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Nerium, Oleander PRO

Nerium, Oleander Oleander, Rose Bay, Rose LaurelKaravira, Viraka, Ashvamaraka (White-flowered variety, Ayurveda)Raktapushpa, Raktaprasava, Ravipriya (Red-flowered variety, Ayurveda)Kaner, Chandani (Unani)Sanbul Aqleeti (Arabic)Arali (Siddha)Jia Zhu Tao (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Nerium oleanderBotanical Register, vol. 1, (1815) Botanical name: Nerium spp.: N. oleander (syn. N. odorum); Red Oldeander, Rose Bay N. indicum; White Oleander…

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Electuary to Increase Sexual Potency

Electuary to Increase Sexual Potency Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Dispensatory of Ibn At Tilmid Herb Name Tukhm e Gajar (Carrot seed)Tukhm e Piyaz (Onion seed)Tukhm e Turb (Radish seed)Tukhm e Jirjeer (Rocket seed)Tukhm e Ratha (Lucerne seed)Maghz e Panbadana (Cotton seed)Salab misri (Orchid)Qust (Sweet Alecost)Adrak (Ginger)Tudri (Wallflower)Ash tree keysShqaqul Misri (Parsnip) Behman Surkh (Red Behen)Behman…

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Betonica, Betony PRO

Betonica, Betony Chiron, Serratula Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Botanical name: Betonica officinalis (syn. Stachys betonica, S. officinalis)It appears that local varieties were also used synonymously Parts used: Herb; flower Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, pungentdiscusses, attenuates, opens, cleanses Classification:…

Birth, to Promote

To Promote Birth Western Tradition Simples Cassia barkPennyroyalBetonyMyrrhDate kernelsBorax CinnamonBasilHyssopSaffronVervainAmber To Prepare for BirthThe following can be taken 2–4 weeks before the due date to prepare for Birth: 1. Raspberry leaf tea can be taken daily in the last month, adding a teaspoon of Honey.2. Cinnamon and Licorice powder taken daily for 2 weeks before…

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Troches for the Liver and Jaundice (Nicholas)

Troches for Liver and Jaundice Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Medicamentorum Opus, Nicolai Myrepsus Herb Name Bitter AlmondAniseedWormwoodIndian Spikenard Latin Prunus amygdalus amara Pimpinella anisum Artemisia absinthum Nardostachys jatamansi Amount 2 drams 1 dram ea.1⁄2 dram Preparation: Powder; form troches with water Function: Opens Obstructions Use: 1. obstruction of the Liver2. Jaundice Dose: 1⁄2–1…

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Laurus, Baytree FREE

Laurus, Bay-tree Bay tree, Sweet Bay, Bay Laurel; Baccum Lauri (berry)Ghar, Hab-el-Ghar (Unani)Yue Gui Zi (Fruit) Yue Gui Ye (Leaf) TCM) LaurusOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 LaurusDella Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 LaurusKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Laurus nobilisFlora von Deutschland (10), Kohler, 1882 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Laurus nobilisDioscorides described 2 varieties:…

The Art of Physick

The Art of Physick The following discourse is between the Nicholas La Framboisire, Physician to King Louis XIV of France (1643–1715), and his Son. The set of Questions was to evaluate his son’s understanding of Physick (Medicine) before he went to the Medical College of Montpelliar to obtain his Degree of Medicine. It is a…

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Powder for Catarrh

Pulvis CatarrhalisPowder for Catarrh Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Flowers of SulphurSaltpeterLicoriceFennel seed Latin Flos Sulphuris Potassium nitrate Glycyrrhiza glabra Foeniculum vulgare Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Cold and Damp Use: Catarrh Dose: 1–2 scruples Cautions: None noted Modifications: Back To POWDERSBack to FORMULASHow to Modify a FormulaSubstitutesWeights & Measures

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Picrorhiza, Hu Huang Lian FREE

Picrorhiza, Hu Huang Lian 胡黄连 Hu Huang Lian (TCM)Katuki (Ayurveda)Kutki (Unani)Hong Len  ཧོང་ལེན  (Tibet) Picrorhiza kurroaRoyle, Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the naturalhistory of the Himalayan Mountains and of the flora of Cashmere, 1839 Picrorhiza kurroa(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Picrorhiza spp. (sometimes spelled Picrorrhiza) …

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Powder for Hernia of Vigo

Powder for Hernia of Vigo Tradition: Western Source / Author: Vigo (The Antidotarie Chyrurgical, John Banister, 1589) Herb Name FrankincenseMasticMyrrhAloesSarcocollaDragon’s BloodMumia (Shilajit)Armenian EarthSealed EarthTragacanthIsinglassPomegranate flowerCypress nut Yellow Myrobalan HypocistusLaudanum Latin Boswellia sacraPistacia lentiscusCommiphora molmolAloe spp. Astragalus sarcocollaDaemonorops dracoShilajitTerra Armenius Terra SigillataAstragalus tragacanthIsinglassPunica granatumCupressus semperviens Terminalia chebula (yellow) Cytinus hypocistusLaudanum Amount 2 drams ea. 1 dram…

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Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Qin Pi FREE

Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Qin Pi 秦皮 Korean or Chinese Ash treeQin Pi (TCM)Stab seng  སྟབ་སེང༌ (Tibet) Fraxinus chinensisNakai, T., Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper [Dai Nihon jumokushi] (1935-1951) Fraxinus rhynchophylla(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Fraxinus rhynchophylla (syn. F. chinensis)Other sources used include: F. bungeana, F. szaboana (syn….

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Poria, Fu Ling PRO

Poria, Fu Ling 茯苓 Poria Rubra, Chi Fu Ling 赤茯苓 Poria Cutis, Fu Ling Pi 茯苓皮 Poria Pararadicis, Fu Shen 茯神 Indian Bread, Tuckahoe, Hoelen, PoriaFu Ling (TCM)Phu Ling (Tibetan) A whole, wild Poria root (approx. 25cm across) (Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2016) Fu Shen, Poria with tree root.Left: Poria still attached to the root;…

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