Bezoardicum Animale (Cervii)
Bezoardic Powder of Deer horn



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Calcine mature Deer horn in a closed vessel until white. Powder and keep in a sealed glass.

Another version:
Burn pieces of Horn in an open vessel until they become perfectly white; then powder them, and put them in a vessel with enough water to cover them well and stir. Pour off the water while turbid into another vessel, let the powder settle. Carefully pour off excess water, let the powder dry and keep for use. This powder, with the gelatin having been burnt out, leaves an almost pure Phosphate of Lime.

If the powder is mixed with Rectified Oil of Vitriol into a paste in a glass platter, formed into Tablets, and allowed to dry it is called Vitriolated Bezoar Animale.

A variation: Steep Elder Flowers in White Wine Vinegar, and replace with new flowers several times, letting them infuse in the Sun or Warmth well before changing. Take Deer Horn burnt very hot and quench in the Elder Flower Vinegar. It is a powerful medicine to promote Sweating. The Dose is 20 grains by itself, or with any other medicine.


Resists Poison, Strengthens Kidneys and Heart, Stops Cough


1. Resist Infection during Epidemics including the Plague
2. Epidemic and Infectious diseases including Influenza
3. Acute Fever, High Fever, Chronic Fever
4. Spotted Fevers including Small Pox
5. Venomous Bites
6. Cough, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis
7. Asthma
8. Pleurisy
9. Pneumonia
10. Rickets, Bone weakness
11. Lumbago
12. Seminal Debility
13. Diabetes
14. Heart disorders, Palpitations (triturate with Rose water)
15. Also used as a Tooth powder


4–6 grains, to 1 scruple, usually with Milk, Honey or Ghee, or a suitable distilled water.
Cough, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, take with Honey
Heart disorders, take with Rose water
Infectious and Epidemic diseases, take with Angelica Water, Blessed Thistle Water or similar.


None noted


1.  White Powder: Bezoar Animale (Cervii), White Amber, Red Coral, Pearl 1 oz. ea.; Crabs Eyes, Crab Claws 2 oz. ea. Used like White Powder against Poison and Infection. Dose: 0.5–1 dram.
2. Infectious Diseases, Bezoar Animale (Cervii) with Bezoar
3. Epidemic Diseases, take with Venice Theriac
4. As a Diaphoretic: Bezoar Animale (Cervii) 1.5 scruples, Pearls 1 scruple, Bezoar 3 grains. Take with Water of Carduus.
5. Diabetes, take with Plantain seed
6. Tooth Powder:
i. mix with Mastic
ii. with Pearl, Coral, Myrrh

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