Bile – Yellow Bile or Choler
Symptoms of excess Bile Humor include Bitter taste, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, red face, red eyes, irritability and anger, high-colored urine, constipation, insomnia, headache; red tongue with a yellow coat and a rapid, full pulse.
Primary Medicine for Bile Diseases
Gentian Centuary Barberry |
Prune Violet Rose |
Rhubarb Aloe Cassia |
Wormwood Agrimony Dandelion |
Primary Tibetan Medicines for Bile Diseases
Gentian Kyi lce Swertia Tig tig Barberry Skyer ba |
Emblic Skyu ru ra Belleric Ba ru ra Saxifrage Gur tig |
Rhubarb Chu ma rtsi Dandelion Khur mon Holarrhena Dug mo nyung |
Adhatoda Ba sa ka Saxifrage Sum cu tig Bile Mkhris pa |
See also Preparers and Purgers of Bile