered variety)
Parts used:
Root (primarily), Whole herb (usually fresh)
Red and White varieties are used indiscriminately
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Bitter
Diuretic, Expectorant, Laxative, Hepatoprotective
1. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine: (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha)
-Edema, Ascites; fluid retention; general or Cardiac Edema (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha)
-Nephritis, impaired Kidney function
-Strangury, Scanty Urine
-Bright’s disease with edema
-Urethritis, Gonorrhea
-Gout (high uric acid); arthritic swelling; Rheumatism
-primary herb for Kidney Stones
-clinically proven effective in Nephrotic syndrome; Proteinuria
2. Clears Damp, Benefits the Spleen:
-Dampness obstructing digestion
-bloating, spasms, flatulence
-Anemia and Diabetes from Damp or Phlegm
-heavy menstruation related to Damp and Spleen deficiency
3. Clears Liver Heat:
-Liver heat with headache, red eyes, biliousness, insomnia etc.
-Jaundice (cooked leaf has been prescribed)
-enlargement or hardness of the Spleen or Liver; abdominal masses; Cirrhosis
-Inflammations associated with Liver Heat
4. Clears Phlegm-Heat, Stops Cough: (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha)
-Phlegm-Heat Cough, Asthma
-COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
5. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Fever, Rabies
-Internal Abscess; Leprosy
-Viral Hepatitis
-Chronic Alcoholism (Chakradatta)
-Venomous bites (topically to Scorpion bites); Poisoning
6. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Benefits the Heart: (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha)
-Heart congestion, Heart disease
-Cardiac Edema, labored Breathing
-Bruising and Trauma
-Abdominal Masses (Ayurveda)
-Menstrual disorders (TCM), Uterine diseases (Ayurveda)
-Anemia, Heart diseases (Cardiotonic)
7. Strengthens Kidneys, Astringes Essence: Rasayana:
-regarded as Rasayana, increases Essence (Ojas)
-Diabetes (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha)
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-leaf decoction was used for Rejuvenation (Charaka)
-paste taken with Milk revitalizes and rejuvenates (Ashtanga Hridaya)
-leaves cooked and eaten, or leaf juice is taken to improve vision, and in chronic eye diseases
-strengthens Bones and Joints, for pains in the Sinews and Bones (Root, TCM)
-Root is most used for these purposes
8. Externally:
-applied to inflammations and swellings
-applied to Arthritic and Rheumatic pain
-applied to edematous swelling
-juice with Honey is applied to Red and sore eyes
-paste applied to venomous Bites of Rat, Snake, Scorpion etc.
Root in Decoction: 3–10 grams
Whole Plant in Decoction: 20–30 grams
Root in Powder: 1–3 grams
Root Juice: 10–20mls
Main Combinations:
1. Heart weakness:
i. Boerhaavia with Arjuna
ii. Boerhaavia with Saffron, Arjuna
iii. Boerhaavia with Arhjuna, Turmeric, Bdellium
iv. Boerhaavia with Coleus, Emblic Myrobalan, Triphala
v. Boerhaavia with Arjuna, Tabasheer
2. Palpitations, Boerhaavia with Arjuna, Sida, Indian Spikenard
3. Tacchycardia, Boerhaavia with Valerian, Arjuna
4. Cough with excess phlegm, Boerhaavia with Calamus and Ginger
5. Edema:
i. Boerhaavia with Ginger
ii. Boerhaavia with Tribulus, Fennel seed
iii. of Cardiac origin, Boerhaavia with Picrorhiza, Swertia, Ginger
iv. Boerhaavia with Coriander seed, Tribulus, Tinospora
v. from Kidney weakness, Boerhaavia with Tribulus, Shilajit
6. Urinary Tract Infections:
i. Boerhaavia with Coriander seed, Tribulus, Andrographis
ii. burning urine and Stones, Boerhaavia with Tribulus, Madder
iii. Boerhaavia with Coriander seed, Rose, Tribulus
7. Chronic Kidney diseases, Boerhaavia with Tribulus
8. Abdominal diseases, Spleen disorders, Abdominal masses, Boerhaavia with Sida, Tinospora, Plumbago, Cissampelos, Solanum surrattense (as in Punarnavady Arista)
9. Liver heat and toxin:
i. Boerhaavia with Andropgraphis
ii. Boerhaavia with Picrorhiza, Swertia
10. Viral Hepatitis, Boerhaavia with Picrorhiza, Azadirachta indica, Tinospora, Chebula, Berberis, Trichosanthes dioica, Ginger
11. Rheumatic pain, Boerhaavia root with Datura juice as a paste topically.
12. Arthritis:
i. Boerhaavia with Tinospora, Ginger
ii. Boerhaavia with Bdellium, Frankincense, Long Pepper
iii. Boerhaavia with Fenugreek, Bdellium, Long Pepper, Ginger
13. Back weakness, Boerhaavia with Tribulus, Madder, Bdellium
14. Lymphatic swellings:
i. Boerhaavia with Bdellium, Bauhinia, Triphala, Trikatu
ii. Boerhaavia with Crataeva, Bdellium, Ginger, Bauhinia
15. Weeping skin conditions, Boerhaavia with Hemidesmus, Psoralea, Madder
16. Diabetes, Boerhaavia with Tinospora, Shilajit
17. Glaucoma, Boerhaavia with Emblic Myrobalan, Coleus
18. Uterine Bleeding, Boerhaavia with Saraca, Madder
19. Menstrual pain and Tumors, Boerhaavia with Bdellium, Cyperus rotundus, Turmeric
20. Leukorrhea, with Saraca, Coriander seed, Long Pepper
Major Formulas:
Punarnavady Arista
Punarnavadi Guggulu (Boerhaavia and Bdellium Pills)
1. Not used in Diarrhea
2. Emetic in large doses
No toxic effects were noted when the herb was given to rats throughout pregnancy.
Drug Interactions:
Generally safe, however, it may interfere with ACE inhibitors (sedatives, antidepressants, antiepileptic medication)