Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii)
Bezoardic Powder of Viper
Take a Viper skinned, with head, tail, and insides removed. Wash it in white Wine, then let it dry. Powder it with the spine.
It can be dried gently in an oven; it may also be dried by dipping in S.V. (brandy), drying in the air, and repeating this until thoroughly dried. Some, such as Charras, kept the Heart and Liver to be powdered with the rest.
Settles Wind, Resists Poison,
1. Famous antidote to all Poison
2. Venomous Bites
3. Epidemic and Infectious Diseases
4. Spotted Fevers, Small Pox
5. Fevers, Quartan Fevers
6. Consumption
7. Rheumatism
8. Arthritis
9. chronic Skin Diseases
10. Elephantiasis, Leprosy
1 scruple–1 dram; From 10–20 grains, up to 30 grains, and to a dram in desperate cases, taken in a Bolus, or in Wine, Broth, various Cordial liquors or Syrups,
None noted
1. Compound Bezoardic Powder: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 1 oz.; Roots of Valerian, Angelica, Virginian Snakeweed, Contrayerva 0.5 oz. ea. Powder and mix well. Used as above but it is better for Spider bites and the Poison of Arsenic. Dose: 0.5–1 dram.
2. Elephantiasis: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 2 scruples, Angelica and Valerian 0.5 dram ea.; Spirit of Vitriol 2 drops. Take this and let them sweat in bed. (Practical Chymistry)
3. Leprosy: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) was taken with Aurum Potabile.
4. Spitting of Blood: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 1 oz.; prepared Salt 2 drams. Mix.
5. Jaundice: Viper powder 15 grains, Salt of Amber 3 grains, Saffron 2 grains. Make a powder. ‘A great Arcanum’.
Similar Formula:
There was also Bezoardicum Animale (Cervii), prepared from Burnt Deer horn.
“This Powder is very much enlivened with the Volatile Salt, wherewith the Vipers abound, which enables it to force its virtues through the pores, though never so close-shut, to the most remote parts of the body. It is a singular medicine to cure Scabs, Itches and Erysipelas, and particularly the Leprosy. It restores plumpness of the body to persons wasted with long Agues and tedious diseases. It gives remarkable relief to the Ptisical and Consumptive, preserves the Natural Heat, assists Concoction, and distribution of the Chylus. The use of it is very wholesome in Epidemic distempers, and to prevent and overcome Venoms that act by a malignant occult quality, particularly that of the Viper, and all sorts of Serpents … It works insensibly, not provoking sweat unless the dose be great.” (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
“It is Sudorific, resists the malignity of the Humors, is Febrifuge, and purifies the Blood”. (Palestra Pharmaceutica (Felix Palacios, 1763)
TCM uses a related species of Viper to clear Wind and Damp, powerfully clear obstructions of the Channels, clear Toxins, and settles Wind to stop Itching, Spasms and Convulsions. Used in Rheumatism, Arthritis, Numbness, Itching, Cramping, Convulsions, Tremors, Paralysis and Hemiplegia etc. It is also used against Toxins and chronic Skin Diseases.
Of Viper, Li Shi Zhen said “With its ability to reach the Yin organs and extend out to all areas of the skin, there is no place it does not influence”. (Ben Cao Gang Mu, Li Shi-Zhen, 1590)
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Bezoardic Powder of Viper
Source / Author:
Take a Viper skinned, with head, tail, and insides removed. Wash it in white Wine, then let it dry. Powder it with the spine.
It can be dried gently in an oven; it may also be dried by dipping in S.V. (brandy), drying in the air, and repeating this until thoroughly dried. Some, such as Charras, kept the Heart and Liver to be powdered with the rest.
Settles Wind, Resists Poison,
1. Famous antidote to all Poison
2. Venomous Bites
3. Epidemic and Infectious Diseases
4. Spotted Fevers, Small Pox
5. Fevers, Quartan Fevers
6. Consumption
7. Rheumatism
8. Arthritis
9. chronic Skin Diseases
10. Elephantiasis, Leprosy
1 scruple–1 dram; From 10–20 grains, up to 30 grains, and to a dram in desperate cases, taken in a Bolus, or in Wine, Broth, various Cordial liquors or Syrups,
None noted
1. Compound Bezoardic Powder: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 1 oz.; Roots of Valerian, Angelica, Virginian Snakeweed, Contrayerva 0.5 oz. ea. Powder and mix well. Used as above but it is better for Spider bites and the Poison of Arsenic. Dose: 0.5–1 dram.
2. Elephantiasis: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 2 scruples, Angelica and Valerian 0.5 dram ea.; Spirit of Vitriol 2 drops. Take this and let them sweat in bed. (Practical Chymistry)
3. Leprosy: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) was taken with Aurum Potabile.
4. Spitting of Blood: Bezoardicum Animale (Viperii) 1 oz.; prepared Salt 2 drams. Mix.
5. Jaundice: Viper powder 15 grains, Salt of Amber 3 grains, Saffron 2 grains. Make a powder. ‘A great Arcanum’.
Similar Formula:
There was also Bezoardicum Animale (Cervii), prepared from Burnt Deer horn.
“This Powder is very much enlivened with the Volatile Salt, wherewith the Vipers abound, which enables it to force its virtues through the pores, though never so close-shut, to the most remote parts of the body. It is a singular medicine to cure Scabs, Itches and Erysipelas, and particularly the Leprosy. It restores plumpness of the body to persons wasted with long Agues and tedious diseases. It gives remarkable relief to the Ptisical and Consumptive, preserves the Natural Heat, assists Concoction, and distribution of the Chylus. The use of it is very wholesome in Epidemic distempers, and to prevent and overcome Venoms that act by a malignant occult quality, particularly that of the Viper, and all sorts of Serpents … It works insensibly, not provoking sweat unless the dose be great.” (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
“It is Sudorific, resists the malignity of the Humors, is Febrifuge, and purifies the Blood”. (Palestra Pharmaceutica (Felix Palacios, 1763)
TCM uses a related species of Viper to clear Wind and Damp, powerfully clear obstructions of the Channels, clear Toxins, and settles Wind to stop Itching, Spasms and Convulsions. Used in Rheumatism, Arthritis, Numbness, Itching, Cramping, Convulsions, Tremors, Paralysis and Hemiplegia etc. It is also used against Toxins and chronic Skin Diseases.
Of Viper, Li Shi Zhen said “With its ability to reach the Yin organs and extend out to all areas of the skin, there is no place it does not influence”. (Ben Cao Gang Mu, Li Shi-Zhen, 1590)

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