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Larinus Cocoon, Shakar Teghal

Larinus Cocoon, Shakar Teghal Honeydew, Trehala MannaShakar Teghal (‘Sugar of Nests’) (Unani)Trehala (Turkish)Qand Teghal (Persian)Shakara Tagara (Hindi) Science Papers, Hanbury, 1876 Hemiptera Cocoon (Shakar Teghal) with insect at bottom.(Calcutta Unani Medicine College, Adam, 2019) Entomological name: Larinus maculatus, L. mellifera Parts used: Cocoon of Larinus maculatus, principally found on Echinops persicusIrregular pieces of dirty-white color,…

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Cnidium, She Chuang Zi FREE

Cnidium, She Chuang Zi 蛇床子 She Chuang Zi (TCM)La la phud ser po  ལ་ལ་ཕུདསེར་པོ  (Tibetan Medicine) Cnidium monnieriJacquin, Hortus botanicus Vindobonensis, (1770) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Cnidium monnieri (syn. Selinum monnieri) Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classifications: T. External Medicines Uses: 1. Warms the Kidneys, Tonifies…

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Leech, Shui Zhi 水蛭

Leech, Shui Zhi 水蛭 Shui Zhi (TCM)Jonk, Pichchian, Jonkan (Unani) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Materia Medica Animalia, Peter Peyto Good, 1853 Dried Leech as used in TCM.(Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2009) See also Leeching Entomological name: Hirudo and Whitmania spp.In TCM, the Official species used are: Hirudo nipponica Whitmania acranulata W. pigra There are…

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Album Graecum, White Dog Dung

Album Graecum, White Dog Dung Zoological name: Canine spp. Parts used: White sun-bleached Dog Dung Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry Uses: 1. Resists Poison, Resolves Inflammation:-Sore Throat, Tonsillitis as a gargle-Swelling or falling down of the palate of the mouth (gargle)-used as a plaster to the neck, also used in gargles, or the powder blown…

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Powder for Elephantiasis (Isaac)

Powder for Elephantiasis Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Isaac (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name Yellow MyrobalanFennel seedMasticPsylliumSugar Latin Terminalia chebula (yellow variety) Foeniculum vulgarePistacia lentiscusPlantago afraSaccharum Amount 20 drams 5 drams7 drams10 drams30 drams Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Melancholy Use: 1. Elephantiasis2. Leprosy3. Melancholy disease Dose: 3 drams Cautions: None noted…

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Uva Ursi, Bearberry FREE

Uva Ursi, Bearberry Red Bearberry, Trailing ArbutusInbud-dub, Angur-e-khiras, Rech Dakh (Unani) Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1804 Arctostaphylos uva-ursiFlora von Deutschland (20), Kohler, 1885 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Parts used: Leaf, fresh or dried Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Sour Uses: 1. Clear Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:-Cystitis,…

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Troches of Rose Lesser (Mesue)

Trochisci Diarrhodon MinusTroches of Rose Lesser Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name RoseIndian Spikenard Licorice juice Latin Rosa gallica Nardostachys jatamansi Succus Glycyrrhiza Amount 10 drams5 drams2 1⁄2 drams Preparation: Powder and form Troches with wine boiled to one-third, each weighing 4 grams Function: Clears Phlegm, moves Qi, eases Pain, benefits the Stomach…

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Electuary of Great Virtue for Vertigo (Hartman)

Electuary of Great Virtue for Vertigo Tradition: Western Source / Author: A Choice Collection of Rare Secrets and Experiments in Philosophy, George Hartman, 1682 Herb Name Conserve of Peony flowersPeony rootsPeony seedsWhite Amber preparedCoral prepared Pearl prepared Latin Paeonia officinalisPaeonia officinalisPaeonia officinalis Succinum Corallum rubrum Margarita Amount 6 oz.1 oz.2 drams 2 1⁄2 drams ea. Preparation: Make…

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Dendrobium nobile, Shi Hu FREE

Dendrobium nobile, Shi Hu 石斛 Shi Hu (TCM)Pu shel rtse  པུ་ཤེལ་རྩི  (Tibet) Dendrobium nobileAtlas des plantes de jardins, Klincksieck, 1896 Above: Bunches of freshly harvested DendrobiumRight: fresh, stripped and bunched stems(Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Dendrobium spp.D. nobile, D. candidum, D. fimbriatum are listed in the Chinese…

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Brain, Cerebrum

Cerebrum, Brain Zoological name: Dervied from various animals: Pig, Sheep, Cow Chicken Parts used: 1. Decoction2. Dried and prepared Brain3. Distilled Water or Spirit Temperature & Taste: Neutral, Sweet Classification: Uses: 1. Strengthens the Brain:–Mental dullness or Mental deficiency–Poor or failing memory–‘Strengthens the Wit and Memory‘ (Chicken Brain)–Neurasthenia, melancholy, epilepsy, chorea, migraine, psychosis, insanity, hysteria…

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Sanguinaria, Bloodroot FREE

Sanguinaria, Bloodroot Bloodroot, Redroot, Puccoon Sanguinaria canadensis The Botanical Magazine, Curtis, 1792 Mary Vaux Walcott, North American wild flowers (1925-1927) BloodrootA Manual of Organic Materia Medica, Maisch, 1882 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Sanguinaria canadensis Parts used: Rhizome, root Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Pungent Uses: 1. Clears Lung Heat:-Cough,…

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