Benzoin, An Xi Xiang 安息香

An Xi Xiang (TCM)
Loban (Unani)
Picture Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893

Picture Picture
Two Different varieties of Benzoin available at the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016)
Left: is Benzoin Amygdaloides;  Right: was called Benzoin in sortis;

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Botanical name:

Styrax benzoin
Several types were traditionally known.

Parts used:

Gum; two distinct varieties supplied the market:
  1. Benzoin Amygdaloides; fragile masses composed of white tears united together; clean and bright fracture.
  2. Benzoin in sortis; reddish or blackish brown masses

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter, aromatic




1. Opens the Orifices of the Brain:
-delirium, unconsciousness, coma, Apoplexy and syncope
-the scent is uplifting and opens the orifices of the Brain

2. Clears Cold Phlegm:
-good for the Lungs, for Catarrhs, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma
-distention of the chest or abdomen from Phlegm.

3. Moves Qi and Blood, Clears Obstructions, Stops Pain:
-chest or abdominal pain from Qi and Blood stagnation
-muscle and joint pain or difficulty moving from Wind-Cold-Damp obstruction: arthralgia, arthritis, rheumatism

4. Externally:
-externally to purge the brain (by promoting Sneezing)
-cures Toothache by chewing
-cleanses the Face of Spots and Pimples etc.; used in cosmetics (esp. the tincture with Rose water)
-much used in Perfumery


300–1500mg in pills or powders.


 … available in PRO version.

Main Combinations:

Benzoin & Storax

1. Abdominal pain or pain from Cold and Damp obstruction, combine Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
2. Cough:
i. Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
ii. Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
3. Catarrh:
i. Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
ii. Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
4. Asthma, Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
5. Sclerosis of the Liver, Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
6. Infectious diseases, Heart pain, Dysentery: combine Benzoin with  … available in PRO version.
7. Freckles: Benzoin Tincture,  … available in PRO version.
8. Mouthwash, Tincture of Benzoin,  … available in PRO version.

Major Formulas:

Expert Pills for Cough
Pills of Storax (Mesue)
New Rose Powder (Rosata Novella) (Nicolas)
Warming Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Calidum) (Mesue)
Powder of Happiness (Letificans)
Surgeon’s Musked Troches (Alipta Muscata) (Nicholas)
Confection for Catarrh
Pills for Fibrosis of the Liver (Riverius)
Electuary of Frankincense (Diaolibanum) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Orris Root (Diaireos Salomonis) (Nicholas)
Antidote Proven for Diverse Diseases (Nicholas)
Antidotum Immortale

Su He Xiang Wan
Zhi Bao Dan
Shi Xiang Fan Sheng Wan

1. Compound Tincture of Benzoin:
i. Benzoin (3 oz.), Storax (1 oz.), Rectified Spirit (2 pounds) (Pharmacopoeia Herbipolitania, 1796)
ii. Benzoin (3 oz.0, Storax (2 oz.), Balsam of Tolu (1 oz.), Aloes (½ ounce), Rectified Spirit (2 pints) (London Pharmacopoeia)
iii. Benzoin (3 parts), Storax (2 parts), Balsam of Peru (1 part), Aloes, Myrrh, Olibanum (each ½ part), Alcohol (36 parts). Digest in a warm place for 3 days, then let sit for 6 days (shaking daily), and filter.

2. Balsam of Life
i. Benzoin (4 oz.), Storax (3 oz.), Aloe, Myrrh 1 ½ oz.), Angelica root, St. John’s wort (2 oz. each). Steep in 3 pints rectified spirit for 3 weeks. Dose is 13–14 drops in a teaspoonful of wine twice daily.
  Used for Consumption, Weakness, Whooping Cough etc. (Madame Young’s Guide to Health, 1858)

3. Balsamum Commendatoris
Angelica (½ ounce), St. Johns wort (1 oz), Alcohol (22%, 4 ounces). Digest in warmth for 15 days, shaking frequently, then filter and add: Myrrh, Frankincense, Aloes (each ½ ounce), Storax, Benzoin (each 3 oz.), Ambergris (6 grains) (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)
  This was used as a Stimulant, Cordial, Stomachic, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-gonorrheal and Vulnerary.
Dose: 1–2 drams. Externally used as a friction for Articular Rhematism and leuo-phlegmatic Tumors.

4. Species for Fumigation (Incense):
i. Benzoin, Mastic, Juniper (½ ounce), Olibanum (2 oz.), Amber (3 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia Pauperum Hamburgensis, 1804)
ii. Benzoin, Olibanum, Mastic, Amber (one pounds), Cascarilla (1 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia regni Poloniae, 1817)
iii. Juniper, Benzoin, Olibanum, Amber (each ½ pound), Cascarilla, Lavender, Rose petals (each 2 oz.). (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
iv. Cloves (6 oz), Benzoin (2 oz.), Storax (4 oz.), Cascarilla (2 oz.), Olibanum (7 oz.) (Niemann)
v. Benzoin, Amber, Mastic (each 6 drams), Storax (½ oz.), Cinnamon (2 drams), Clove (1 dram) (Pharmacopoeia Amstelodamensis, 1792)
vi. Mastic, Olibanum, Myrrh, Amber (each 3 parts), Storax (2 parts), Benzoin, Labdanum (each 1 part) (Pharmacopoeia Rossica, 1803)
vii. Lignum Rhodii (2 oz), Florentine Orris (20 oz.), Cassia Lignea, Cinnamon (each 4 oz.), Benzoin (2 lbs.), Storax (12 oz.), Amber (1 lb.), Olibanum, Mastic (each 2 lbs.), Rose petals, Lavender (6 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia Danica, 1805)


Not used in Heat from Yin deficiency (Heat with dryness)

Main Preparations used:

Tincture, Magistery, Flowers of Benzoin (Benzoic Acid), Oil