
Baths, Enemas & Douches


Sample Enema Recipes

1. Olive oil (5 ounces), Aloe (1 dram). Dissolve
2. Camomile (half handful), Linseed, Fenugreek (1 dram each). Infuse in 1 liter of hot water; strain.
3. Decoct Camomile (2 handfuls) down to 8 ounces; strain, add Honey of Roses (1 ounce). Mix
4. Decoction of Oatmeal (1 pound), Olive oil (1 oz.), Salt Water (half ounce). Mix.
5. Decoction of Camomile (8 ounces), Electuary of Senna (1 ounce). Mix
6. Decoction for Enema (10 ounces), Olive oil (2 ounces), Glaubers Salt (half ounce). Mix
7. Wormwood, Rue (1 ounce each); decoct down to 8 ounces, add Olive Oil (2 ounces). Mix
8. Juniper berries bruised (half ounce), decoct in Water (1 pound to half), strain and add Venice Turpentine washed (half ounce), Saltpeter (2 drams). Mix
9. A stronger Enema
    Fennel                  ½ oz. ea.
    Figs                       10
Boil in 2 ½ liters down to 1 liter. This can be divided into 3 doses, one enema taken daily. Additions to this can include salt, oil, and traditionally, purgative medicines.


Douche for Heat of the Uterus
Douche for Painful Uterine Ulcers
Douche for Ulcers of the Uterus
Douche for Uterine Cancer (1)
Douche for Uterine Cancer (2)
Douche for Uterine Cancer (Riverius)
Douche for Uterine Pain
Douche for Uterine Ulcers
Douche for Wind of the Womb

Sitz Baths

Sitz Bath to Promote Menstruation