Balm & St. Johns wort
This combination is one of the most important calming and mild sedative combinations used in traditional European medicine.
Balm is Cool, Sweet and Pungent, and is one of the most noble herbs of European pharmacy. It has a grateful taste and smell which is both cooling and refreshingly uplifting. It relieves tension by moving Qi, eases restlessness and irritability by gently clearing Heat, it calms the mind and promotes rest by calming the Spirit, all together helping to gently but gradually promote a happier disposition within the body.
St. John’s wort moves the Qi and Blood, calms the Mind, Nerves and Spirit, and gently clears Heat. It has recently become much used for the treatment of mild depression, but it has long been used ‘against Melancholy, Stupidity and Trouble of Mind’, and to ‘take away all foolish Imaginations’ (Salmon). Traditionally used by some for Madness, Mania, Possession and the effects of Witchcraft. So from a traditional perspective, its indications are far broader than just mild Depression.
This formula is effective for Liver Qi constraint manifesting as Hyperemotionalism, PMS, Neurasthenia, Stress, Depression, Melancholy, and various mental and emotional disorders. It is very useful for those that Worry excessively, are Fearful (without a cause), Despondant, Hyperactive, Angry or Restless. This includes Children with conditions such as ADD or ADHD. Hypericum has had a great deal of research and clinical trials to prove its effectiveness in Depression, including Major Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and has also shown benefit in Alcoholism and Nicotine withdrawal. It has demonstrated Sedative and Anti-Anxiety activity, inhibits Serotonin uptake, and fractions have demonstrated MAO inhibition. As an anti-anxiety agent, it is comparable to Diazepam. Balm likewise has Tranquilising, Sedative and Relaxant effects, and is a mild Analgesic.
It is also an excellent combination for Palpitations associated with Anxiety, as well as for Tachycardia. By settling the Heart and calming the Spirit, it is also useful for Insomnia.
In addition, it is a very useful combination for the Aged. Clinical studies have shown Balm to be beneficial in Dementia, Alzhemiers Disease, and to improve Cognitive functioning. Both herbs also have a history of use in Epilepsy, Paralysis, Apoplexy etc.
They may be combined for disorders of Menstruation including painful and irregular Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps, and PMS. It is a good combination for Qi and Blood stagnation associated with irritability, restlessness, anxiety or anger. Menopausal symptoms associated with Qi stagnation and Heat are also indicated.
It is the basis for useful combinations for various Digestive disorders, especially when associated with Stress, excess Worry, and Melancholy. It may be used for various chronic digestive disorders including Loss of Appetite, Abdominal Distention, Irritable Bowel, and Ulcers.
Another useful sphere of activity is Acute Infections, Viral Infections, and Epidemic diseases, both to prevent and Cure. Potent Anti-viral activity has been demonstrated in both herbs, suppression of Herpes, Influenza and AIDS being noted. In addition, Antibacterial and Anti-fungal effects are seen.
Apart from these primary indications, this combination may be useful for various Epidemic and Infectious diseases, especially Viruses. They have long been combined for these types of conditions, for which they are usually used with other herbs. Both these herbs have proven Antibacterial and particularly strong Antiviral activity, as well as immunostimulant and antioxidant effects.
In addition, they have been used for Tumors.
Key Indications
- Melancholy, Mild Depression, Anxiety, Mental disorders
- PMS, Irritability
- Preventative and treatment of acute Viral Infections
- Aged Care
Although generally safe, Hypericum should not be used in patients taking MAO inhibitors.
Comp Syrup of Mugwort, Tincture Against Schirrus of the Spleen, Powder Against Rabies, Common Theriac, The Great Antidote Against Poison of Mathiolus
1. To Resist Melancholy, strengthen the Brain and Memory add Borage, Scorzonera, Rosemary, Fennel seed, Basil seed, Cinnamon (as in Syrup of Balm)
2. Depression, Melancholy, Madness add Camomile, Borage
3. Depression related to Menstruation, or for PMS, add Yarrow.
4. Menopause, add Sage
5. Nightmares in children, add Camomile.
6. For ADD or ADHD in children, add Camomile, Rosehip.
7. For Madness or Mania, add Pearl and Red Coral
9. Nervousness, add Angelica, Elecampane, Ginger, Cardamon
10. Nervous Exhaustion, Anxiety, Insomnia, add Blackberry leaf, Hawthorn flower, Peppermint, Valerian, Hops, Lavender
11. For Hay Fever, add Agrimony, Peppermint, Celandine
12. Nervous Headaches and Migraine, add Valerian, Rosemary, Peppermint
13. Gastric Hyperacidity, add Fennel seed and Camomile
14. Also for Hyperacidity, add Calamus, Peppermint, Valerian
15. For Inflammation or Irritation of the Digestive system, add Calendula, Camomile, Yarrow, Plantain, Fennel seed.
16. Inflammations of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Gall Bladder, add Wormwood, Peppermint, Camomile, Elder flower
17. For Viral Infections, add Rue, Vervain, Peppermint, Sage, Mint, Wormwood, Mugwort, Betony, Centaury, as in Powder Against Rabies.
18. For acute Infectious Disease, add Elecampane, Juniper berries, Walnut, Zedoary, Rue, Betony, Sage, Gentian, Calamus, Wormwood, as in Common Theriac.