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Vitis, Grape Vine PRO

Vitis, Grape Vine VineDrakshadi (Raisins, Ayurveda)Pu Tao 葡萄 (TCM)Kishmish (Raisins, Unani)rgun brum  རྒུན་འབྲུམ (Raisins, Tibetan) Grapes                                                                                                          RaisinsOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Medical Botany, Stephenson and Churchill, 1836 Grape Vine and WineMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Grapes (Adam, 2017) Light (‘Golden Sultanas’) and Dark (‘Purple Raisins’) dried fruit (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Vitis…

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Pearl, Margarita, Zhen Zhu 珍珠

Pearl, Margarita, Zhen Zhu 珍珠 Zhen Zhu (TCM)Mukta (Ayurveda.)Mu Tig  མུ་ཏིག  (Tibetan)Marwareed (Unani) Mother of Pearl, Zhen Zhu Mu 珍珠母 Zhen Zhu Mu (TCM)Mukta Shukti (Ayurveda.)Nya phyis  ཉ་ཕྱིས  (Tibetan)Sadaf Marwareed (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, 1491 Pearl and Pearl huntersMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Mother of PearlKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578  Pearl at the Chengdu Medicine Market(Adam, 2012) BUY PEARL…

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Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug)

Dg’a ba bcu drug  དག་བ་བཅུ་དྲུག་Joyful Sixteen Pillor Sixteen Delights Pill Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Tenzin Chodrak (physician of the 14th Dalai Lama) Herb Name Gur gum (Safflower)Li shi (Clove)Ru rta (Costus)A ru ra (Chebula)Ba ru ra (Belleric)Skyu ru ra (Emblic)‘Jam bras (Fever nut)Sha ru (Deer horn burnt)Tsan dan dmar po (Red Sandal)Bong dkar (White…

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Decoction to Strengthen the Lungs

Decoction to Strengthen the Lungs Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name ElecampaneFigsLicoriceComfreyColtsfoot flower Latin Inula heleniumFicus carica Glycyrrhiza glabra Symphytum officinale Tussilago farfara Amount 2 drams 2 1 dram ea. 1 pugil Preparation: Prepare a standard Decoction Function: strengthens the Lungs, stops Cough and Wheezing Use: 1. Chronic Cough2. Wheezing3. Breathlessness associated with Lung…

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Anogeissus, Dhava PRO

Anogeissus, Dhava Crane tree, Button treeDhava, Madhuravalka (Ayurveda) Dhava, Samagh-e-Hindi (Gum), Gond Zanana (Gum) (Unani)Vellaynaga (Siddha) Anogeissus latifolia J.F. Royle, Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan Mountains and of the flora of Cashmere, Plates (1839) Botanical name: Anogeissus latifolia Parts used: Heartwood; Stem-bark; Gum-resin; Fruit Temperature &…


Kutajghan Vati (Holarrhena Tablets)

Kutajghan VatiHolarrhena Tablets Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Herb Name Kutaja (Holarrhena)Atis (Aconitum heterophyllum) Latin Holarrhea antidysentericaAconitum heterophyllum Amount Preparation: Water extract of Kutaja is prepared, then mixed with powder of Atis to form Tablets.Tablets can be prepared with equal parts of the powder (typically 375mg each). Due to the high cost of Atis, often…

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Rhododendron 16 (Dwa lis bcu drug)

Dwa lis bcu drug  ད་ལིས་ བཅུ་དྲུག་Rhododendron 16 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Dwa li (Rhododendron)A gar (Aloeswood)Se bru (Pomegranate)Shing tsha (Cinnamon) Sug Smel (Cardamon)Pi pi ling (Long Pepper) Cu gang (Tabasheer) Gur Gum (Safflower)Li shi (Clove)Ru rta (Costus)Dza ti (Nutmeg) Snying jo shaRgun brum dkar po (Raisin) Shing mngar (Licorice)Li ga dur (Geranium)Sdig srin…

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Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (2)

Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (2) Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545 Herb Name Pomegranate peelBarberrySumacPistachio nut shell Rose TabasheerRhubarbAmberAloeswoodMastic Latin Punica granatum Berberis vulgaris Rhus parviflora Pistachio verum Rosa gallica Bambusae silicae Rheum palmatum Succinum Aquillaria agallocha Pistacia lentiscus Amount 5 drams ea.4 drams 2…

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Rhus, Sumac PRO

Rhus, Sumac SumachSumaq (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Rhus coriaria(Photo by Lazaregagnidze) (Wikimedia) SUMACSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Rhus spp.R. parviflora, R. coriaria (European Sumac); some American species are used similarly Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry….

Peucedanum, Hogfennel, Qian Hu PRO

Peucedanum, Hog-fennel, Qian Hu 前胡 Sulphur-wortQian Hu (Chinese local species)Tang kun, lcha ba (Tibetan, local species) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Peucedanum officinaleFuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch, (1543) Flora von Deutschland (27), Kohler, 1886 Botanical name: Peucedanum officinale (West)TCM uses White and Purple flowered varieties including: P. decursivum (syn. Angelica decursiva)–official species P….

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Tincture for Paralysis

Tincture Against Paralysis Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mylius Herb Name Asparagus rootPeony rootButchers Broom rootHyssop BetonyGout-IvyCowslipsMelon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedCalendulaStoechas flowersRosemary flowersMotherwortCinnamonRaisins Latin Asparagus officinalePaeonia officinalisRuscus aculeatusHyssopus officinaleBetonica officinalisAjuga chamaepitysPrimula verisCitrullus vulgarisCucurbita spp.Cucurbita pepoCucumis sativusCalendula officinalisLavendula stoechasRosmarinus officinalisLeonurus cardiacaCinnamonum zeylanicumVitis vinifera Amount 6 drams ea. 1 handful ea. 2 drams 1 pugil ea. 1…

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Opopanax Rough Parsnip Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Woodville, Hooker, Spratt, Medical Botany, 3th edition, 1832 Opopanax opopanax(Photo by Consultaplantas) (Wikimedia) BUY OPOPANAX Botanical name: Commiphora guidottii (syn. Opopanax opopanax, O. chironum, Ferula opopanax, Pastinaca opopanax, P. sylvestris) Parts used: Gum Temperature & Taste: Very Warm, dry. Pungentmollifies, digests Classifications: 2B ATTENUATERS    2M. DRAWING    2Q. ANODYNE3M….

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