Betony & Sage

Betony is Neutral and Dry, and clears Wind and Heat, moves the Qi and Blood, eases Pain, promotes Urine, benefits Digestion, clears Phlegm and stops Cough, and resists Poison. It is especially used for various types of Pain in the Head, Fevers, to Promotes Menstruation, and to dispel Poison.
Sage clears Heat and Phlegm, resists Poison, promotes Urine, and settles Wind and Spasms. It benefits the Nerves, Brain, Memory, Senses and Sinews. It also has a gentle astringent effect against Sweating and Diabetes, and regulates Menstruation. Sage has proven Anti-bacterial (100% effective against Enterobacter, 96% against E. coli), and Anti-Viral effects, is Anti-inflammatory, Anti-mutagenic and contains useful Antioxidants. It also had Antispasmodic effects, inhibits Cholinesterase and has shown benefit in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Together, these two medicines are very useful for diseases of the Brain and Nervous System; Epilepsy, Paralysis, Numbness, Dizziness, Convulsions as well as Shaking and Trembling. They can be combined for Headache. They are also indicated in Anxiety, Stress, Palpitations and Nervous disorders. Together, they improve Brain function, and are especially useful for the elderly.
In addition, they clear Phlegm from the Lungs, stop Cough and relieve Wheezing. They thin thick, tough Phlegm, making it easier to expectorate. As the story below tells, they have been combined successfully for Consumption.
They may be combined for Liver disorders including Hepatitis. Betony has been used for this traditionally while Sage has proven Hepato-protective effects.
Both medicines have been used for Menstrual irregularities. Used for Amenorrhea, irregular Menstruation, and to promote Labor. Bruises, Wounds and Trauma are traditional indications for both medicines. They resolve congealed Blood, clear Bruising and relieve Pain.
Another area of influence is the urinary system. Both clear Damp and promote Urine, and they may be combined for difficult, painful or turbid urine. They likewise clear Damp from the Joints in Arthritis, Rheumatism and Sciatica.
Both medicines were regarded as useful to preserve during Epidemics. They may be taken for Cold, Flu, and other acute infections.
Finally, they are both regarded as medicines capable of promoting Health and Longevity, both herbs being held in high regards for this purpose traditionally.
There is a story of a Mr. W. Box, of Plymouth who, at the age of 17, had contracted a consumption. In the midst of his sickness, he heard a voice as if whispered to him which said ‘There is something in nature that will heal you’. At the time, he knew only six herbs. He directed for two of these to be gathered and decocted, and took a draught thrice daily whereby in two weeks he was markedly better, and in ten weeks, he was cured. The two herbs he used was Wild Sage and Wood Betony. He became a great herbalist who helped many people.

Key Indications
  • Paralysis, Numbness, Convulsions, Shaking and Trembling
  • Anxiety, Neurasthenia
  • Irregular Menstruation, PMS
  • Cold, Flu

Cephalic Decoction, Syrup of Betony, Syrup of French Lavender, Tincture Against Convulsions, Extract for Arthritis, powder Against Rabies, Salt Against Epilepsy, Greater Plaster of Betony, Martiate Ointment, Nerve Ointment, Sneezing Powder