Ba Zheng San 八正散
Eight Herb Powder



Source / Author:

Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era (Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang)

Herb Name

Mu Tong (Abebia)
Hua Shi (Talcum)
Che Qian Zi (Plantain seed)
Qu Mai (Dianthus)
Bian Xu (Knotgrass)
Zhi Zi (Gardenia)
Da Huang (Rhubarb) prepared
Deng Xin Cao (Rush)
Gan Cao (Licorice)


Akebia quinata
Hydrated Magnesium Silicate
Dianthus chinensis
Polygonum aviculare
Gardenia jasminoides
Rheum palmatum
Juncus effusus
Glycyrrhiza uralensis


3–6 grams
12–30 grams
9–15 grams
6–12 grams
6–12 grams
3–9 grams
6–9 grams
3–6 grams
3–9 grams


Traditionally it was made into a powder.
It is often prepared as a standard decoction using the amount given above. Talcum should be decocted for 45 minutes before adding the other herbs. If a purgative effect is desired, the Rhubarb should be added in the last few minutes of decocting, then steeped for 10 minutes once removed from the heat before straining..


Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine, Eases pain


1. Dark colored turbid Urine
2. Difficult or Painful Urination
3. Urinary retention
4. Edema
5. Hematuria with pain
6. Cystitis
7. Urethritis
8. Glomerulonephritis
9. Acute Pyelonephritis
10. Urinary Stones
11. Acute Prostatitis
12. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy


As a powder, 9 grams was traditionally made into a draught and taken with Rush (Deng Xin Cao).
The above decoction is divided into 3 equal doses to be taken over the course of a day.


None noted


1. If there is loose stool, omit Rhubarb
2. Hematuria, add Agrimony (He Xian Cao)
3. Interstitual Cystitis with Fever and Chills, take with Xiao Chai Hu Tang
4. Urinary Tract Infection, add Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Loniera Jin Yin Hua, Forsythia Lian Qiao
5. Painful burnign Urine, add Coptis Huang Lian, Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang
6. Edema, add Poria Fu Ling and Water Plantain (Ze Xie)
7. Urinary stones with pain, add Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao, Lygodium Hai Jin Sha
8. Urinary Tract Infection, add Phellodendron Huang Bai
9. Urinary Retention, add Phellodendron Huang Bai and Cinnamon (Rou Gui)
10. Prostatitis, add Patrina Bai Jiang Cao, Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Phellodendron Huang Bai
11. Also for Prostatitis, add Violet (Zi Hua Di Ding), Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Phellodendron Huang Bai
12. Urinary Stones, add Earthworm (Di Long), Chicken Gizzard Skin (Ji Nei Jin), Amber (Hu Po)
13. Gout, add Artemisia Yin Chen Hao, Paeonia Chi Shao Yao, Phellodendron Huang Bai

How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures