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Tooth Powder to Whiten the Teeth (Wirtzung)

Powder to Whiten the Teeth Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Pumice stoneCuttlefish boneRed BrickEgg Shell Red CoralWhite CoralPellitoryBurnt AlumOrrisSandaracMasticMyrrh Latin Pumex Os Sepia Ovum testaCorallum rubrum Corallum album Anacyclus pyrethrum Alumen usta Iris germanica Cypress spp. gum Pistacia lentiscus Commiphora molmol Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea. 2 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams 3…

Betony & Vervain

Betony & Vervain This combination was long used, almost as a specific, for Headaches. Betony focuses on moving the Qi, while Vervain moves the Blood. Both Calm Wind, and have a direct effect on the head and nerves, and both have been used for their calming and sedative effects. Together, they treat both the cause…

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Verbascum, Mullein PRO

Verbascum, Mullein High Taper, Torchweed, Taxus barbatusMao Rui Hua (TCM)Busir (Unani)Gyug pa’i gser bye གགྱུག་པའི་གསེར་བྱེ (Tibet) Taxus barbatusHerbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 TapsusOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Verbascum thapsus (syn. V. thapsiforme), V. phlomoidesVarious local species are used including V. lasianthum.,…

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Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang

Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang 补阳还五汤Tonify the Yang Restore Five (-Tenths) Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Correction of Errors Among Physicians (1830) Herb Name Huang Qi (Astragalus)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica) Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Chi Shao (Red Peony)Tao Ren (Peach seed)Hong Hua (Safflower)Di Long (Earthworm) Latin Astragalus membranaceusAngelica sinensis *Ligusticum chuanxiongPaeonia lactiflora Prunus persicaCarthamus…

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Pills to Prevent Miscarriage (Wirtzung)

Pills to Prevent Miscarriage Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name IvoryRed CoralWhite CoralMasticMintRed peel of ChestnutsAcornsMyrtle seedCypress nuts Latin EborisCorallum rubrumCorallum albumPistacia lentiscusMentha arvensisCastanea sativaQuercus spp.Myrtus communisCupressus semperviens Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder them well, and with Comfrey juice, form Pills. Function: Clears Heat, Astringes, benefits the Uterus Use: Threatened Miscarriage Dose: 3…

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Bees, Apis

Bees, Apis Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Lustgarten der Gesundtheit, Ryff, 1546 1. Queen Bee, 2. Worker Bee, 3. Male BeeThe Natural History of Insects, Rennie, 1838 Botanical name: Apis spp.A. mellifera; A. indicus, A. sinensis (in China) Parts used: Whole dried Bees; usually toasted or ashed for use Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sweet….

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Troches for Daily Fever (Galen)

Ad februm Quotidianam troschici Troches for Daily Fever Tradition: Western Source / Author: Galen (Omnia Quae extant in Latinum Sermonem Conversa, 1556) Herb Name RoseTabasheerAgrimonyDodder seedBarberryEndive seedAloeswoodTragacanthWormwoodAniseedDoronicum Latin Rosa gallica Bambusae silicaeAgrimonia eupatoria Cuscuta europea Berberis vulgaris Chicorium endiva Aquillaria agallocha Astragalus tragacanth Artemisia absinthum Pimpinella anisum Doronicum hookeri Amount 4 drams ea. 1 dram…

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Athanasia Greater (Unani)

Athanasia Magnus (Unani)Athanasia Greater Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681) Herb Name Myrrh OpiumSaffronCastoreumHenbane seedCostusCardamonWhite Poppy seedAgrimonyGoat horn, burnedWolf Liver dried Latin Commiphora molmolOpiumCrocus sativusCastoreumHyoscyamus nigerSaussurea lappa Elettaria cardamomumPapaver somniferum albaAgrimonia eupatoriaCornu Capri ustaHepatis Lupi Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder, mix with wine, and mix with sufficient clarified Honey to form an Electuary….


Decoction for Asthma and Difficulty Breathing

Decoction for Asthma and Difficulty Breathing Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘ Herb Name FenugreekRaisins Latin Trigonella foenum-graecumVitis vinifera Amount equal parts Preparation: Decoction Function: Clears Cold Phlegm, Strengthens the Lungs, Stops Cough and Wheezing Use: 1. Asthma2. Difficulty BreathingIn these conditions it is said to “give relief immediately” Dose: Give “generous…

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Hiera Theodoretus

Hiera TheodoretusHiera of Theodor Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Syrian Book of Medicine Herb Name AloeAgaricSaffronRhubarbAsarumOrrisColocynthBalsam oil Balsam fruitCostusCalamus MasticMother of ThymeCinnamonCassiaThymeIndian SpikenardGermanderMeumBlack PepperLong PepperWhite PepperEuphorbiumPistacis lentiscus flowerGentianAmomumScammony prepared Latin Aloe spp.Fomitopsis officinalisCrocus sativusRheum palmatumAsarum europeumIris germanicaCitrullus colocynthusCommiphora opobalsamumCommiphora opobalsamumSaussurea lappaAcorus calamusPistacia lentiscusThymus serpylliumCinnamonum zeylanicumCinnamonum cassiaThymus vulgarisNardostchys jatamansiTeucrium chamaedrysMeum athamanticumPiper nigrumPiper longumPiper albumEuphorbium resiniferaPistacia lentiscusGentiana…

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Pills of Storax (Mesue)

Pilulae Styrace Pills of Storax Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Storax calamita (dried)FrankincenseMyrrhLicorice juice Saffron Latin Styrax officinalis Boswellia sacra Commiphora molmol Succus Glycyrrhiza Crocus sativus Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea.1 dram Preparation: Powder and make pills with Syrup of White Poppy. Function: Clears Phlegm, stops Cough, moves the Blood Use: 1….

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