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Powder of Turbith (Avicenna)

Medicamentis TurbithPowder of Turbith Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Avicenna Herb Name GingerMasticTurbithSugar Latin Zingiber officinalis Pistacia lentiscus Operculina turpethum Saccharum Amount 10 drams ea.30 drams Preparation: Powder Function: Purges Phlegm Use: 1. Asthma from Phlegm congestion2. Phlegm congestion of the chest3. Phlegm obstructing the Stomach4. Phlegm disorders of the Brain and Nerves Dose:…


Cauterization Albucasis Chirurgicorum Omnium Primarii (1532) Although less commonly performed than other external point therapies such as Bloodletting and Cupping, Cauterization and Branding has been used in various cultures since ancient times. Cauterization is performed either with a red hot Needle or Iron, or some times with another substance such as a burning root or…

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Crataeva, Varuna PRO

Crataeva, Varuna Three Leaved CaperVaruna (Ayurveda)Maranlingan (Siddha)Barana (Unani) Crataeva. religiosaBlanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Crataeva religiosa(Photo by Rison Thumboor) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Crataeva nurvala (syn. C. magna, C. religiosa, Capparis trifoliata) Parts used: Bark Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, Sweet Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Damp, Promotes Urine:-Cystitis, chronic Urinary Tract Infections-Kidney and Bladder Stones (since…

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Cordial Decoction (French Pharmacopoeia)

Decoctum Cordialis Cordial Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: The Royal Pharmacopeia; Galenical and Chemical [of France], Moses Charras, 1678 Herb Name BarleyScorzonera rootBorage rootBugloss rootBorage leaf Bugloss leafEndive leafChicory leafWood SorrelMaidenhairLicoriceMelon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedBorage flower Rose flowerViolet flower Latin Hordeum vulgareScorzonera hispanicaBorago officinalisAnchusa officinalisBorago officinalisAnchusa officinalisChicorium endivaChicorium intybusOxalis acetosellaAdiantum capillus-venerisGlycyrrhiza glabraCitrullus vulgarisLagenaria vulgarisCucurbita…

Lapis Ammonites

Lapis Ammonites Snake-Stone, Ammonite, Cornua Ammonis, DraconitesShi Shi (‘Snake Stone’, TCM) Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719 Cross section of AmmoniteBritish Mineralogy, Sowerby, 1804 Ammonite(Photo by Mokkie) (Wikimedia) History Lapis Ammonite was occasionally listed in Materia Medica, but rarely were there any medical uses given. As it resembled a coiled up snake, it was apparently used as…

Intro to Unani Medicine

Introduction to Unani Medicine Unani-Tibb, Iranian Traditional Medicine, Islamic Medicine Unani (Arab) Medicine is a direct offshoot of Galenic Medicine (‘Unani’ means Greek in Arabic). Just over 1000 years ago the Arabs took the writings of the Ancient Greeks and elevated them to a much higher level, clarifying and refining the Philosophy that had stood…

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Lycium Cortex, Di Gu Pi PRO

Lycium Cortex, Di Gu Pi 地骨皮 Chinese Wolfberry root-barkDi Gu Pi (TCM) Lycium chinenseDuhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition (1800-1803) Botanical name: Lycium chinense, L. barbarum Parts used: Root-bark Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet Classification: B. Clears Deficient Heat Uses: 1. Cools the Blood, Clears Deficient-Heat:-clears Kidney heat-Steaming Bone…

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Garcinia pedunculata, Amlavetasa

Garcinia pedunculata, Amlavetasa Butter tree, Goa butter, Indian Tallow tree, Red Mango, Kokum Amlavetasa, Vetasamla, Amlasar (Ayurveda)Murgal (Siddha) Garcinia indica fresh fruit(Photo: BHARATHESHA ALASANDEMAJALU) (Wikimedia) Garcinia indica dried fruit(Photo by Badagnani) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Garcinia spp. G. pedunculata G. indica (syn. G. purpurea) G. morella (Vrukshamla) is said to be very similar (Charaka)The fruit of…

Collecting Herbs

Collecting Herbs Collecting herbs correctly has a big impact on the efficacy of them as medicines. First, and perhaps most importantly, the Herb must be identified correctly. Then, the correct time of collecting has to be known, followed by the correct way of drying and keeping the Herb. The following is taken from Culpepers English…

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Limonite, Yu Yu Liang

Limonite, Yu Yu Liang 禹余粮 Yellow Iron OreYu Yu Liang (TCM)Sin dhu ra (Tibetan-also used for Minium) A Limonite specimen in the Museum of Minerology, Strasbourg(Photo by Ji-Elle) (Wikimedia) A piece of regular Limonite(Photo by Ra’ike) (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Limonite FeO(OH)·nH2OIron oxide-hydroxide Parts used: Prepared mineral Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet Properties:Crystal system: fine grained…

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Scolopendrum, Hart’s Tongue

Scolopendrium, Hart’s Tongue Deers Tongue, Horse Tongue, Lingua cervina, Hemionitis, Phyllitis Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Two varieties of ScolopendrumLeft: Phyllitis; Right: HemionitisKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Scolopendrium vulgareMedical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, 1832 Alternate varieties of Hart’s TongueLeft: Finger Hart’s Tongue; Right: Bastard Hart’s Tongue(Salmon,…

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