Baliospermum, Danti

Wild Croton, Wild Castor, Red Physic Nut
Danti (Ayurveda)
Neeradimuthu (Siddha)
Ban Zi Mu (TCM)
Picture R. Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, vol. 5, 1885

Picture H.G.A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, Euphorbiaceae, vol. 147 (1912)

Picture Baliospermum montanum
(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Baliospermum montanum (syn. B. axillare, B. polyandrum, B. solanifolium, Croton polyandrus)

Parts used:

Root; purified Seed

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent. The Seeds are Sweet, Toxic


1. Opens Obstructions, Clears Damp:
-Abdominal diseases, Abdominal masses

2. Resists Poison:
-skin diseases, itching
-Internal Abscesses
-also Worm infestations

3. Purges Water, Promotes Stool:
-powdered seeds are a drastic cathartic
-Seed and Seed oil are like Croton oil and are strong hydrogogue cathartics; root is similar

4. Externally:
-applied topically to bring boils to suppuration
-juice is applied to scrofula and swollen glands
-root paste is applied to painful swellings following trauma, or associated with Arthritis
-seed paste is applied to Snake Bite
-Seed oil is applied to Paralysis, Neuralgia and other wind disorders of the nervous system


Root Powder: 1–3 grams
Seed Powder: 125–250mg. Traditionally, one seed is given to an adult as a purgative (1–3 grains)
Seed Oil: 1–3 drops

The root is purgative, the seeds, cathartic. They are used similarly.


1. The seeds have been used as a substitute for Croton seed.
2. Baliospermum is similar to Plumbago zeylanica, but is also purgative.


1. The seeds are prepared by boiling in Milk, as for Croton seeds (Ayurveda)
2. The root is covered with a paste of Long Pepper and Madhuka, wrapped in grass, then covered in mud paste. When dry, it is heated in a fire. It is then purified.


1. Aniseed, Celery seed, or Nigella (etc.)

Main Combinations:

1. To purge Phlegm and Water, combine Baliospermum root with Triphala, Ginger, Long Pepper, Celery seed
2. Obstruction and enlargement of abdominal viscera, Jaundice, Edema, Baliospermum root with Triphala, Long and Black Pepper, Ginger, Cumin, Nigella, Ajowan, Neem bark, Rock Salt (1 part each), Iron Bhasma (8 parts), made into a confection with Ghee, Sugar. (As in Rasdyandmrita Laulia of Ayurveda)
3. Ascites and enlargement of abdominal viscera, roots of Baliospermum root with Clitorea ternatea, Pladera decussata (syn. Canscora alata), Indigofera tinctoria (equal parts), make a paste with water and give with Cow’s urine. (Ayurveda)
4. Purge Wind-Phlegm in Leprosy, Gout, Edema, Melancholy, Baliospermum root, Triphala, Turpeth, Long Pepper, Ginger

Major Formulas:

Phal Ghrita
Punernava Mundur


1. Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea can be caused by taking the unprepared medicine, or exceeding recommended dose.
2. Seeds are toxic in excess.
3. Not used during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding or in Children

Main Preparations used: