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Przewalskia 11 (Thang phrom bcu gchig)

Thang phrom bcu gchig  ཐང་ཕྲོམ་ བཅུ་གཅིག་or Phan pa kun ldan  ཕན་པ་ཀུན་ལྡན་Przewalskia 11 Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Thang phrom dkar po (root & fruit) A ru ra (Chebula)Shu dag (Calamus)Gu gul nag po (Myrrh)Dzin pa (Black Aconite) *Yung ba (Turmeric)Ma ru rtse (Begal Kino tree)Byi tang ka (Embelia)Sngo stag sha (Oxytropis)Rgya tshwa (Sal…

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Gastrodia, Tian Ma PRO

Gastrodia, Tian Ma 天麻 Tian Ma (TCM) Gastrodia elata(Photo by Qwert1234) (Wikimedia) Sichuan Gastrodia Tian Ma root (Adam, 2016)  Above: Sliced fresh Tian Ma available at the Chengdu MedicineMarket. (Adam, 2018) Gastrodia, Collection des Orchidées … Indien et du Japon, 1858 Botanical name: Gastrodia elataThe best quality is Winter Gastrodia from Yunnan and Sichuan Parts…

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Powder of the Countess of Castel

Powder of the Countess of Castel Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gabelhover, 1599 Herb Name Tartar prepared (as below)SennaCinnamonGinger PepperSaffronSugar Latin Potassium tartrate preparataCassia angustifoliaCinnamonum zeylanicumZingiber officinalis Piper nigrumCrocus sativusSaccharum Amount 2 drams ea.1 dram1 scruple 1⁄2 oz. Preparation: Tartar is prepared as follows: steep 2 drams of White Tartar in white wine for 4…

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Powder for Leukorrhea

Powder for Leukorrhea Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Agnus CastusRueFennel seedCinnamon Latin Vitex agnus-castusRuta graveolensFoeniculum vulgareCinnamonum zeylanicum Amount 2 drams ea.1 dram 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Damp, warms the Kidneys Use: Leukorrhea from Cold and Damp with Kidney weakness Dose: 1⁄2–1 dram Cautions: None noted Modifications: Back to POWDERSBack to FORMULASHow…

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Confection of Sesame and Triphala (Ayurveda)

Confection of Sesame and Triphala Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Herb Name Sesame seedChebulic MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanLong PepperBlack PepperGingerHoneyGhee Latin Sesamum indicumTerminalia chebulaTerminalia bellericaEmblica officinalisPiper longum Piper nigrumZingiber officinalisMelButurum clarificans Amount 3 parts 1 part ea. 3 parts2 parts Preparation: Powder the herbs and make into a confection with Honey and Ghee Function: Moistens, nourishes…

Tincture of Celandine

Tincture of Celandine Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Celandine leavesBrandy Latin Chelidonium majusSpiritum Vitae Amount ½ lb. (1 part)6 lbs. (12 parts) Preparation: Digest in a well stopped vessel for 3 days, strain and press out strongly; repeat the infusion with new leaves twice more. Function: Clears Liver Heat, Moves the Blood, Resists…

Baliospermum, Danti PRO

Baliospermum, Danti Wild Croton, Wild Castor, Red Physic NutDanti (Ayurveda)Neeradimuthu (Siddha)Ban Zi Mu (TCM) R. Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, vol. 5, 1885 H.G.A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, Euphorbiaceae, vol. 147 (1912) Baliospermum montanum(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Baliospermum montanum (syn. B. axillare, B. polyandrum, B. solanifolium, Croton polyandrus) Parts used: Root; purified Seed Temperature…

Scoliosis & Kyphosis

Scoliosis & Kyphosis Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine, usually in the form of an “S” or “C” shape. Around 2–6% of the population are affected with Scoliosis although this depends on the country. Some sources have stated that the worldwide incidence of Scoliosis is up to 10%. Kyphosis is a foreward curvature…

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Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood

Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood Roman Wormwood, Roman Mugwort Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Vietz, F.B., Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, vol. 1 (1800) Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch, (1543) Botanical name: Artemisia ponticum Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bittercuts, binds, discusses, resists putrefaction, purges Bile (Choler) Uses: -Generally used the same as Wormwood, but was regarded as…

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Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Rhasis)

Decoction of Dodder of Thyme Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Rhasis (Rhazes) Herb Name Black MyrobalanPolypodySennaTurbith Dodder Latin Terminalia chebula (black) Polypodium vulgareCassia angustifoliaOperculina turpethum Cuscuta europea Amount 1 1⁄4 oz.5 drams 9 drams 1⁄2 oz.10 drams Preparation: Boil all except the Dodder in 36 ounces of water down to 24 ounces, then add…

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