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Supreme 25 (Bla med nyer lnga)

Bla med nyer lnga  བླ་མེད་ཉེར་ལྔ་Or, A gar nyer bzhi  ཨ་གར་ ཉེར་བཞི་Supreme 25Or, Aloeswood 24 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Men Tsee Kang Herb Name A ga ru (Aloeswood)Dza ti (Nutmeg) without peelSnying zho sha with seedsCu gang (Tabasheer)Spos dkar (Frankincense)Ru rta (Costus)A Ru Ra (Chebula) Na ga ge sar (Silk Cotton tree)Li shi (Clove)Ma nu…

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Electuary of Senna (Diasenna) (Nicholas)

Diasenna,Or, Electuarium de CassiaElectuary of Senna Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Herb Name SennaHazel Nuts, torrefiedSilk, torrefiedLapis Armenius, washedLapis Lazuli, washedSugarCinnamonCloveGalangalPepperIndian SpikenardBasil seedMaceCardamonSaffronGingerZedoaryRosemary flowersLong Pepper Latin Cassia angustifoliaCorylus avellana ustaSericum ustaTerra Armenius praeparataLapis Azureus praeparataSaccharum Cinnamonum zeylanicumEugenia caryophyllusAlpina officinarumPiper nigrumNardostachys jatamansiOcinum basilicumMyristica fragransElettaria cardamomumCrocus sativus Zingiber officinalisCurcuma zedoariaRosmarinus officinalisPiper longum Amount 3 oz.502…

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Decoction for Cancer (Model Botanic Guide to Health)

Decoction for Cancer Tradition: Western Source / Author: Model Botanic Guide to Health Herb Name Yellow Dock rootQuassia chipsWoody NightshadeCinquefoilAgrimony Latin Rumex crispusQuassia amaraSolanum dulcamaraPotentilla reptensAgrimonia eupatoria Amount 1 oz. ea. Preparation: Add these to 5 pints of water, boil down to three. Add a teaspoonful of Cayenne powder. When cold, add 2 oz. of…

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Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue)

Pilulae de RhabarbaroPills of Rhubarb Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Yellow MyrobalanHiera Picra of GalenLicorice juiceWormwood juice dehydratedMastic Troches of RoseRhubarbFennel seedCelery seed Latin Terminalia chebula (yellow) Hiera Picra GaleniSuccus GlycyrrhizaSuccum absinthum Pistacia lentiscusTrochisci RosumRheum palmatumFoeniculum vulgareApium graveolens Amount 3 1⁄2 oz.10 drams 1 oz. each3 1⁄2 drams3 drams 1⁄2 dram…

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Syrup of Mugwort Lesser (Bononiense)

Syrup of Mugwort Lesser Tradition: Western Source / Author: Antidotarium Bononiense, 1641 Herb Name Restharrow rootMadderCouch grass rootButchers Broom rootCarrot seed Roman Nigella seedMugwortSavinMarjoram HyssopCalamint Latin Ononis spinosaRubia tinctorumAgropyron repensRuscus aculeatusDaucus carrotaNigella spp.Artemisia vulgarisJuniperus sabinaOreganum marjoranaHyssopus officinaleCalamintha officinalis Amount 6 drams ea. 1 handful ea.2 handfuls 1⁄2 handful ea. Preparation: Boil in 5 pounds of…

General History of China

The General History of China, 1734 The General History of China (1739) gave a good introduction of Ginseng taken from classical Chinese texts. It details the source, collection and nature of the plants growth. It also details the taste and virtues of the plant, along with combinations, particularly extolling its combination with Fu Ling (Poria)….

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Spiritus, Alcohol

Spiritus, Alcohol Spiritum Vitae, Spiritus Vini (Brandy)Jiu (Spirit, ‘Wine’); Bai Jiu (White Spirit) (TCM)Kahul (Arabic)Sharaab (Hindi) AlcoholDioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Wine-makingLustgarten der Gesundtheit, Ryff, 1546 Chemical name: Alcohol. C2H5OH; Ethanol Parts used: Typical Alcohol content of various alcoholic drinks:  Ale, Beer, Cider: 4–6%  Strong Ale, Stout: 7–8%  Wine: 10–14%  Fortified Wine (Port, Sherry): 18–20%…

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Cnidium, She Chuang Zi PRO

Cnidium, She Chuang Zi 蛇床子 She Chuang Zi (TCM)La la phud ser po  ལ་ལ་ཕུདསེར་པོ  (Tibetan Medicine) Jacquin, Hortus botanicus Vindobonensis, (1770) Botanical name: Cnidium monnieri (syn. Selinum monnieri) Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classifications: T. External Medicines Uses: 1. Warms the Kidneys, Tonifies Yang: -Impotence, Frigidity, Lack of Sex drive-Infertility (men…

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Red Coral 25 (Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga)

Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga  རིན་ཆེན་བྱུར་དམར་ཉེར་ལྔ།Rin Chen Jumar 25Er Shi Wu Wei Shan Hu Wan (TCM)Red Coral 25 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Based on the formula of Dil Dmar Ba (born 1672). This pill was first formulated by the ancient physician Shasandhara Lakhsmi who himself used the medicine to save his own life….

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Aloeswood 6 (A gar drug pa)

A gar drug pa ཨ་གར་དྲུག་པ།Aloeswood 6 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name A gar (Aloeswood)Dza ti (Nutmeg)Gur gum (Safflower)Gya tig (Swertia)A ru (Chebula)Na ga ge sar (Mesua) Latin Aquilaria agallochaMyristica fragransCarthamus tinctoriusSwertia chirataTerminalia chebulaMesua ferrea Amount 2 parts 1 part ea. Preparation: Powder and make Honey-Pills Function: Clears Heat, Settles Wind, benefits the Heart…

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Antidote for Wind and Cold (Nicholas)

Antidotum, quod Facit ad Flatuositatem & Frigiditatem Antidote for Wind and Cold Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name GingerHyssopWhite PepperBlack PepperParsley seedSilerElecampaneLong PepperAmeosAniseedFennel seedHoney Latin Zingiber officinalisHyssopus officinalePiper nigrumPiper nigrumPetroselinum crispumSiler trilobum Inula heleniumPiper longumAmmi majusPimpinella anisumFoeniculum vulgareMel Amount 4 drams ea. 2 drams ea. qs Preparation: Powder…

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Holotrichia, Qi Cao

Holotrichia, Qi Cao 蛴螬 Northeast Giant Black Chafer, Korean Black BeetleQi Cao (TCM) Holotrichia parallela Mimela lucidula (Beetles Russia and Western Europe, Jacobson, 1905-1915) Entomological name: Holotrichia spp. H. diomphalia (Official) H. morosa H. sauteri H. titanus The Pharmacopoeia of Chinese Medicine lists H. diomphalia but says other members of the same genus can be…

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