Picture Bo Ying Compound of Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong). This is the most famous brand but there are various other similar products made by other manufacturers. This is packaged in a tin box containing small vials of very fine Powder.

Bao Ying Dan 保婴丹
Bo Ying Compound 
or Protect the Children Special Pills



Source / Author:

Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) (patent)

Herb Name

Gou Teng (Gambir)
Quan Xie
Bai Jiang Can
Fang Feng

Tian Zhu Huang (Tabasheer)
Chan Tui (Cicada slough)
Chuan Bei mu
Bo He
Meng Shi
Peng Sha (Borax)
Bing Pian
Zhen Zhu
Tian Ma
Hu Po
Niu Huang
Yu Jin
(Curcuma root)
Sheng Jiang
(fresh Ginger)


Uncaria rhynchophylla
Buthus martensii
Bombyx mori
Saposhnikovia divaricata

Bambusa textillis
Cicadae Periostracum
Fritillaria cirrhosa
Mentha haplocalyx
Lapis Micae

Sodium tetraborate
Dryobalanops aromatica
Gastrodia elata

Curcuma aromatica
Zingiber o


8 parts ea.

7 parts ea.
6 parts
5 parts

4 parts ea.

3 parts ea.
2 parts


Powder and form into small pills. Commercially, each vial contains 0.33g powder


Clears Wind and Phlegm, clears Heat, strengthens Spleen, calms Mind and Nerves


1. Childhood Fever
2. Accumulation of phlegm and food with vomiting, abdominal pain, red cheeks and a thick tongue coating; good for children with a tendency to excess mucus.
3. Excess mucus with cough and restlessness at night
4. Irritable, restless, night-crying, insomnia
5. Hot and sweating at night
6. Childhood eczema, dermatitis and nappy rash
7. Regarded as very e
ffective for children unwell after vaccination.


1⁄4–1 vial per dose, repeatedly daily for a few days if needed.
Newborn–1 month old:
1⁄2 vial per dose, 1⁄2–1 vial per week mixed in warm water or a little food; 1 month–2 years old: 1–2 vials per week; 2–5 years: 2–3 vials per week.


1. Avoid long-term use
2. Raw, cold, sweet and dairy foods should be avoided while taking this medicine


Similar Formulas:

Hui Chun Dan

This is a famous and well-respected medicine, both by parents in China, and by Chinese Medicine practitioners. It is effective both for acute Fever, restlessness and night-crying including that associated with teething. It is also very good for children prone to excess mucus which occasionally becomes a respiratory tract infection or ear infection. In such cases, a couple of doses per week for 3 months can cause a marked improvement.

Once a parent has seen the benefit from this medicine they will always want to have it on hand.
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