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Chinese Materia Medica

Chinese Materia Medica See also Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine AA Wei 啊魏 Assafoetida, AsafetidaAi Na Xiang 艾纳香 Blumea balsamifera  Ai Ye 艾叶 Artemisia, MugwortAn Xi Xiang 安息香 Benzoin BBa Dou 巴豆 CrotonBa Ji Tian 巴戟天 Morinda Ba Yue Zha 八月札 Akebia FructusBai Bian Dou 白扁豆 Dolichis, Hyacinth BeanBai Bu 百部 StemonaBai Dou Kou 白豆蔻, Amomum…

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Pills for Headache from Bile and Phlegm

Pills for Headache from Bile and Phlegm Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: De morbis internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name AloeYellow MyrobalanMasticRoseSaffron Latin Aloe spp.Terminalia chebula (yellow) Pistacia lentiscusRosa gallicaCrocus sativus Amount 6 drams 4 drams 3 drams 2 drams 1 dram Preparation: Powder and form Pills Function: Clears Heat and Phlegm, opens Obstructions,…

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Satureia, Savory

Satureia, Savory Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 S. montanaSturm & Sturm, Deutschlands flora, 1845-1849 Botanical name: Satureja montana; S. hortensis (Summer Savory)Garden, Mountain, Cretic and Thyme-leaved varieties were known Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classifications: 2D ATTENUATERS OF CONGEALED BLOOD4a. CEPHALIC.    4i. UTERINE Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Moves…


2W. Sarcotics Sarcotics remove what is hindering the growth of healthy flesh in Wounds and Ulcers. The matter inhibiting healthy growth of flesh is of two kinds: thin fluid which oozes or seeps out of the tissues; the other a thick, gross and filthy matter that causes foul non-healing Ulcers. The first requires drying medicines,…

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Xiao Chai Hu Tang (TCM)

Xiao Chi Hu Tang 小柴胡汤Sho Saiko To (Japan)Lesser Bupleurum Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Shang Han Lun, c. 220 Herb Name Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Huang Qin (Baical Skullcap)Ban Xia (Pinellia root)Sheng Jiang (fresh Ginger)Ren Shen (Ginseng) Da Zao (Jujube)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Latin Bupleurum chinense Scutellaria baicalensisPinellia ternataZingiber officinalePanax ginsengZiziphus jujubaGlycyrrhiza uralensis Amount 12…

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Bruhath Triphala Churna

Bruhath Triphala Churna Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: Herb Name Amla (Emblic Myrobalan)Bibhitaki (Belleric Myrobalan)Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan)Yashtimadu (Licorice)Svarnapatri (Senna leaf) Latin Emblica officinalisTerminalia bellericaTerminalia chebulaGlycyrrhiza glabraCassia angustifolia Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder Function: Regulates Digestion, promotes Bowels Movement Use: 1. Constipation2. Hemorrhoids3. Flatulence4. Abdominal distention and bloating5. Used as an adjunct to lose weight Dose:…

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Powder of Crabs

Pulvis CancriPowder of Crabs Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545 Herb Name River Crayfish burnt  GentianRosemary Tabasheer Lapis lazuli prepared Latin Cineris Cancrorum fluviatiliumGentiana luteaRosmarinus officinalisBambusae silicae Lapis Azureus praeparata Amount 10 drams1⁄2 oz.1 dram2 drams2 scruples Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Heat, resists Poison, calms the Mind Use: 1. Lyconthropy…

Mezereon, Spurge Olive; Laureola, Spurge Laurel PRO

Mezereon, Spurge Olive; Laureola, Spurge Laurel Mezereon: Daphnoides Chamaelaea, Thymelaea, ChamaedaphneBark: Cortex Coccogniddii–Mazariyun (Arabic)Berry: Bacca Coccogniddii, Grana Cnidii, Cocci Cnidii Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Daphne mezereonKohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 MEZEREUM ROOT-BARK1, Outer surface showing prominent lenticels.  2. Inner smooth satin-like surface. 3. Small bundle formed by folding the bark lengthwise and tying with pieces of the…

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Sparrow Brain

Sparrow Brain Maghz Sar Kanjishk (Sparrow brain, Unani)Maghz Sar Kanjishk Ner (Male sparrow brain, Unani)Que Nao 雀脑 (TCM) House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)Photo by Boothsift (Wikimedia) Sparrow ‘Brain’ as available on the Chinese market (with skull) Sparrow skullPhoto by Hirvenkürpa (Wikimedia) Zoological name: Passer domesticus is the Common European Sparrow. P. montanus is the Tree sparrow.P. rutilans…

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Vajra’s Nectar (Gsang bdag dar ya kan)

Gsang bdag dar ya kan  གསང་བདག་ དར་ཡ་ཀན་Vajra’s Nectar Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name A ru ra (Chebula)Ru rta (Costus)Shu dag nag po (Calamus)Sman chen (Black Aconite)Gla rtsi (Musk)Btso thal (Processed Mercury)Klu bdud rdo rdze (Codonopsis)Phur nag (Artemisia) Brag spo (Lepisorus) Latin Terminalia chebulaSaussurea lappaAcorus calamusAconitum feroxMoschusrefinied Mercuric sulphideCodonopsis ovataArtemisia santolinifoliaLepisorus waltoni Amount 24…

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Phyllanthus amarus PRO

Phyllanthus amarus, Bhuiamla Bhuiamla, Bhumyumalaki, Bahupatri, Bahuphala, Tamalaki (Ayurveda)Bhui Amala (Unani)Kellkay Nelli, Kizkaynelli Camulam (Siddha)Ye Xia Zhu (TCM) Phyllanthus amarusPhoto by Sailesh Botanical name: Phyllanthus amarus, P. fraternus, P. debilis, P. niruri (Thailand)Other local species are also used. Parts used: Leaf; root; or the whole plant in powder Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. very Bitter…

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Ligustrum, Glossy Privet Fruit, Nu Zhen Zi PRO

Ligustrum, Glossy Privet Fruit, Nu Zhen Zi 女贞子 Glossy PrivetNu Zhen Zi (TCM) Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 52 (1825) Ligustrum lucidum fruit(Photo by SABENCIA Guillermo César Ruiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Ligustrum lucidum; L. thibeticum is also used. Parts used: Fruit Temperature & Taste: Cool. Bitter, Sweet“It is Warm” (Li Shi Zhen) Classification: N. Yin Tonic…

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