Tibetan Herb Names

Glossary of Tibetan Medicine Names Identification of Tibetan Medicine names can be difficult for several reasons. Tibetan Medicine names are less standardised than Chinese or Indian medicine names. Therefore, their spelling is often different in different texts which sometimes causes confusion. Where practical, multiple spellings and synonym are given to facilitate easier identification. In addition,…

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Bright Red Decoction (Dmar chen thang)

Dmar chen thang  དམར་ཆེན་ཐང་Bright Red Decoction Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Ma nu (Inula)Sle tres (Tinospora)Kanda ka ri (Raspberry)Sga skya (Galangal)A ru ra (Chebulic Myrobalan) Ba ru ra (Belleric Myrobalan) Skyu ru ra (Emblic Myrobalan) Btsod (Madder)Zhun mkhanRgya tshos (Lacca)Tsan dan dkar po (White Sandal) Tsan dan dmar po (Red Sandal) Bri rmug…

Shorea, Shala PRO

Shorea, Shala Sal tree; Sal Dammar (resin)Shala, Safed Damar (resin) (Ayurveda)Venkungiliyam (resin) (Siddha)Raal (resin) (Unani) Shorea robustaW. Roxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 3 (1819) Botanical name: Shorea robustaVateria indica provides White Dammar and is used similarly. Parts used: Gum-resinHeartwood; flowers and fruit are also used in India Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry….

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Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)

Dialacca MinorPowder of Gum Lacca Lesser Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Lacca washedSaffronCostusSchoenanthMadder Long BirthwortLicoriceBlack PepperRhubarbMyrrhBdellium Latin Laccifer laccaCrocus sativusSaussurea lappaCymbopogon schoenanthusRubia tinctorum Aristolchia spp.Glycyrrhiza glabraPiper nigrumRheum palmatumCommiphora molmolCommiphora mukul Amount 1 1⁄2 drams ea.3 drams 1 dram ea. Preparation: Dissolve the Myrrh and Bdellium in a little wine, then add…

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Garuda of Camphor (Spos khyung bco lnga) (Tibetan Medicine)

Spos khyung bco lnga  སྤོས་ཁྱུང་བཅོ་ལྔ།Garuda of Camphor Tradition: Tibetan Source / Author: Herb Name Ga bur (Camphor)Thal rdor (Cassia seed)So ma nag po (Cannabis seed)Seng ldeng (Catechu)Brag zhun (Shilajit)Ru rta (Costus)Gul nag (Myrrh)Shu dag (Calamus)A ru ra (Chebulic Myrobalan)Ba ru (Belleric)Skyu ru (Emblic)Bi sha (Aconitum)Ldum nag dom mkhrisSle tres (Tinospora)Gla rtsi (Musk) Latin CamphoraCassia toraCannabis…

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Tincture for Suppressed Menstruation

Tincture for Suppressed Menstruation Tradition: Western Source / Author: Antidotarium medico chymicum reformatum, 1620 Herb Name CinnamonMyrrhSavinCelery seedParsley seedSpikenardSquinanthAsarumRhubarbMaceSaffronSennaMadder RueChicoryBlessed ThistleWormwoodPimpinellaCentauryPennyroyalCeltic SpikenardAgrimonyMugwortNettle seed Latin Cinnamonum zeylanicum Commiphora molmolJuniperus sabinaApium graveolensPetroselinum crispumNardostachys jatamansiJuncus odoratus Asarum europeumRheum palmatumMyristica fragransCrocus sativusCassia angustifoliaRubia tinctorumRuta graveolensChicorium intybusCarduus benedictusArtemisia absinthumPimpinella saxifragaCentaurium erythraeaMentha pulegiumValeriana celticaAgrimonia eupatoriaArtemisia vulgarisUrtica dioica Amount 1 dram ea….

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Hydrastis, Golden Seal PRO

Hydrastis, Golden Seal Koehler’s Medicinal Plants, 1887 Hydrastis canadensis(Photo by James Steakley) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hydrastis canadensis Parts used: Root and Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Heat and Damp:-Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Diarrhea-Catarrh, Sinusitis from Heat and Damp-Jaundice 2. Clears Liver Heat:-Eczema, skin diseases from heat in the Blood and Liver-red, sore,…

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Acorus, Calamus, Shi Chang Pu PRO

Acorus, Calamus, Shi Chang Pu 石菖蒲 Sweet FlagVacha (Ayurveda)Vasambu (Siddha)Shi Chang Pu 石菖蒲 (TCM)Shu dag  ཤུ་དག  (A. calamus, Tibetan)Waj, Waj e Turki (Unani) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Calamus (Acorum verum, Acorus of Dioscorides)Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578  PseudoacorusNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Acorus calamusKohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 The ‘True’ (original) Acorus…

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Zai Zao San

Zai Zao San 再造散 Renewal Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Six Texts on Cold Induced Disorders (Shang Han Liu Shu) Herb Name Huang Qi (Astragalus)Ren Shen (Ginseng)Zhi Fu Zi (Processed Aconite) Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig)Xi Xin (Chinese Asarum)Qiang Huo (Notopterygium) Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia)Chi Shao Yao (Red Peony) *Sheng Jiang (fresh…

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Syrup for the Memory

Syrup for the Memory Tradition: Western Source / Author: Sennertus Herb Name OrrisCalamusValerianPellitoryGalangalBetonyMarjoramBalmThymeLily of the Valley flowerLavender SageStoechas Latin Iris germanicaAcorus calamusValeriana officinalisAnacyclus pyrethrumAlpina officinarumBetonica officinalisOreganum marjoranaMelissa officinalisThymus vulgarisConvallaria majalisLavendula officinalisSalvia officinalisLavendula stoechas Amount 1⁄2 dram ea. 2 drams 1⁄2 handful ea. 2 handfuls ea. Preparation: Decoct in 3 lbs. of water down to 1…

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Vulnerary Decoction

Vulnerary Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Comfrey rootPlantainMarshmallowPimpinellaVeronicaSanicleLicorice Figs Latin Symphytum officinale Plantago majus Althea officinalis Pimpinella saxifraga Veronica officinlis Sanicula europaea Glycyrrhiza glabra Ficus carica Amount 2 oz. 3 drams ea. 1⁄2 handful ea. 3 drams7 Preparation: Decoct in 1 1⁄2 lbs. each of water and red wine; strain, and add…

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Taxus, Yew tree PRO

Taxus, Yew tree Milax (Dioscorides)Sthauneya (Ayurveda)Thuner, Talispatr (Unani)Jiang Guo Zi Shan (TCM)Nan Fang Hong Dou Shan: Taxus wallichiana var. mairei (TCM) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Taxus baccataMouillefert, P., Traité des arbres et arbrissaux, Atlas, t. 32 (0) Taxus baccata(Photo by Jebulon) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Taxus spp. T. baccata (European or English Yew) T wallichiana. (syn….

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